Dr. Antonia Schwarz

Postdoctoral Researcher

Antonia is a postdoctoral researcher in the working group "Climate and Energy Policy (CAEP)". Her research centres around carbon taxation, addressing questions such as examining the differencing income effects of carbon prices on high- and low-income households, as well as on households with similar incomes but different consumption patterns. As a fiscal tool, a successful carbon tax not only encourages emissions abatement where it is cheapest but also sends a clear price signal to the polluter. Concerns about the regressive nature of carbon tax policies are one of the reasons for the limited political and social support for the widespread implementation of carbon taxation. In this regard, a further line of her research analyses the determinants and barriers of public support for carbon taxation.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20845
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

Antonia Schwarz holds a master's degree in Developmental Economics from the University of Sussex (UK) and in Economic History from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). She obtained her PhD in economics at the University of Sussex in 2020 with a thesis in the area of environmental economics. During her doctoral studies, Antonia worked as a teaching fellow for the department of economics at Sussex. Following the completion of her PhD degree, Antonia joint PIK as a postdoc in the "Climate and Energy Policy (CAEP)" working group. Her current research focusses on examining the drivers and barriers to public acceptance of carbon taxation as well as modelling horizontal and vertical income effects of carbon policies.


“Pollution and Labour Supply: What can we learn from Mexican Data?”
with Mirko Moro & Hector Gutierrez Rufrancos (University of Sterling)

“Labour Market Responses to Weather Fluctuations: Evidence from Mexico”

“Clinal Heterogeneity in Climate Preferences: A Study of Bilateral US-Mexican Migration”

“Capturing Heterogeneity in Temperature Preferences: A Two-Stage Random Utility Approach”

  • ARIADNE, BMBF (2020-2023)
  • CO2-Preis, BMWi (2020-2023)

2016–2019 University of Sussex
Student evaluation: 4.7/5.0 for teaching effectiveness

  • MSc in International Business Economics Course Director (2018–2019)
  • A Short Introduction into LATEX, PhD Workshop Convenor (Feb 2019)
  • Business Economics Research Project, MSc Dissertation Supervisor (Fall 2017)
  • Analytical Methods in International Finance and Business Economics, MSc Module Convenor (Fall 2017-18)
  • Microeconomics 2, BSc 2nd year Module Convenor (Fall 2016)
  • Analytical Methods in Economics for Finance, MSc Module Convenor (Fall 2016)
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