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Adaptation task

Trend detection

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appraising vulnerability and impacts

impact analysis
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Task overview

Trend detection addresses the question of whether a trend exists in the data. The trend of interest can be purely biophysical, as for example, in measuring sea-level rise or average mean global temperature. Trend detection can also address questions that involve both socio-economic and biophysical systems, as is the case with detecting trends in damages from tropical storms.

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Question addressed

Is there a trend in time series data?

Conditions of applicability

Time-series data is available on the study unit.

Theoretical assumptions

[text to be added]

Steps taken

1. Selection of variables of interest
2. Application of statistical methods

Results achieved

Statistical significant trend in data.

Issues involved

[text to be added]

Example cases from literature

Emanual (2005) develops an index of accumulated annual power-dissipation from tropical storms in 5 ocean basins. The index is based on measures of wind-speed and precipitation in the storms. Using a statistical methods an upward trend in the index is observed over the period since the 1970s.

Pielke et al. (2005) find no trend in the annual hurricane damage in the US normalised for inflation, population and wealth.

Criteria checklist

Overview on the criteria that lead you to the current task:

1. You want to generate knowledge on vulnerability and impacts relevant for adaptation.
2. Your focus is on impacts.
3. Data is available on observed impacts


Browse the toolbox to learn more on methods and tools related to adaptation task 'Trend detection'.

Climate Impacts LINK Project
Global Ocean Data Assimilation System
Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM)

Case steps

Use these links to browse the Meditation case studies for steps that have addressed adaptation task 'Trend detection'.

SE2 - Tuscan people is hot!
What is the trend of climate impacts?

External resources