Strefler, Jessica, Bauer, Nicolas, Kriegler, Elmar, Popp, Alexander, Giannousakis, Anastasis, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2018):
Between Scylla and Charybdis: Delayed mitigation narrows the passage between large-scale CDR and high costs
- Environmental Research Letters
Nemet, G. F., Callaghan, M. W., Creutzig, F., Fuss, S., Hartmann, J., Hilaire, Jérôme, Lamb, W. F., Minx, J. C., Rogers, S., Smith, P. (2018):
Negative emissions - Part 3: Innovation and upscaling
- Environmental Research Letters
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Steckel, Jan Christoph, Jakob, M., Bertram, Christoph (2018):
Reports of coal's terminal decline may be exaggerated
- Environmental Research Letters
Klenert, David, Mattauch, L., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Lessmann, K. (2018):
Infrastructure and inequality: Insights from incorporating key economic facts about household heterogeneity
- Macroeconomic Dynamics
Bui, Mai, Adjiman, Claire S., Bardow, André, Anthony, Edward J., Boston, Andy, Brown, Solomon, Fennell, Paul S., Fuss, Sabine, Galindo, Amparo, Hackett, Leigh A., Hallett, Jason P., Herzog, Howard J., Jackson, George, Kemper, Jasmin, Krevor, Samuel, Maitland, Geoffrey C., Matuszewski, Michael, Metcalfe, Ian S., Petit, Camille, Puxty, Graeme, Reimer, Jeffrey, Reiner, David M., Rubin, Edward S., Scott, Stuart A., Shah, Nilay, Smit, Berend, Trusler, J. P. Martin, Webley, Paul, Wilcox, Jennifer, Mac Dowell, Niall (2018):
Carbon capture and storage (CCS): The way forward
- Energy and Environmental Science
Wehkamp, Johanna, Koch, Nicolas, Lübbers, Sebastian, Fuss, Sabine (2018):
Governance and deforestation — a meta-analysis in economics
- Ecological Economics
Hirth, Lion (2018):
What caused the drop in European electricity prices? A factor decomposition analysis
- Energy Journal
Siegmeier, J., Mattauch, L., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2018):
Capital beats coal: How collecting the climate rent increases aggregate investment
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Kriegler, Elmar, Bertram, Christoph, Kuramochi, T., Jakob, M., Pehl, Michaja, Stevanović, Miodrag, Höhne, N., Luderer, Gunnar, Minx, J. C., Fekete, H., Hilaire, Jérôme, Luna, L., Popp, Alexander, Steckel, Jan Christoph, Sterl, S., Yalew, Amsalu Woldie, Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2018):
Short term policies to keep the door open for Paris climate goals
- Environmental Research Letters
Mattauch, L., Siegemeier, J., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Creutzig, F. (2018):
Financing public capital when rents are back: a macroeconomic Henry George Theorem
- FinanzArchiv - Public Finance Analysis
Fuss, S., Lamb, W. F., Callaghan, M. W., Hilaire, Jérôme, Creutzig, F., Amann, T., Beringer, T., Oliveira Garcia, W. de, Hartmann, J., Khanna, T., Luderer, Gunnar, Nemet, G. F., Rogelj, J., Smith, P., Vicente, J. L. V., Wilcox, J., Mar Zamora Dominguez, M. del, Minx, J. C. (2018):
Negative emissions - Part 2: Costs, potentials and side effects
- Environmental Research Letters
Mishra, P. K., Prasad, S., Marwan, Norbert, Anoop, A., Krishnan, R., Gaye, B., Basavaiah, N., Stebich, M., Menzel, P., Riedel, N. (2018):
Contrasting pattern of hydrological changes during the past two millennia from central and northern India: Regional climate difference or anthropogenic impact?
- Global and Planetary Change
Geiger, Tobias, Frieler, Katja, Bresch, D. N. (2018):
A global historical data set of tropical cyclone exposure (TCE-DAT)
- Earth System Science Data
Rolinski, Susanne, Müller, Christoph, Heinke, Jens, Weindl, Isabelle, Biewald, Anne, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Bondeau, A., Boons-Prins, E. R., Bouwman, A. F., Leffelaar, P. A., te Roller, J. A., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Thonicke, Kirsten (2018):
Modeling vegetation and carbon dynamics of managed grasslands at the global scale with LPJmL 3.6
- Geoscientific Model Development
Ciemer, Catrin, Boers, Niklas, Barbosa, H. M. J., Kurths, Jürgen, Rammig, A. (2018):
Temporal evolution of the spatial covariability of rainfall in South America
- Climate Dynamics
Beckmann, Johanna, Perrette, Mahé, Ganopolski, Andrey (2018):
Simple models for the simulation of submarine melt for a Greenland glacial system model
- The Cryosphere
Reußwig, Fritz, Komendantova, N., Battaglini, A., Scholten, D. (2018):
New Governance Challenges and Conflicts of the Energy Transition: Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission as Contested Socio-technical Options
- The Geopolitics of Renewables, Lecture Notes in Energy ; 61
Boaretto, B. R. R., Budzinski, R. C., Prado, T. L., Kurths, Jürgen, Lopes, Sergio Roberto (2018):
Suppression of anomalous synchronization and nonstationary behavior of neural network under small-world topology
- Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Ozken, I., Eroglu, Deniz, Breitenbach, S. F. M., Marwan, Norbert, Tan, L., Tirnakli, U., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Recurrence plot analysis of irregularly sampled data
- Physical Review E
Astakhov, O. V., Astakhov, S. V., Krakhovskaya, N. S., Astakhov, V. V., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
The emergence of multistability and chaos in a two-mode van der Pol generator versus different connection types of linear oscillators
- Chaos
Bunimovich, L., Neishtadt, A., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
In memoriam - Valentin S. (Valya) Afraimovich (2 April 1945–21 February 2018) [Editorial]
- Chaos
Thakur, J., Rauner, Sebastian, Darghouth, N. R., Chakraborty, B. (2018):
Exploring the impact of increased solar deployment levels on residential electricity bills in India
- Renewable Energy
Ceglarz, Andrzej, Benestad, R. E., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W. (2018):
Inconvenience versus rationality: Reflections on different faces of climate contrarianism in Poland and Norway
- Weather, Climate, and Society
Weng, Wei, Lüdeke, Matthias K. B., Zemp, Delphine Clara, Lakes, Tobia, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2018):
Aerial and surface rivers: downwind impacts on water availability from land use changes in Amazonia
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Koch, Hagen, Silva, A. L. C., Azevedo, J. R. G. de, Souza, W. M. de, Köppel, J., Souza Júnior, C. B., Lima Barros, A. M. de, Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2018):
Integrated hydro- and wind power generation: a game changer towards environmental flow in the Sub-middle and Lower São Francisco River Basin?
- Regional Environmental Change
Kuramochia, T., Höhne, N., Schaeffer, M., Cantzler, J., Hare, B., Deng, Y., Sterl, S., Hagemann, M., Rocha, M., Yanguas-Parra, P. A., Mir, G.-U.-R., Wong, L., El-Laboudy, T., Wouters, K., Deryng, D., Blok, K. (2018):
Ten key short-term sectoral benchmarks to limit warming to 1.5°C
- Climate Policy
Reinhardt, Julia, Liersch, Stefan, Abdeladhim, M. A., Diallo, M., Dickens, C., Fournet, Samuel, Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Kabaseke, C., Muhumuza, M., Mul, M. L., Pilz, T., Otto, Ilona M., Walz, A. (2018):
Systematic evaluation of scenario assessments supporting sustainable integrated natural resources management: evidence from four case studies in Africa
- Ecology and Society
Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Krysanova, Valentina, Benestad, R. E., Hov, O., Piniewski, Mikolaj, Otto, Ilona M. (2018):
Uncertainty in climate change impacts on water resources
- Environmental Science and Policy
Mengel, Matthias, Nauels, A., Rogelj, J., Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich (2018):
Committed sea-level rise under the Paris Agreement and the legacy of delayed mitigation action
- Nature Communications
Keller, D. P., Lenton, A., Scott, V., Vaughan, N. E., Bauer, Nicolas, Ji, D., Jones, C. D., Kravitz, B., Muri, H., Zickfeld, K. (2018):
The Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project (CDRMIP): rationale and experimental protocol for CMIP6
- Geoscientific Model Development