Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam
14412 Potsdam
- glacier calving
- ice sheet modeling
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Marine ice cliff instability
- ice mélange modelling
- T. Schlemm, J. Feldmann, R. Winkelmann, A. Levermann: Stabilizing effect of mélange buttressing on the
Marine Ice Cliff Instability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere, 2022, 16, 1979-1996 - T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: A simple model of mélange buttressing of calving glaciers. The Cryosphere, 2021, 15, 531–545
- S. Sun, F. Pattyn, E. G. Simon, T. Albrecht, S. Cornford, R. Calov , C.Dumas, F. Gillet-Chaulet, H. Goelzer,
N. R. Golledge, R. Greve, M. J. Hoffman, A. Humbert, E.Kazmierczak, T. Kleiner, G. R. Leguy, W. M. J.
Lazeroms, W. H. Lipscomb, D. Martin, M. Morlighem, S. Nowicki, D. Pollard, S. Price, A. Quiquet, H.
Seroussi , T. Schlemm, J. Sutter, R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Winkelmann, T. Zhang: Antarctic ice sheet
response to sudden and sustained ice shelf collapse (ABUMIP). Journal of glaciology. 2020 - T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: A simple stress-based cliff-calving law. The Cryosphere, 2019, 13, 2475-2488
Conference presentations
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: Mélange buttressing of calving glaciers may mitigate marine ice cliff instability. FRISP, virtual conference, 16.06.2020
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: A simple but robust model for the buttressing of calving glaciers through ice mélange. EGU, virtual conference, 08.05.2020
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann, T. Albrecht: Estimates of cliff calving rates for modern and glacial Antarctic Ice Sheet. EGU, Vienna, 09.04.2019
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: Towards a parametrization of cliff calving. EGU, Vienna, 11.04.2018
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: Mélange buttressing of calving glaciers may mitigate marine ice cliff instability. RD1 Young Scientist Seminar, 17.06.2020
- T. Schlemm: Kalbende Eisberge in der Antarktis. Promovierendenforum der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 26.05.2020
- T. Schlemm, A. Levermann: Comparison of calving laws with palaeosimulatons of Antarctica. Part I: Clif calving law. RD1 Young Scientist Seminar, 18.05.2018
- T. Schlemm: Cliff calving and Marine ice cliff instability. Promovierendenforum der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 08.05.2018
T. Schlemm, K. Kokkotas: Neutron star oscillations and mode coupling. Kepler workshop, Blaubeuren. 29.09.2016
T. Schlemm, H.-H. v. Borzeszkowski, T. Chrobok: Thermodynamics of self-gravitating distributions of matter.DPG, Berlin. 17.03.2014