Kind of aggregation |
Name |
Unit |
Meaning |
Variable*) |
Calculation*) |
ipnr |
- |
Site number |
ip |
site_id |
- |
Name of simulation site |
idtext |
state |
m²/m2 |
Leaf area index of stand without soil vegetation |
y_lai |
nTree |
/ha |
Total number of trees per ha |
anz_tree_ha |
typ |
Forest type |
waldtyp |
Biomass |
t DW/ha |
Stand above- and below- ground biomass |
y_sumbio |
totfol + totsap + tothrt + tottb + totfrt + totcrt |
Biom._sv |
t DW/ha |
Biomass of soil vegetation |
y_sumbio_sv |
Meddiam |
cm |
Medium diameter of stand |
med_diam |
Domhei |
cm |
Medium height of 2 dominant trees |
hdom |
totfol |
t DW/ha |
Total foliage biomass of all cohorts and all species |
totfol |
tottb |
t DW/ha |
Total biomass of twigs and branches of all cohorts and all species |
tottb |
totsap |
t DW/ha |
Total sapwood biomass of all cohorts and all species |
totsap |
tothrt |
t DW/ha |
Total heartwood biomass of all cohorts and all species |
tothrt |
totfrt |
t DW/ha |
Total fine root biomass of all cohorts and all species |
totfrt |
totcrt |
t DW/ha |
Total coarse root biomass of all cohorts and all species |
totcrt |
mean annual
values |
mean_NPP |
t C/ha |
Mean yearly net primary production |
y_NPP |
(( 10000 * cpart/kpatchsize)* cum_sumNPP /year) / 1000 |
mean_NEP |
kg C/ha |
Mean yearly net ecosystem production |
y_NEP |
y_NPP - y_resps = (( 10000 * cpart/kpatchsize)* cum_sumNPP - resps_c_m * 10 )/ year |
mean_GPP |
kg C/ha |
Mean yearly gross production |
y_GPP |
y_NPP + y_autresp = ( 10000 * cpart/kpatchsize) *(cum_sumNPP + autresp_m )/ year |
quantities |
c_Stem_inc |
kg DW/ha |
Total cumulated sum of all stem increments |
cumsteminc |
cumVs_ab |
kg DW/ha |
Cumulated total sum of volume of removed stems by management |
cumsumvsab |
cumVs_dead |
kg DW/ha |
cumulated total sum of volume of dead stems |
cumsumvsdead |
final state |
C_sum |
t C/ha |
Total C storage of the stand during the simulation time (soil, living biomass, dead and removed stems) |
C_sum |
C_tot + C_opm_stem + (sumbio + cumsumvsab + cumsumvsdead) * cpart / 1000 |
C_d_stm |
t C/ha |
C-content of stemwood litter pool |
C_opm_stem |
C_tot |
t C/ha |
Total C content of the soil profil |
C_tot |
C_hum_tot |
t C/ha |
C content of total humus |
C_hum_tot |
C_tot_40 |
t C/ha |
Total C content of the soil profil up to 40cm depth |
C_tot_40 |
C_hum_40 |
t C/ha |
C content in humus of the soil profil up to 40cm depth |
C_hum_40 |
mean annual values
C_accu |
kg C/ha |
Mean yearly C accumualtion |
y_C_accu |
(C_tot - C_accu) * 10 / year |
C_litter |
kg C/ha |
Mean cumulative C content of total litter of all years |
C_lit_m |
N_litter |
kg N/ha |
Mean cumulative N content of total litter of all years |
N_lit_m |
N_min |
kg N/ha |
Mean cumulative netto mineralisation of all years |
N_min_m |
Nleach |
kg N/ha |
Mean cumulative N leaching from last layer of all years |
Nleach_m |
Soil_Res |
kg C/ha |
Mean yearly soil respiration |
y_resps |
resps_c_m * 10 / year |
Tot_Resp |
kg C/ha |
Mean yearly total respiration |
y_resptot |
y_resps + y_autresp = (resps_c_m * 10 + autresp_m * cpart * 10000/kpatchsize) / year |
mm |
Mean yearly total potential evapotranspiration |
pet_m |
mm |
Mean yearly total actual evapotranspiration |
aet_m |
percol |
mm |
Mean yearly percolation water from last layer |
perc_m |
interc |
mm |
Mean yearly canopy interception |
interc_m_can |
transp |
mm |
Mean yearly water uptake by roots |
wupt_r_m |
temp |
°C |
Mean yearly airtemperature |
med_air_all |
prec |
mm |
Mean yearly precipitation sum |
sum_prec_all |
N_depo |
kg N/ha |
Vean yearly deposition |
Ndep_cum_all |
drIndAl |
- |
Mean drought index for the whole stand |
mean_drIndAl |
- |
Mean annual growing degree days |
help_gdd |
gdday_all / year |
cwb_an |
mm |
Mean annual climate water balance |
cwb_an_m |
fire_inde |
- |
Fire index east (M68 international): mean annual fire risk level |
fire(2)%mean_m |
fire_indb |
- |
Fire index Bruschek: mean annual fire index |
fire_indb_m |
I_arid |
- |
Mean annual aridity index UNEP |
ind_arid_an_m |
I_lang |
- |
Mean annual climate index acc. Linsser/Lang |
ind_lang_an_m |
I_cout |
- |
Mean annual index Coutange |
ind_cout_an_m |
I_wiss |
- |
Mean annual index v. Wissmann |
ind_wiss_an_m |
I_mart |
- |
Mean annual index Martonne |
ind_mart_an_m |
I_weck |
- |
Mean annual index Weck |
ind_weck_m |
I_reich |
- |
Mean annual index Reichel |
ind_reich_m |
I_emb |
- |
Mean annual index Emberger |
ind_emb_m |
CI_gor |
- |
Mean annual continentality index Gorczynski |
con_gor_m |
CI_cur |
- |
Mean annual continentality index Currey |
con_cur_m |
CI_con |
- |
Mean annual continentality index Conrad |
con_con_m |
NTindex |
- |
Mean annual (Nonnen) temperature index (Zwölfer 1935) |
ntindex |
I_Nesterov |
- |
Fire index Nesterov: mean yearly fire risk level |
fire(3)%mean_m |
I_Budyko |
- |
Mean annual dryness index Budyko |
ind_bud_m |
Rad |
J/cm² |
Mean annual radiation sum |
med_rad_all |
RedN |
- |
Mean nitrogen reduction factor (RedN) of all species |
y_RedN |
dew/rime |
mm |
Mean yearly total dew and/or rime |
dew_m |
Nupt |
kg N/ha |
Mean annual total nitrogen uptake |
Nupt_m |
I_frost |
- |
mean late frost danger index |
mlfind |
I_frost_sp |
- |
mean species specific (decidious) late frost index |
mlfind_sp |
*) internal used variables and calculations