You are here: Home / Case studies / SE4 - Guadalquivir basin
case: SE4 location: Guadalquivir basin (Spain) sectors: Agriculture and livestock; Water resources


Which question has been addressed in this step?

Is the institutional context (same regional administration) providing synergies and facilitating the adoption and implementation of CC adaptation policies and strategies?

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Why has this question been chosen?

  • From the decision- making point of view it is interesting to compare the Guadalquivir basin administrative and institutional context (the regional government has competences on climate change policies and water management) with other basins with separate decision-making units (where CC policies are under the competence of the regional government and the River basin authority is under the competence of the National Ministry of Environment. In addition, for decision making, it is relevant to know the perception of stakeholders about the main CC related problems, and about the possible options for adaptation.

Which methods have been applied?

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Why have these methods been selected?

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What results have been obtained?

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Reflections on this step

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As yet, no adaptation task / method type has been related to this case step.

Details on this case study step

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