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Das Kleine-Tiger-Syndrom: Ein Muster des Globalen Wandels
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von Salzen, K., Claussen, M., Schlünzen, K.H. (1996):
Application of the Concept of Blending Height to the Calculation of Surface Fluxes in a Mesocale Model
- Meteorologische Zeitschrift
Bronstert, A. (1996):
Forschungsnotwendigkeiten in der Hochwasserforschung
- Forschungsnotwendigkeiten in der Hochwasserforschung
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Social Dimensions of Resource Use: A Prototype Model for Water Management
- Social Dimensions of Resource Use: A Prototype Model for Water Management
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Variability of Global Biome Patterns as a Function of Initial and Boundary Conditions in a Climate Model
- Climate Dynamics
Sykes, M.T., Prentice, I.C., Cramer, W. (1996):
A Bioclimatic Model for the Potential Distributions of north European Tree Species under Present and Future Climates
- Journal of Biogeography
Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Lahmer, W., Cramer, W., Krysanova, Valentina (1996):
Simulation of soil moisture patterns using a topography-based model at different scales
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Fischer, A., Louahala, S., Maisongrande, P., Kergoat, L. Dedieu, Walker, B., Steffen, W. (1996):
Satellite Data for Monitoring, Understanding and Modelling of Ecosystem Functioning. In
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Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Pfützner, B., Lahmer, W., Becker, A. (1996):
Flächendeckende Berechnungen des Wasserhaushalts für das Land Brandenburg mit Hilfe des hydrologischen Simulationssystems ARC/EGMO
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Cramer, W., Moore, B. III, Sahagian, D. (1996):
Data Needs for Modelling Global Biospheric Carbon Fluxes - Lessons from a Comparison of Models
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Sustainable Biosphere (Critical Overview of the Basic Concepts of Sustainability)
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von Bloh, Werner, Block, A., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1996):
Conceptual Ecosphere Model Based on Lovelock/Watson Approach
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Bronstert, A. (1996):
Änderung von Hochwassercharakteristiken im Zusammenhang mit Klimaänderungen - Stand der Forschung
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Bronstert, A. (1996):
The Role of the Space-Time Variability of Precipitation and Soil Moisture for Hillslope Hydrological Modelling
- The Role of the Space-Time Variability of Precipitation and Soil Moisture for Hillslope Hydrological Modelling
Bronstert, A. (1996):
Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review
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Krysanova, Valentina, Meiner, A., Roosaare, J., Vasilyev, A., Jørgensen, S. E., Halling-Sorensen, B., Nielsen, S. N. (1996):
MATSALU - The System of Simulation Models for Agricultural Watershed and Shallow Sea Bay
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Hydrologische Verhältnisse und Verfügbarkeit der Wasserresourcen
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Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Becker, A. (1996):
Integrated modelling of hydrology and water quality in mesoscale watersheds
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Bronstert, A. (1996):
Hydrological Modelling in NE-Brazil
- Hydrological Modelling in NE-Brazil
Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.J., Becker, A. (1996):
Mesoscale Integrated Modelling of Hydrology and Water Quality with GIS Interface
- Mesoscale Integrated Modelling of Hydrology and Water Quality with GIS Interface
Bronstert, A. (1996):
Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review
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Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996):
Globalistics: A New Synthesis. Global Modelling and Global Models
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Bronstert, A., Merkel, U., Zischak, R. (1996):
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- Wasser und Boden
Cramer, W. (1996):
A Systematic Approach for Scenario Development in Climate Change Impact Studies
- A Systematic Approach for Scenario Development in Climate Change Impact Studies
Becker, A., Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Lahmer, W. (1996):
Modelling of Hydrological and Hydrochemical Variability under Environmental Change Impact
- Acta Geologica Hispanica
Lahmer, W., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Krysanova, Valentina, Becker, A. (1996):
Topography-Based Modelling at Different Scales
- Topography-Based Modelling at Different Scales
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A Physiology-Based Growth Model for Simulations Under Changing Conditions of Climate, Nitrogen Availability, Air Pollution and Ground Cover Competition
- A Physiology-Based Growth Model for Simulations Under Changing Conditions of Climate, Nitrogen Availability, Air Pollution and Ground Cover Competition
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A Simplified Forest Model to Study Species Composition along Climate Gradients
- Ecology
Bronstert, A., Plate, E.J . (1996):
Ein physikalisch begründetes hydrologisches Modell für Hänge und kleine Einzugsgebiete
- Die Wasserwirtschaft
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- Climatic Change