
Participation in Research Projects and Project Management



EU FP7 Project: Policy Science Interactions: connecting science and policy through innovative knowledge brokering (PSI-connect), EC FP7 call FP7-ENV-2008-1


Cooperative Group Project “Climate Change: Floods and Droughts” (CCFD) funded by DFG and NSFC Beijing Centre



EU FP6 Integrated Project: New Approached to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty (NeWater), PICP member, coordinator of the Elbe Case Study


GLOWA-Elbe, Integrated Analysis of Global Change Impacts on Environment and Society in the Elbe Basin, the German Ministry of Education and Science, Potsdam, Germany.


Environmentally Sustainable Land Use in the context of Global Change, Volkswagenstiftung project, Potsdam, Germany, (Co-Leader).


Working group Coordinating Land Use and Cover and Analyses in Europe (CLAUDE), Concerted Action, European Commission, DG XII.


Project “Impact of Land Use on water resources and water quality in the Elbe basin” in the framework of the Elbe Ecology program of the German Ministry of Education and Science, Potsdam, Germany.

1994 - 1995

INTAS (CEC) project on Analysis of Point and Nonpoint Pollution in Watersheds under the coordination of Prof. B. Pavoni, The Venice University, Italy.

1994 - 1995

EU Baltic Drainage Basin Project, under the coordination of Prof. K.-G. Maeler, The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, (a group leader)


Baltic Pilot Project, under the coordination of Prof. A.-M. Jansson, Stockholm University, Sweden.

1986 - 1990

Hydrological and water quality modelling in the Matsalu watershed and the sea bay ecosystem, Institute of Economics, Est. Ac.Sci., Tallinn, Estonia, (Coordinator and Principal Investigator).

1982 - 1984

SCOPE-UNEP Project on Ecosystem Dynamics in Wetlands and Shallow Water Bodies, Computer Center of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.



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