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Description of output-files

One-time output

These data files will be created only once at the beginning or at the end of the simulation.
  • <sitename>. ctr<anz_sim>
    - data file holds information of the imported control- and parameter file

  • <sitename>.ini<anz_sim>
    - Holds information, in form of an initialization data file, about the cohorts still existing in the end of the simulation, see stand initialization file
    - Data file can be useful as initialization file for further simulations

  • <sitename>_B.cmp
    - Compacted output file at the start of the simulation

  • <sitename>_E.cmp
    - Compacted output file in the end of the simulation containing mean average, cumulative values and final states

  • <sitename>_<outvar>.out
    - flag_multi = 9, 10: Statistics of singel variable outvar for each climate scenario and for each site over all years and all realizations of the respective climate scenario
    - flag_multi = 8: Values of each year or monthly or weekly means over all years for each site

  • <sitename>_var_all.out
    - output of mean of all selected annual variables for each climate scenario, each site and each realization
    - only with flag_multi = 9, 10


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