Supervision of PhD students


Shaochun Huang: Spatio-temporal dynamics of water discharge and other components of water cycle at the large regional scale (Germany study); The role of nutrient retention in meso- to macroscale dynamic water quality modelling; Assessment of land use change scenarios and their impact on water quality.


Cornelia Hesse: Eco-hydrological modelling in a highly regulated catchment aimed in finding measures for improving water quality; Water quality modeling in mesoscale and large river basins: the role of retention in the landscape and in-stream processes; Stakeholder surveys in the NeWater project. 


Joachim Post: Evaluation of water and mutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems using the model SWIM; Analysis of uncertainty in the assessment of long-term soil organic carbon dynamics. Dissertation: “Integrated process-based simulation of soil carbon dynamics in river basin under present, recent past and future environmental conditions”, Dr. degree in 2006


Anja Habeck, Analysis of water quality trends in the lowland catchments in Brandenburg; Water quality modeling (N and P) in mesoscale catchments in the lowland part of the Elbe basin. Dissertation: “Analysis and modeling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling and transport in mesoscale catchments in lowland”, Dr. degree in 2007


Fred Hattermann, Ecohydrological modeling in mesoscale and large river basins; Integrating groundwater dynamics in regional hydrological modeling; Integrating wetlands and riparian zones in river basin modeling; Evaluation of uncertainty in climate impact assessment. Dissertation: “Integrated modeling of global change impacts in the German Elbe River basin”, Dr. degree in 2005


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