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There is wide agreement that the climate is changing. This requires society to adapt to a variety of hazards, which are characterized by sometimes large uncertainties. An increasing number of methods and tools is being developed to provide answers to adaptation-related questions. This platform helps to specify the tasks that have to be performed to address climate hazards effectively. It provides access to a Toolbox with methods and tools that are suitable to inform decision-making, dependent on the situation. It does this through the PROVIA / MEDIATION Adaptation Pathfinder. The decision trees in this Task Navigator have been derived from a number of diverse case studies in different parts of Europe.
MEDIATION is a research project funded under the European's Commissions 7th Framework programme. It runs from 2009-2013.

The platform is intended to be used by scientists, policy advisors or practitioners with a technical or scientific background. It was not built for untrained decision-makers or the general public.

Adaptation Pathfinder

The PROVIA / MEDIATION Adaptation Pathfinder structures adaptation tasks and available types of methods into a coherent framing. It provides a set of decision trees that can be browsed graphically.

Adaptation Tasks are linked both with related Toolbox entries and with case study steps that have addressed this task.


The PROVIA / MEDIATION Toolbox is a structured database of methods and tools that are available to support the assessment of climate change impacts and vulnerability, and adaptation decision-making.

Toolbox entries are linked both with the Pathfinder and with case study steps that have used the described entry.

Case Study Navigator

The Case Study Navigator allows browsing the steps of the adaptation related case studies conducted within MEDIATION. Each step describes question adressed, methods applied, and results achieved.

Case study steps are linked both with the Pathfinder and with related Toolbox entries.

MEDIATION Policy briefs on Decision Support Methods for Climate Change Adaptation

MEDIATION has produced a series of Technical Policy Briefing Notes on Decision Support Methods for Climate Change Adaptation. The briefs can be browsed online and downloaded here.
The PROVIA / MEDIATION Adaptation Platform provides three interlinked Core Elements - the Adaptation Pathfinder, the Toolbox, and the Case Study Navigator.
All three can be used as entry points - so start exploring !
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The MEDIATION Adaptation Platform is a deliverable of the EC-funded integrated research project MEDIATION (Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION).

MEDIATION website:
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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no244012

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The Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) is a global initiative which aims to provide direction and coherence at the international level for research on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (VIA).

PROVIA website: