Videos / Podcasts


Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 6: The bitter taste of loss & damage

What does coffee have to do with climate change & loss and damage? Koko Warner from the UNFCCC Secretariat and Christoph Gornott from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK dive into the loss & damage debate.
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Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 5: Energy security crisis. Cost of living crisis. Climate Crisis. What's the way out?

We are in the middle of a global energy crisis. In the latest edition of the "Sustain Ability - The Potsdam Dialogues" podcast, Gunnar Luderer, Lead of the Energy Systems Research Group and Deputy Chair of the Department Transformation Pathways at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeler at the International Energy Agency (IEA), discuss what is needed to accelerate the clean energy transition away from fossil fuels towards renewables, especially with regard to the war in Ukraine and the resulting tensions between Russia and the West.
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Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 4: No going back? How climate change drives migration

Climate change makes people lose their homes. Barbora Sedova, PIK Co-Lead of the FutureLab Security, Ethnic Conflicts and Migration, in dialogue with Chris Hodder, the first UN Climate Security and Environmental Advisor to Somalia, on climate change and its impacts on migration, displacement and even conflict.
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Headphones in, volume up: PIK in Podcasts

PIK expertise is requested in a great variety of podcasts. Lend us your ear and gain insight into a selection of the latest audio productions featuring PIK scientists from Johan Rockström to Stefan Rahmstorf, Ricarda Winkelmann and many more.
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Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 3: A plate full of sustainability

A new episode of the podcast "Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues" is out. From cauliflower to climate change: Chef Megha Kohli from New Delhi, India, and agricultural economist Hermann Lotze-Campen from the Potsdam Institute talk about what’s cooking in our current food system.
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Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 2: The science behind extreme weather events

Hotter, wetter, drier: Extreme weather events are on the rise. Are these events connected? Are they becoming more likely with global warming? Experts Friederike Otto and Stefan Rahmstorf give insight into their latest research.
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Four short films created as part of the AGRICA project

Based on the results of PIK’s climate risk analysis at district level for Ghana’s Upper West Region (UWR), four short documentaries were created to show the effects of climate change on agriculture and crop production. The films present different adaptation strategies that can enable local smallholder farmers to better cope with the challenges of climate change and to stabilize their yields, using the example of Northern Ghana.
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Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow. Episode 1: The future of farming

Science for your ears: The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has launched its very own podcast. The dialogue series ‘Sustain Ability. The Potsdam Dialogues - Science for a Safe Tomorrow’ brings together leading thinkers and doers to discuss how to stabilize our climate and advance the transition to sustainability. The first episode features EU Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans and PIK Director Johan Rockström.
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From broken food systems to economic modeling and grassland fires: Climate impact research explained easy and to the point.
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PIK research explained by experts

From Gulf Stream System slowdown to carbon budgets and space food for cows: PIK scientists explain their latest research results.
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A Brief History of CO2 Emissions

A short movie that visualizes the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of the past – and the possible future.
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Paper Planes - a very short movie about climate, impact, research

Who is PIK, what do we do? Find out in our very own PIK Movie!
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Understanding the impacts of 1.5°C

Five scientists explain what a global warming of 1.5°C could imply across different sectors.
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