Stefanie Wesch M.Sc.

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Franck, S., Block, A., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Garrido, I., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2001): Planetary habitability: Is Earth commonplace in the Milky Way? - Naturwissenschaften
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Sterflinger, K., Block, A., Grote, G., Krumbein, W.E., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2001): Ireversible physical growth as a new interpreation for "Metallogenium Symbioticum" and "Metallogenium" microfossils - Ireversible physical growth as a new interpreation for "Metallogenium Symbioticum" and "Metallogenium" microfossils
Haberlandt, U., Krysanova, Valentina, Klöcking, B., Becker, A., Bardossy, A. (2001): Development of a metamodel for large-scale assessment of water and nutrient fluxes - first components and initial tests for the Elbe river basin - IAHS publication
Güntner, A., Bronstert, A., Sutmöller, J., Raschke, E. (2001): Modelling the effects of climate change on water availability in the semi-arid North-East of Brazil - Modelling the effects of climate change on water availability in the semi-arid North-East of Brazil
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