You are here: Home / Case studies / NE2 - Biodiversity change
case: NE2 location: Finland sectors: Agriculture / Agricultural policy; Biodiversity and ecosystem services


Which question has been addressed in this step?

Exploring risks: What are the impacts, including costs, of the adaptation options?

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Why has this question been chosen?

  • Understand what are the costs and benefits of the adaptation measures is important to public actors, as are monetary values because the costs of options are likely born by public actors.

Which methods have been applied?

  • Bioclimatic Envelope Modelling implemented adaptation options: 1) migration corridors and 2) species translocation.
  • Costs of measures, through literature review and market data. Case study survey and interviews to supplement

Why have these methods been selected?

  • Understanding direct and opportunity costs of options is important for designing regional scale options, such as incentive schemes, corridor maintenance or translocation. These costs can be calculated through combining BEM with market data and other valuation techniques.

What results have been obtained?

  • Plan to gain new knowledge about the cost- effectiveness of policy options/alternatives which would ensure biodiversity conservation in comparison with other scenarios or the status quo case.
  • Knowledge collected from:
    • Case study survey
    • Small scale in-depth interviews of 20 farmers selected from those who returned the survey (will be done during July-August 2012)
    • Existing data: literature and data about agri-environmental adaptation measures etc.

Reflections on this step

  • Insights from the assessment can feed into policy - Inform debate within a participatory process, (stakeholders workshop) - Discuss adaptation options - Provide the basis for a CEA/CBA and portfolio analysis
  • We have been learning about interdisciplinary collaboration.



Toolbox detail page(s) available for methods and tools applied in this case step:

Bioclimactic Envelope Modeling
Cost effectiveness analysis (CEA)

Details on this case study step

The case study survey was designed to provide information about which adaptation measures the farmers prefer to others, farmers' opinion about the implementation cost of different measures relative to the subsidy that should cover these costs and their views about the different benefits biodiversity habitats provide (e.g. ecosystem services and recreation possibilities). This information will be compared to the existing information about the different aspects of AES measures (e.g. costs and effectiveness) and other literature about the topic. Information gathered from the survey data and other sources will be used in the CEA and Portfolio analysis.