user interface | user manual

Content of user manual


Description of input files

Multi run control file

recommended extension: .con

This file is required with the simulation option flag_multi = 8, 9, 10 and controls the simulation at plenty of sites.
The simulation is similar to the multi run option (fglag_multi = 1), but in contrast to this, the possibility of varying flags and files is restricted.
The multi run control file contains at least the following information for each site:

id site identification
clim climate station
soil soil identification
gwa groundwater table [cm]
stand stand identification

In addition, data of mean annual nitrate and ammonium deposition [mg N/l] may be entered in the list, but it is not mandatory.

Furthermore, it is possible to set a nitrogen dependent reduction factor (RedN) for user-defined species. In this case the two columns of nitrate and ammonium concentration are mandatory. After that the reduction factor is given in pairs of species number and value of the RedN. The number of pairs is restricted only by the number of species.

NOdep concentration of nitrate deposition [mg N/l]
NHdep concentration of ammonium deposition [mg N/l]
specnr1 species number
RedN nitrogen dependent reduction factor of species (specnr1) between 0 and 1
specnr2 species number
RedN nitrogen dependent reduction factor of species (specnr2) between 0 and 1


Example see


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