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Adaptation task

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appraising vulnerability and impacts

impact analysis
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Task overview

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Question addressed

How can the context-appropriate knowledge of communities, and technical expertise of experts, contribute to the robustness of the vulnerability assessment?

Conditions of applicability

Data on potential vulnerability drivers as appropriate to context.

Theoretical assumptions

The stakeholders that will experience climate change (depending on the scale of analysis) have valid knowledge and experience which can be used to add value to vulnerability assessments.

Steps taken

1. Identification of salient domains
2. Selection of drivers and strategies by stakeholders
3. Knowledge representation

Results achieved

A more robust and comprehensive vulnerability assessment.

Issues involved

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Example cases from literature

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Criteria checklist

Overview on the criteria that lead you to the current task:

1. You want to generate knowledge on vulnerability and impacts relevant for adaptation.
2. Your focus is on impacts.
3. Either no data is available on observed impacts, or trend detection / impact attribution have already been performed.
4. Either no knowledge on future impacts is available, or a representative range of uncertainty has not been explored.
5. it is unknown if impact models are available.


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