Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities are an important element of PIK’s strategic decisions and applied scientific culture. Moreover, PIK regards its diversity of employees with respect to gender, ethnic and social background, sexual orientation, religion and philosophy, age, physical and mental capacities as a chance to achieve an inspiring and productive overall atmosphere.

Of the total number of employees, 46 % (31-12-2021) are women. PIK has maintained this high percentage for years. Women account for 43% of the PhD students and 41% of postdocs. To increase the overall quota of women in senior positions, PIK agreed on ten measures promoting women in staff recruitment as well as on the way to an appointed professorship and other leading positions.

PIK has had an equal opportunities officer (EOO) and a deputy since 2006. Since 2010, Dr. Christine von Bloh is acting as EOO and can dedicate 25% of her working time to this function. The EOO is assigned to the Board of Directors and has a budget for training and further education.

PIK developed an Equality Concept for the years 2022 – 2024, which embodies the equal opportunities policy of PIK. The document determines equality goals and sets out quality management procedures to monitor the state of implementation. In 2022 PIK received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the fifth time and got the Sustainability Prize. The jury acknowledged a successful equality policy at the institute. “To be awarded five times is clear proof of a strong and sustainable commitment. PIK is a role model for the successful implementation of equal opportunities and diversity and in this role contributes significantly to social progress.” Special recognition was given for a new innovative measure anchored in the new equal opportunities concept. In the next few years, we will accelerate the cultural change towards equal opportunities by establishing a Women's Executive Board (WEB). This board, made up of women with management responsibility, is intended to strengthen the group's internal identity and act as a magnet for potential female applicants.  For external visibility, the WEB has already been included in the PIK organisation chart.

Equal opportunities officer:

Christine von Bloh
Phone: +49 331 288 2659

More Information:

Equality Concept 2022 - 2024

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