Dr. Frank Wechsung

Senior Scientist

Frank Wechsung is a senior scientist holding the first doctoral degree for Agronomy and Operational Research. He conducts research about climate change and its impacts on crops, hydrology, landscape functions and related human behavior at different scales (site, river basin, country, world) with expertise in experiments, statistical analysis, simulation studies and integrated assessments. He supervises students at different levels (bachelor, master, phD) and acts as principal and contributing investigator on integrated and narrower theme projects.


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2663
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


<p>born 1.12.1960 in Bernau (near Berlin), Germany, three children</p>
<p><br /> <strong>Professional Experience:</strong></p>
<p>1995-pr                Project leader and principal investigator for the exploration of global change impacts at the site,<br />                             regional and global scale on climate, agriculture, hydrology and landscape functions at PIK</p>
<p>2016-pr                Participant in the Maricopa TRACE Project</p>
<p>2009-2012           Project leader for an integrated aasessment of climate change impacts on the Guanting basin<br />                             upstream Beijing (Guanting project)</p>
<p>2003-2010           Project leader for an integrated assessments of climate change impacts on the Elbe <br />                             basin, Germany (GLOWA-Elbe)</p>
<p>1993-1997           Participation in the FACE wheat experiments in Maricopa, AZ USA<br /> <br /> 1992-1994           Post-Doctorate scientist at PIK</p>
<p>1990-1991           Post-Doctorate crop biologist at two East-German research units for ecosystem research <br />                             (1990, Institut für landwirtschaftliche Information and Dokumentation, <br />                              1991, Institut für Ökosystemforschung)</p>
<p>1991                    Doctor agronomiae</p>
<p>1987-1990           Graduate student in operation research, Humboldt-University of Berlin</p>
<p>1986                    Diploma agronomiae</p>
<p>1982-1987           Agronomy study at Humboldt University</p>

Research Activities:

  • Plausibility of regional climate change scenarios
  • Effects of Global Change on the Elbe (Germany) and Haihe (China) river basins
  • Modeling of climate change impact on crops at regional and global scale at PIK
  • Second order landscape effects of land use change at the regional scale
  • Experimental response of wheat (root growth, plant development, leaf and ear photosynthesis) to full-season CO2 enrichment using the Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) technology during 3 seasons (1993, 1994, 1997) of the Maricopa FACE experiment
  • Modeling the experimental response of cereals to higher temperatures in the Maricopa,Thermal Regime Agronomic Cereal Experiment  (TRACE, 2016 - ongoing)

PI in current and former research projects:

  • Medium scale analysis of possible reductions in environmental loads due to land use changes in the context of global change (€ 225.000, 1999-2002, supported by Volkswagen-foundation, project idea and coordination)
  • Integrated analysis of global change impacts on environment and society in the Elbe river basin, Glowa-Elbe I (19 Institutions, € 4.5 million, 2000-2003, project head from 7/2002 to 9/2003, supported by BMBF)
  • Impact of global change on environment and society in the Elbe river basin, GLOWA-Elbe II (14 Institutions, € 3.5 million, 2004-2007, main author of project proposal and head of integration, supported by BMBF)
  • Impacts of global Change on the water cycle in the Elbe basin – Results and Consequences GLOWA-ELBE III (9 Institutions, € 4.2 million, 2007-2010, main author of project proposal and project leader, supported by BMBF)
  • Climate scenarios and Climate Impact Cataster (PIK-subproject in INKA-BB http://www.inka-bb.de, 2008-2014, € 600 thousend, main author of sub-project proposal, sub-project head until 10/2012, supported by BMBF)
  • Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the Guanting watershed (Northwest of Beijing, China) under limited water resources (2008-2013, € 1.8 million, main author of project proposal, project head, supported by BMBF)
  • Area-wide analysis of land use change in Germany and its consequences for the land water, carbon and nitrogen household
    sub-project of CC-LandStraD (Interdependencies between Land use and Climate Change – Strategies for a sustainable land use management in Germany), (2010-2015, € 390 thousand, main author of sub-project proposal, sub-project head, supported by BMBF)
  • Konsequenzen des Klimawandels für die Nachhaltigkeitsziele beim Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatz (consequences of climate change for the sustainability goals of agricultural crop protection), (2014-2016, 42.000€, UBA)
  • Impact of EXTreme events and climate change on Russian Agriculture, economic implications and adaptation (1/2016-6/2018, 89.000 € funded by by BMBF, PT DLR: FP7, ERA Net, RUSPLUS_S&T-387)
  • Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe (SIM4NEXUS), (2016-2020, 440.000€, EU)

Reviews and memberships:

  • Member of the editorial board of Environmental and Experimental Botany (2002-2012)
  • Journal review: Environmental  and Experimental Botany, Field Crop Research, Nature Climate Change, European Environmental Research letters, PNAS, Ecological Modeling, Plant, Cell & Environment, Plant & Soil, Regional Environmental Change, on occasion also for some other journals
  • Reviewer for BMBF and Österreiches Umweltbundesamt

List of peer reviewed ISI-journal publications

Sietz D., Conradt C., Krysanova V., Hattermann H.H., Wechsung F. (2021) The Crop Generator: Implementing crop rotations to effectively advance eco-hydrological modelling, Agricultural Systems, Volume 193, 2021, 103183, ISSN 0308-521X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103183. 

Wechsung F. , Ritter M. , Wall G.W. (2021) The upper homeostatic range for the temperature–yield response of irrigated US wheat down revised from a theoretical and experimental perspective, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 307, 2021, 108478, ISSN 0168-1923, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108478. 

Lehmann, J., Kretschmer, M., Schauberger, B., & Wechsung, F. ( 2020). Potential for early forecast of Moroccan wheat yields based on climatic drivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, e2020GL087516.

Gottschalk P, Luttger A, Huang SC, Leppelt T, Wechsung F (2018) Evaluation of crop yield simulations of an eco-hydrological model at different scales for Germany. Field Crops Research, 228, 48-59.

Schauberger B, Gornott C, Wechsung F. (2017) Global evaluation of a semiempirical model for yield anomalies and application to within-season yield forecasting. Glob Change Biol. 2017;00:1–15.

Roers M, Venohr M, Wechsung F & Paton E N (2016): Effekte des Klimawandels und von Reduktionsmaßnahmen auf die Nährstoffeinträge und -frachten im Elbegebiet bis zur Jahrhundertmitte. – Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 60 (3), 196–212; DOI: 10.5675/HyWa_2016,3_3

Gornott C, Wechsung F (2016) Statistical regression models for assessing climate impacts on crop yields: A
validation study for winter wheat and silage maize in Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
217:89-100. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.10.005

Conradt T, Gornott C, Wechsung F (2016) Extending and improving regionalized winter wheat and silage maize
yield regression models for Germany: Enhancing the predictive skill by panel definition through cluster
analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 216:68-81. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.10.003

Vetter, T., and F. Wechsung (2015), Direct aerosol effects during periods of solar dimming and brightening hidden in the regression residuals: evidence from Potsdam measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2015JD023669, doi:10.1002/2015JD023669.
Author's preprint version:

Wechsung F, Wechsung M (2015) A methodological critique on using temperature-conditioned resampling for climate projections as in the paper of Gerstengarbe et al. (2013) winter storm- and summer thunderstorm-related loss events in Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TAC). Theor Appl Climatol:1-5. doi:10.1007/s00704-015-1600-1;
Author's preprint version:

Roers M, Wechsung F (2015) Reassessing the climate impact on the water balance of the Elbe River basin. Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung 59 (3):109-119. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2015,3_3

Gornott C. & Wechsung F (2015) Niveauneutrale Modellierung der Ertragsvolatilität von Winterweizen und Silomais auf mehreren räumlichen Ebenen in Deutschland. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 6/2015; 67: 205-223, DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.06.01

Wechsung F and Wechsung M (2014) Dryer years and brighter sky – the predictable simulation
outcomes for Germany’s warmer climate from the weather resampling model STARS. Int. J. Climatol. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/joc.4220

Otto, I M, Wechsung F(2014).The effects of rules and communication in a behavioral irrigation experiment carried out in North China. Ecological Economics, 99: 10-20,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.12.007

Bloch R, Wechsung F, Heß J, Bachinger J. (2014) Climate change impacts of legume-grass swards: implications for organic farming in the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany. Reg. Environ. Change,
doi: 10.1007/s10113-014-0656-2.

Conradt T, Roers M, Schroter K, Elmer F, Hoffmann P, Koch H, Hattermann FF, Wechsung F (2013) Comparison of the extreme floods of 2002 and 2013 in the German part of the Elbe River basin and their runoff simulation by SWIM-live. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 57 (5):241-245. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2013,5_4

Conradt T, Wechsung F, Bronstert A (2013) Three perceptions of the evapotranspiration landscape: comparing spatial patterns from a distributed hydrological model, remotely sensed surface temperatures, and sub-basin water balances. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (7):2947-2966. doi:10.5194/hess-17-2947-2013

Roers M, Gottschalk P, Conradt T, Rachimow C, Wechsung F (2013) SWIM-live 1.0-Simulation of the water balance and agricultural plant growth in the Elbe river basin on a day-to-day basis. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 57 (5):225-240. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2013,5_3

Conradt T, Koch H, Hattermann FF, Wechsung F (2012) Precipitation or evapotranspiration? Bayesian analysis of potential error sources in the simulation of sub-basin discharges in the Czech Elbe River basin. Regional Environmental Change 12 (3):649-661. doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0280-y

Conradt T, Koch H, Hattermann FF, Wechsung F (2012) Spatially differentiated management-revised discharge scenarios for an integrated analysis of multi-realisation climate and land use scenarios for the Elbe River basin. Regional Environmental Change 12 (3):633-648. doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0279-4

Otto-Banaszak I, Matczak P, Wesseler J, Wechsung F (2011) Different perceptions of adaptation to climate change: a mental model approach applied to the evidence from expert interviews. Regional Environmental Change 11 (2):217-228. doi:10.1007/s10113-010-0144-2

Wall GW, Garcia RL, Wechsung F, Kimball BA (2011) Elevated atmospheric CO2 and drought effects on leaf gas exchange properties of barley. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 144 (1):390-404. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.07.006

Koch H, Wechsung F, Grunewald U (2010) Analysis of recent low flows in the Czech part of the Elbe river basin. Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung 54 (3):169-178

Post J, Conradt T, Suckow F, Krysanova V, Wechsung F, Hattermann FF (2008) Integrated assessment of cropland soil carbon sensitivity to recent and future climate in the Elbe River basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 53 (5):1043-1058. doi:10.1623/hysj.53.5.1043

Werner PC, Gerstengarbe FW, Wechsung F (2008) Grosswetterlagen and precipitation trends in the Elbe river catchment. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 17 (1):61-66. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0263

Conradt T, Kundzewicz ZW, Hattermann F, Wechsung F (2007) Measured effects of new lake surfaces on regional precipitation. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 52 (5):936-955. doi:10.1623/hysj.52.5.936

Hesse C, Krysanova V, Blazkova S, Martinkova M, Koskova R, Möllenkamp S, Gräfe P, Wechsung F (2007) Probleme und Forschungsbedarf im Elbegebiet: Ergebnisse einer Stakeholder-Befragung. Hydrol Wasserbewirtsch 51 (2):82-88

Krysanova V, Hattermann F, Wechsung F (2007) Implications of complexity and uncertainty for integrated modelling and impact assessment in river basins. Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (5):701-709. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.12.029

Post J, Habeck A, Hattermann F, Krysanova V, Wechsung F, Suckow F (2007) Evaluation of water and nutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems using the eco-hydrological catchment model SWIM. Modelling Water and Nutrient Dynamics in Soil-Crop Systems. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4479-3_10

Wattenbach M, Zebisch M, Hattermann F, Gottschalk P, Goemann H, Kreins P, Badeck F, Lasch P, Suckow F, Wechsung F (2007) Hydrological impact assessment of afforestation and change in tree-species composition - A regional case study for the Federal State of Brandenburg (Germany). Journal of Hydrology 346 (1-2):1-17. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.08.005

Wall GW, Garcia RL, Kimball BA, Hunsaker DJ, Pinter PJ, Long SP, Osborne CP, Hendrix DL, Wechsung F, Wechsung G, Leavitt SW, LaMorte RL, Idso SB (2006) Interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide and drought on wheat. Agronomy Journal 98 (2):354-381. doi:10.2134/agronj2004.0089

Adamsen FJ, Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Wall GW, Kimball BA, Pinter PJ, LaMorte RL, Garcia RL, Hunsaker DJ, Leavitt SW (2005) Temporal changes in soil and biomass nitrogen for irrigated wheat grown under free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE). Agronomy Journal 97 (1):160-168

Hattermann FF, Wattenbach M, Krysanova V, Wechsung F (2005) Runoff simulations on the macroscale with the ecohydrological model SWIM in the Elbe catchment-validation and uncertainty analysis. Hydrological Processes 19 (3):693-714. doi:10.1002/hyp.5625

Krysanova V, Hattermann F, Wechsung F (2005) Development of the ecohydrological model SWIM for regional impact studies and vulnerability assessment. Hydrological Processes 19 (3):763-783. doi:10.1002/hyp.5619

Wattenbach M, Hattermann F, Weng R, Wechsung F, Krysanova V, Badeck F (2005) A simplified approach to implement forest eco-hydrological properties in regional hydrological modelling. Ecological Modelling 187 (1):40-59. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.01.026

Hattermann F, Krysanova V, Wechsung F, Wattenbach M (2004) Integrating groundwater dynamics in regional hydrological modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (11):1039-1051. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2003.11.007

Zebisch M, Wechsung F, Kenneweg H (2004) Landscape response functions for biodiversity - assessing the impact of land-use changes at the county level. Landscape and Urban Planning 67 (1-4):157-172. doi:10.1016/s0169-2046(03)00036-7

Pendall E, Leavitt SW, Brooks T, Kimball BA, Pinter PJ, Wall GW, LaMorte RL, Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Adamsen F, Matthias AD, Thompson TL (2001) Elevated CO2 stimulates soil respiration in a FACE wheat field. Basic and Applied Ecology 2 (3):193-201. doi:10.1078/1439-1791-00053

Wall GW, Adam NR, Brooks TJ, Kimball BA, Pinter PJ, LaMorte RL, Adamsen FJ, Hunsaker DJ, Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Grossman-Clarke S, Leavitt SW, Matthias AD, Webber AN (2000) Acclimation response of spring wheat in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) atmosphere with variable soil nitrogen regimes. 2. Net assimilation and stomatal conductance of leaves. Photosynthesis Research 66 (1-2):79-95. doi:10.1023/a:1010646225929

Wechsung F, Garcia RL, Wall GW, Kartschall T, Kimball BA, Michaelis P, Pinter PJ, Wechsung G, Grossman-Clarke S, Lamorte RL, Adamsen FJ, Leavitt SW, Thompson TL, Matthias AD, Brooks TJ (2000a) Photosynthesis and conductance of spring wheat ears: field response to free-air CO2 enrichment and limitations in water and nitrogen supply. Plant Cell and Environment 23 (9):917-929. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.2000.00603.x

Wechsung F, Krysanova V, Flechsig M, Schaphoff S (2000b) May land use change reduce the water deficiency problem caused by reduced brown coal mining in the state of Brandenburg? Landscape and Urban Planning 51 (2-4):177-189. doi:10.1016/s0169-2046(00)00108-0

Krysanova V, Wechsung F, Becker A, Poschenrieder W, Gräfe J (1999) Mesoscale ecohydrological modelling to analyse regional effects of climate change. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 4 (4):259-271. doi:10.1023/A:1019020518977

Grossman-Clarke S, Kimball BA, Hunsaker DJ, Long SP, Garcia RL, Kartschall T, Wall GW, Printer PJ, Wechsung F, LaMorte RL (1999) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on canopy transpiration in senescent spring wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 93 (2):95-109. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(98)00111-7

Garcia RL, Long SP, Wall GW, Osborne CP, Kimball BA, Nie GY, Pinter PJ, Lamorte RL, Wechsung F (1998) Photosynthesis and conductance of spring-wheat leaves: field response to continuous free-air atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Plant Cell and Environment 21 (7):659-669. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1998.00320.x

Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Wall GW, Adamsen FJ, Kimball BA, Pinter PJ, Lamorte RL, Garcia RL, Kartschall T (1999) The effects of free-air CO2 enrichment and soil water availability on spatial and seasonal patterns of wheat root growth. Global Change Biology 5 (5):519-529. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.1999.00243.x

Kimball BA, Pinter PJ, Garcia RL, LaMorte RL, Wall GW, Hunsaker DJ, Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Kartschall T (1995) Productivity and water use of wheat under free-air CO2 enrichment. Global Change Biology 1 (6):429-442. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.1995.tb00041.x

Wechsung G, Wechsung F, Wall GW, Adamsen FJ, Kimball BA, Garcia RL, Pinter PJ, Kartschall T (1995) Biomass and growth rate of a spring wheat root system grown in free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and ample soil moisture. Journal of Biogeography 22 (4-5):623-634. doi:10.2307/2845963


28. Aug - 6. Sept 2011
'Integrated modelling and assessment for water resources management' Wandlitz, Germany
2. - 5. Nov 2011
'Ecohydrological and statistical climate modeling' Nanjing, China
3. - 15. Sept 2012
'Second Sino-German Summer School on integrated water resources management' Urumqi, China

Sustainable Water and Agricultural Land Use in the Guanting Basin under Limited Water Resources.
(Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Band 8)
Ed.:Wechsung, Frank; Kaden, Stefan; Venohr,  Markus; Hofmann, Jürgen; Meisel, Jens;
XU, Zhenci (2017) Hardcover 397 pages, 197 figures, 66 tables. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2017 ISBN 978-3-510-65325-6 .

Die Elbe im globalen Wandel. Eine integrative Betrachtung.
Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 9 (2013)

Wechsung, Frank; Hartje, Volkmar; Kaden, Stefan; Venohr Markus; Hansjürgens, Bernd; Gräfe, Peggy (Hrsg.)

Hardcover Format DIN B5, 630 Seiten; € 78,50;

ISBN 978-3-89998-213-8


Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels by Wechsung, Frank; Koch, Hagen; Gräfe, Peggy (Hrsg.), Weißensee-Verlag, Auflage 1 (30. Dezember 2011), 102 Seiten, ISBN-13: 978-3899982008.

Integrated Analysis of the Impacts of Global Change on Environment and Society in the Elbe River Basin by Wechsung, Frank; Kaden, Stefan; Behrendt, Horst; Klöcking, Beate (Eds.) December 2008, 401 pages, Hardcover, € 38,40; ISBN 978-3-89998-145-2, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin 2008

Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Wasser, Umwelt und Gesellschaft im Elbegebiet Wechsung, Frank; Becker, Alfred; Gräfe, Peggy (Hrsg.) Hardcover, 407 Seiten
ISBN 3-89998-062-X Weißensee Verlag, Berlin 2005

SWIM Model Guide by V. Krysanova, F. Wechsung, J. Arnold, R. Srinivasan, J. Williams China Meteorological Press, Peking 2011. 176 p., ISBN 9787502951856


Wechsung F., Gerstengarbe F.-W., Lasch P., Lüttger A. (2008): Die Ertragsfähigkeit ostdeutscher Ackerflächen unter Klimawandel. PIK-Report 112, Potsdam. ISSN 1436-0179, DOI 10.2312/PIK.b103-pik1129

Wechsung F., A. Hanspach, F. Hattermann, P.C.Werner, Gerstengarbe F.-W. (2006) Klima- und Anthropogene Wirkungen auf den Niedrigwasserabfluss der mittleren Elbe:
Konsequenzen für Unterhaltungsziele und Ausbaunutzen. Studie Version 1.31, PIK Potsdam.

Book chapters

Wechsung, F., Hofmann, J., Conradt T., Otto I. M., Menz C., Venohr M., Mischke U., Meisel J., Möhring J., Walter C. & Kaden S. (2017) Future water use in the Guanting basin under climate change and socio-economic transition p. 19-33 In: Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the guanting basin under limited water resources. Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 8 Wechsung, F., Kaden, S., Venohr, M., Hofmann, J., Meisel, J., & XU, Z. (2017) ISBN 978-3-510-65325-6


Wechsung, F., Conradt, T., Otto I.M., Möhring J., Menz C., Walter C. & Hofmann J. (2017) The geographical setting for integrated water resource management in the Guanting basin p. 35-65 In:

Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the guanting basin under limited water resources. Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 8 Wechsung, F., Kaden, S., Venohr, M., Hofmann, J., Meisel, J., & XU, Z. (2017) ISBN 978-3-510-65325-6


Wechsung F., Hansjürgens B., Hartje, V., Kaden, S., Venohr, M. (2013) Klimaverletzlichkeit des Flussgebiets Elbe, S. 1-34, In: Die Elbe im globalen Wandel. Eine integrative Betrachtung. Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 9 (2013) Wechsung F., Hartje V., Kaden S., Venohr M., Hansjürgens B., Gräfe, P. (Hrsg.) ISBN 978-3-89998-213-8

Österle, H., Schmidt, S., Hauf, Y., Wechsung, F. (2013) Erstellung und Prüfung eines meteorologischen tagesdatensatzes von 1951 bis 2003 für den tschechiscehn Teil der Elbe, S. 71-84, In: Die Elbe im globalen Wandel. Eine integrative Betrachtung. Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 9 (2013) Wechsung F., Hartje V., Kaden S., Venohr M., Hansjürgens B., Gräfe, P. (Hrsg.) ISBN 978-3-89998-213-8

Conradt T., Hattermann Fred F., Koch H., Wechsung F. (2013) Klima- und Landnutzungsszenarien in ihren Wirkungen auf den Wasserabfluß, S. 177-209, In: In: Die Elbe im globalen Wandel. Eine integrative Betrachtung. Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, Bd. 9 (2013) Wechsung F., Hartje V., Kaden S., Venohr M., Hansjürgens B., Gräfe, P. (Hrsg.) ISBN 978-3-89998-213-8

Wechsung, F. (2011) Globaler Wandel und seine Folgen im Elbeeinzugsgebiet, S.10-13, In: Wechsung, F., Koch, H. , Gräfe, P. (2011) Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels, Weißensee-Verlag, 102 S., ISBN-13: 978-3899982008.

Wechsung, F., Hansjürgens, B., Hartje, V., Kaden S., Venohr M. (2011) Bleibt genügend Wasser in den Flüssen, S. 14-19, Wechsung, F., Koch, H. , Gräfe, P. (2011) Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels, Weißensee-Verlag, 102 S., ISBN-13: 978-3899982008.

Wechsung, F., Lüttger, A.B. and Hattermann, F., 2008. Projektionen zur klimabedingten Änderung der
Erträge von einjährigen Sommer-und Winterkulturen des Ackerlandes am Beispiel von Silomais
und Winterweizen, Die Ertragsfähigkeit ostdeutscher Ackerflächen unter Klimawandel. PIK-Report
112, pp. 18-32.

Wechsung F. (2005) Herausforderungen des globalen Wandels für die Elbe Region In: Frank Wechsung, Alfred Becker & Peggy Gräfe (Hrsg.) Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Wasser, Umwelt und Gesellschaft im Elbegebiet Hardcover, 407 Seiten
ISBN 3-89998-062-X Weißensee Verlag, Berlin 2005 S.3-58 (online: http://www.glowa-elbe.de/german/buch_information.htm)

Krysanova, V.; Becker, A.; Wechsung, F. (2002): Integrated analysis in the Elbe basin. BAHC synthesis report, section B: Global change impacts on riverine systems and drainage basins.

Krysanova, V.; Wechsung, F. (2001): Recent climate change assessment in Europe: Intercomparison and methodological issues. In: Ennuste, E.; Wilder, L. (ed.), Factors of convergence: Determinants and related theoretical frameworks, Estonian Institute of Economics at Tallinn Technical University, 265-291.

Krysanova, V.; Wechsung, F.; Meiner, A.; Vasiljev, A. (1999): Land use change in Europe and implications for agriculture and water resources. In: Ennuste, Ü.; Wilder, L. (ed.), Harmonization with the western economics: Estonian developments and related conceptual and methodolo, Harmonization with the western economics: Estonian developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks, Tallinn, Estonian Institute of Economics, Tallinn TU, 361-384.

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