Patrick von Jeetze

Doctoral Researcher
Research associate
von Jeetze

Patrick currently works as a research assistant in the land use group at PIK. He studied Global Change Ecology (M.Sc) within the Elite Network of Bavaria and holds a Bachelor's degree in Ecosystem Management (B.Sc.) from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen.

His research interests include:

  • Ecosystem services & biodiversity
  • Future of food systems
  • Soil science
  • Food security & global change


Working Group

Curriculum Vitae

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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20739
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Peer-reviewed articles

von Jeetze, P. J., Weindl, I., Johnson, J. A., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Molina Bacca, E. J., Karstens, K., Humpenöder, F., Dietrich, J. P., Minoli, S., Müller, C., Lotze-Campen, H., & Popp, A. (2023). Projected landscape-scale repercussions of global action for climate and biodiversity protection. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 1.

Beier, F. D., Bodirsky, B. L., Heinke, J., Karstens, K., Dietrich, J. P., Müller, C., Stenzel, F., von Jeetze, P. J., Popp, A., & Lotze‐Campen, H. (2023). Technical and Economic Irrigation Potentials Within Land and Water Boundaries. Water Resources Research, 59(4), e2021WR031924.

Johnson, J. A., Brown, M. E., Corong, E., Dietrich, J. P., Henry, R. C., von Jeetze, P. J., Leclère, D., Popp, A., Thakrar, S. K., & Williams, D. R. (2023). The meso scale as a frontier in interdisciplinary modeling of sustainability from local to global scales. Environmental Research Letters, 18(2), 025007.

Humpenöder, F., Popp, A., Schleussner, C.-F., Orlov, A., Windisch, M. G., Menke, I., Pongratz, J., Havermann, F., Thiery, W., Luo, F., von Jeetze, P. J., Dietrich, J. P., Lotze-Campen, H., Weindl, I., & Lejeune, Q. (2022). Overcoming global inequality is critical for land-based mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 1.

Soergel, B., Kriegler, E., Weindl, I., Rauner, S., Dirnaichner, A., Ruhe, C., Hofmann, M., Bauer, N., Bertram, C., Bodirsky, B. L., Leimbach, M., Leininger, J., Levesque, A., Luderer, G., Pehl, M., Wingens, C., Baumstark, L., Beier, F., Dietrich, J. P., … Popp, A. (2021). A sustainable development pathway for climate action within the UN 2030 Agenda. Nature Climate Change, 11(8), Article 8.

Beck-Broichsitter, S., Gerke, H. H., Leue, M., von Jeetze, P. J., & Horn, R. (2020). Anisotropy of unsaturated soil hydraulic properties of eroded Luvisol after conversion to hayfield comparing alfalfa and grass plots. Soil and Tillage Research, 198, 104553.

von Jeetze, P. J., Zarebanadkouki, M., & Carminati, A. (2020). Spatial heterogeneity enables higher root water uptake
in dry soil but protracts water stress after transpiration decline: A numerical study. Water Resources Research, 55, 1–16.

Conferences & other publications

von Jeetze, P. J., Weindl, I., Johnson, J. A., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Molina Bacca, E. J., Karstens, K., Humpenöder, F., Dietrich, J. P., Minoli, S., Müller, C., Lotze-Campen, H., & Popp, A. (2022, June 20). Taking the landscape perspective for safeguarding nature’s contributions to people in the global land system (1). Nature Publishing Group.

von Jeetze, P. J., Zarebanadkouki, M., & Carminati, A. (2018). Modelling root water uptake in heterogeneous soils. Oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Session 'Modeling Soil and Vadose Processes: Status and Challenges', Wien, Austria, 8-12 April 2019

von Jeetze, P. J., Zarebanadkouki, M., Ahmed, M. A., & Carminati, A. (2018). Modelling root water uptake in heterogeneous soils. Oral presentation at the 10th BayCEER workshop, Bayreuth, Germany, 11 Oct 2018.

von Jeetze, P. J., Zarebanadkouki, M., & Carminati, A. (2018). Effects of soil heterogeneity on root water uptake under drying conditions and varying transpiration rates. Oral presentation at the Jahrestagung der Kommission 1 “Bodenphysik und Bodenhydrologie”  der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, Germany, 06-07 Sep 2018.

von Jeetze, P. J., Biewald, A., & Rolinski, S., & Lotze-Campen, H. (2017). Implications of future climate variability on food security: A model-based assessment of climate-induced crop price volatility impacts. Poster presented at the Impacts World 2017 conference, Potsdam, Germany, 11-13 Oct 2017.

von Jeetze, P. J., Biewald, A., Rolinski, S., & Lotze-Campen, H. (2017). Implications of future climate variability on food security. Oral presentation at the 3rd GlobalFood Symposium, Göttingen, Germany, 28-29 Apr 2017.

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