Puja Singhal

Gudipudi, Ramana Venkata, Rybski, Diego, Lüdeke, Matthias K. B., Zhou, Bin, Liu, Zhu, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2019): The efficient, the intensive, and the productive: Insights from urban Kaya scaling - Applied Energy
Öztürk, Ugur, Malik, N., Cheung, K., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2019): A network-based comparative study of extreme tropical and frontal storm rainfall over Japan - Climate Dynamics
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Strnad, Felix, Barfuss, Wolfram, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Heitzig, Jobst (2019): Deep reinforcement learning in World-Earth system models to discover sustainable management strategies - Chaos
Liu, Yang, Wang, X., Kurths, Jürgen (2019): Framework of evolutionary algorithm for investigation of influential nodes in complex networks - IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
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Stefanova, Anastassi, Hesse, Cornelia, Krysanova, Valentina, Volk, M. (2019): Assessment of socio-economic and climate change impacts on water resources in four European lagoon catchments - Environmental Management
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