You are here: Home / Case studies / SE4 - Guadalquivir basin
case: SE4 location: Guadalquivir basin (Spain) sectors: Agriculture and livestock; Water resources


Which question has been addressed in this step?

What will be the socio-economic impact of climate change in the rural areas?

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Why has this question been chosen?

  • Climate change impact on agriculture is expected to produce negative socio-economic consequences in the region. It is important to know what those consequences will be and what systems will be the most vulnerable ones.
  • From the farmers' point of view it is important to know the most adequate on-farm strategies to adapt to climate change. Those strategies will depend on the impacts of CC on crop yields, on farming practices, on types of irrigation systems, on farm income and employment, and also on the different vulnerability of the different types of farms.

Which methods have been applied?

  • Qualitative analysis based on: Literature review and expert consultations
  • Statistical analysis and indicators for vulnerability analysis

Why have these methods been selected?

  • Lack of time and resources to develop new models for the area.
  • Good available information through the regional government of Andalucía portal on climate change (downscaled climate scenarios, available studies, assessment of impacts)

What results have been obtained?

  • The specific CC adaptation context in the Guadalquivir region of Andalucía is still pending to be analyzed based on preliminary SH consultation (WP1).
  • Both for the Guadalquivir and for the Guadiana basins: at this stage we have just started with the study of the adaptation policy decision-making context in Spain and the identification of policy needs, and therefore knowledge gained is common for both Spanish case studies. Currently, in Spain, adaptation plans have been adopted at the national and regional levels, but their implementation is still in a CC impact assessment phase and therefore there are not yet real adaptation strategies in place. At this stage regions differ considerably on their views of how to implement CC adaption strategies. Inter-departmental coordination is crucial for CC change adaptation and sometimes the lack of funds makes this coordination more difficult than expected. The main challenges are raising public awareness, dealing with uncertainty and the lack of small scale information.

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