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Bioclimatic envelope modeling is a process of spatially predicting species distributions, based on interpolations of data in space. Bioclimatic envelope models use associations between different aspects of climate and observed occurrences of species to define conditions under which species are most likely to maintain viable populations. These models, also known as species-climate envelope models, are correlated with ecological niche, habitat suitability, and species distribution models, but differ in certain ways, as only climate variables are taken into account, and not, for example, resources for species use.

Bioclimatic envelope modeling allows for the mapping of species distributions, which is assumed to be impractical to map directly. As species distributions can be predicted from environmental indicators, and more detailed projections of these environmental variables are available, one can predict the current or future distribution of a species much easier than by direct monitoring.

Spatial predictions such as envelope modeling can be used to better understand distributions of species, and predict the present or future occurrence of a species, to help conservation planning, assessing the status of a species or invasive species, projecting the effects of climate change, and more.

Toolbox tags

This toolbox entry has been labelled with the following tags:

Sector: biodiversity and ecosystems
Spatial scale: independent
Temporal focus: future
Onset: slow
Role in decision process: diagnostic
Level of skills required: modest
Data requirements: modest
Adaptation tasks: Potential impact projection; Residual impact projection


The model approach can be used to a number of novel questions, some of which are highlighted below:

  • the discovery of new populations and entirely new species: Raxworthy et al (2003) discovered seven previously unknown species of Chameleon in Madagascar.
  • conservation planning: Williams e al (2005) studied the possibility of the plant Proteaceae to shift its distribution in a region of South Africa.
  • Forecasting species distribution given the effects of climate change: The MEDIATION Nordic case study deals specifically with this issue
  • Mapping the risk of disease transmission: Peterson et al (2006) used modeling to predict the possible outbreak of hemorrhagic fever


The modeling approach discussed here, while being seen as an easier method of predicting species habitats besides direct survey of their locations, is still demanding in terms of data and skills required to perform an accurate assessment. A range of environmental data is required; importantly, the links between climate and species distribution needs to be well understood by researchers, in order to accurately model projected distribution. Input data, such as future climate estimates, must be spatially organized. Further, use of this method requires knowledge of GIS software, and knowledge of the modeling methods involved (e.g. generalized linear models, generalized additive models, classification trees, random forests).

GIS software, such as ESRI's suite of tools, requires a significant purchase and/or use of a license. Open-source GIS tools exist, but without the support and usability of more mainstream programs.

Further Reading and References

Franklin, J. 2009. Mapping species distributions: spatial inference and prediction. Cambridge University Press, Cam- bridge, UK.

Williams, P. H., L. Hannah, S. Andelman, G. F. Midgley, M. B. Arau ? jo, G. Hughes, L. L. Manne, E. Martinez-Meyer, and R. G. Pearson. 2005. Planning for climate change: identifying minimum-dispersal corridors for the Cape Pro- teaceae. Conservation Biology 19:1063-1074.

Raxworthy, C. J., E. Mart? ?nez-Meyer, N. Horning, R. A. Nussbaum, G. E. Schneider, M. A. Ortega-Huerta, and A. T. Peterson. 2003. Predicting distributions of known and unknown reptile species in Madagascar. Nature 426:837-841.

Peterson, A. T., R. R. Lash, D. S. Carrol, and K. M. Johnson. 2006. Geographic potential for outbreaks of Marburg hemorrhagic fever. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 75:9-15

Araújo, M.B. & Peterson, A.T. 2012. Uses and misuses of bioclimatic envelope modelling. Ecology. 93:1527-1539.

Toolbox category

This detail page belongs to toolbox category
Biophysical models


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