- file and start 4cwin.exe in a directory, that has the subfolders input and output
- file *.sim acts as model-control in which the used data and the control-flags are saved
- description of the soil profile: *.sop
- nitrogen availability: *.red
- climate *.cli
- inventory (population,crop) initialization: *.ini
- tree species parameter: species.par
- management-control: *.man
(unless explained in other documents)
- *.ctrl contains an overview of the simulation-control
- Two ,compressed’-files are automatically being applied with an opening information (*_B.cmp) and the performance information (*_E.cmp). The latter file includes average- and final value of some model variables
- *_error.log includes information about errors (absence of files or model problems)
- *_tree.ini1 and *_soil.ini1 include the inventory- and soil information at the end of the simulation, and can be used to start an other simulation
- Daily and annual output-dimensions are described in the respective chapter.
- Press point 1(Start simulation): Choice of a default *.sim file
- 4C opens a DOS-window, which displays some messages and information about the simulation run.
- Press Exit 4C
- Close DOS-window