Dr Jacob Schewe

FutureLab Leader, Working Group Leader

My research revolves around the impacts of climate change on human societies and on the environmental conditions they depend on. I work with global models of biophysical climate impacts, through the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP). In my group, we study how patterns of human migration and mobility are directly or indirectly linked with climate impacts, and how they might evolve in a warming world. Through the FutureLab, we explore effects on the conditions for peace and the risk of conflict. My simultaneous research on the physical changes in the climate system and the biosphere underpins these investigations.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2421
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Google citation record

Scientific Journals:
      * student or PostDoc in my group
      ** equal contributions


Petrova, K.*, et al.
Differential effects of extreme climate impacts on global district-level net migration

Schewe, J., & Beyer, R.
The scale of climate change migration: An overview of projections and a case for attribution

Reinecke, R., et al.
The ISIMIP Groundwater Sector: A Framework for Ensemble Modeling of Global Change Impacts on Groundwater

Maureaud, A., et al.
Sudden and gradual climate impacts threaten global food systems in a world connected by trade

Zantout, K.*, et al.
Shifting (ir)regularity regimes in extreme climate impacts under global warming

Zimmermann, S.*, et al.
Predicting Flood-Induced Human Displacement: A Multi-Model Assessment for the Horn of Africa

Mester, B.*, et al.
Flood displacement amplified more by rural underinvestment and low human development than by low income levels

Zhao, F., et al.
Benefits of Calibrating a Global Hydrological Model for Regional Analyses of Flood and Drought Projections: a Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin

Maury, O., et al.
The Ocean System Pathways (OSPs): a new scenario and simulation framework to investigate the future of the world fisheries

Zantout, K.*, Schewe, J.
Stochastic evolution model for international migration

Reinecke, R., et al.
Uncertainties are a Guiding Light for Global Water Model Advancement



68. Eddy, T., et al.
Global and regional marine ecosystem model climate change projections reveal key uncertainties
Earth's Future 13 (2025)

67. Ortega-Cisneros, K., et al.
An Integrated Global-to-Regional Scale Workflow for Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Earth's Future 13 (2025)


66. Blanchard, J., et al.
Detecting, attributing, and projecting global marine ecosystem and fisheries change: FishMIP 2.0
Earth's Future 12 (2024)

65. Swaminathan, R.**, Schewe, J.**, Walton, J., Zimmermann, K., Jones, C., Betts, R. A., Burton, C., Jones, C. D., Mengel, M., Reyer, C. P. O., Turner, A. G., & Weigel, K.
Regional impacts poorly constrained by climate sensitivity
Earth's Future 12 (2024)

64. Yang, Y., et al.
Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture
Science 385, eadn3747 (2024)

63. Kluge, L.*, O. Olaya-Bucaro, Samir KC, D. Yildiz, G. Abel, and J. Schewe
A multidimensional global migration model for use in cohort-component population projections
Demographic Research 51, 323–376 (2024)

62. Heinicke, S., Volkholz, J., Schewe, J., et al.
Global hydrological models continue to overestimate river discharge
Environmental Research Letters (2024)

61. Sauer, I.J., Mester, B., Frieler, K., Zimmermann, S., Schewe, J., and Otto, Ch.
Limited progress in global reduction of vulnerability to flood impacts over the past two decades
Communications Earth & Environment 5, 239 (2024)

60. Frieler, K., Volkholz, J., Lange, S., Schewe, J., et al.
Scenario set-up and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a)
Geoscientific Model Development 17, 1–51 (2024)


59. Mester, B.*, Vogt, T., Bryant, S., Otto, Ch., Frieler, K., Schewe, J.
Human displacements from tropical cyclone Idai attributable to climate change
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23, 3467–3485 (2023)

58. Michelini, S., Sedova, B., Schewe, J., Frieler, K.
Extreme weather impacts do not improve conflict predictions in Africa
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10, 522 (2023)

57. Beyer, R., Schewe, J., Abel, G.
Modelling climate-induced migration: Dead ends and new avenues
Frontiers in Climate 5:1212649 (2023)

56. Mester, B.*, Frieler, K., Schewe, J.
Human displacements, fatalities, and economic damages linked to remotely observed floods (FLODIS)
Scientific Data 10, 482 (2023)

55. van den Hurk, B., et al.
Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events
Climate Risk Management (2023)
preprint: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4090562

54. Rikani, A.*, Otto, Ch., Levermann, A., Schewe, J.
More people too poor to move: Divergent effects of climate change on global migration patterns
Environmental Research Letters (2023)

53. Otto, Ch., Kuhla, K., Geiger, T., Schewe, J., Frieler, K.
Better insurance could effectively mitigate the increase in economic growth losses from U.S. hurricanes under global warming
Science Advances (2023)

52. Helbling, M., Rybski, D., Schewe, J., Siedentop, S., Glockmann, M., Heider, B., Jones, B., Meierrieks, D., Rikani, A., Stroms, P.
Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Conceptual limitations and data requirements
PLOS Climate (2023)


51. Kluge, L.*, Levermann, A., Schewe, J.
Radiation model for migration with directional preferences
Physical Review E (2022)

50. Rikani, A.*, Frieler, K., Schewe, J.
Climate change and international migration: Exploring the macroeconomic channel
PLOS One (2022)

49. Schewe, J., Levermann, A.
Sahel rainfall projections constrained by past sensitivity to global warming
Geophysical Research Letters (2022)
preprint: https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10510691.1

48. Katzenberger, A., Levermann, A., Schewe, J., Pongratz, J.
Intensification of extreme monsoon rainfall in India under unabated global warming
Geophysical Research Letters (2022)

47. Golub, M., et al.
A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector
Geoscientific Model Development (2022)
preprint in Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (2022)

46. Beyer, R., Schewe, J., Lotze-Campen, H. 
Gravity models do not explain, and cannot predict, international migration dynamics
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (2022)


45. Kluge, L.*, Schewe, J.
Evaluation and extension of the radiation model for internal migration
Physical Review E (2021)

44. Grant, L., et al.
Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing
Nature Geoscience (2021)

43. Mester, B.*, Willner, S.N., Frieler, K., Schewe, J.
Evaluation of river flood extent simulated with multiple global hydrological models and climate forcings
Environmental Research Letters (2021)

42. Rikani, A.*, Schewe, J.
Global bilateral migration projections accounting for diasporas, transit and return flows, and poverty constraints
Demographic Research (2021)

41. Desai, B., D. N. Bresch, Ch. Cazabat, S. Hochrainer-Stigler, R. Mechler, S. Ponserre, J. Schewe.
Addressing the human cost in a changing climate
Science (2021)

40. Katzenberger, A., Schewe, J., Pongratz, J., Levermann, A.
Robust increase of Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability under future warming in CMIP-6 models
Earth Syst. Dynam. (2021)

39. Kam, Pui Man; Aznar Siguan, G.; Schewe, J.; Milano, L.; Ginnetti, J. ; Willner, S.; McCaughey, J.; Bresch, D.
Global warming and population change both heighten future risk of human displacement due to river floods
Environmental Research Letters (2021)

38. Falkendal Th.*, Ch. Otto, J. Schewe, J. Jägermeyr, M. Konar, M. Kummu, B. Watkins, M. J. Puma
Grain export restrictions during COVID-19 risk food insecurity in many low- and middle-income countries
Nature Food (2021)

37. Pokhrel, Y., F. Felfelani, Y. Satoh, J. Boulange, P. Burek, A. Gädeke, D. Gerten, S. N. Gosling, M. Grillakis, L. Gudmundsson, N. Hanasaki, H. Kim, A. Koutroulis, J. Liu, L. Papadimitriou, J. Schewe, H. Müller Schmied, T. Stacke, C.-E. Telteu, W. Thiery, T. Veldkamp, F. Zhao & Y. Wada
Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Drought Severity under Climate Change
Nature Climate Change (2021)


36. Lange, S., J. Volkholz, T. Geiger, F. Zhao, I. Vega, T. Veldkamp, C. P. O. Reyer, L. Warszawski, V. Huber, J. Jägermeyr, J. Schewe, et al.
Projecting exposure to extreme climate impact events across six event categories and three spatial scales
Earth's Future (2020)

35. Vanderkelen, I., van Lipzig, N. P. M., Lawrence, D. M., Droppers, B., Golub, M., Gosling, S. N., Janssen, A. B. G., Marcé, R., Schmied, H. Müller, Perroud, M., Pierson, D., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Schewe, J., Seneviratne, S. I., Stepanenko, V. M., Tan, Z., Woolway, R. I., Thiery, W.
Global heat uptake by inland waters
Geophysical Research Letters (2020), DOI:10.1029/2020GL087867


34. Lotze, H. K., D. P. Tittensor, A. Bryndum-Buchholz, T. D. Eddy, W. W. L. Cheung, E. D. Galbraith, M. Barange, N. Barrier, D. Bianchi, J. L. Blanchard, L. Bopp, M. Büchner, C. M. Bulman, D. A. Carozza, V. Christensen, M. Coll, J. P. Dunne, E. A. Fulton, S. Jennings, M. C. Jones, S. Mackinson, O. Maury, S. Niiranen, R. Oliveros-Ramos, T. Roy, J. A. Fernandes, J. Schewe, Y.-J. Shin, T. A. M. Silva, J. Steenbeek, C. A. Stock, P. Verley, J. Volkholz, N. D. Walker, B. Worm
Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019), DOI:10.1073/pnas.1900194116

33. Schewe, J., et al.
State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes
Nature Communications (2019), DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-08745-6


32. Zaherpour, J., et al.
Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-scale hydrological models that account for human-influences
Environmental Research Letters (2018), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aac547

31. Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Schewe, J., Shiogama, H.
Magnitude and robustness associated with the climate change impacts on global hydrological variables for transient and stabilized climate states
Environmental Research Letters (2018), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aac179

30. Ostberg, S., Schewe, J., Childers, K., Frieler, K.
Changes in crop yields and their variability at different levels of global warming
Earth System Dynamics (2018), DOI:10.5194/esd-9-479-2018

29. Tittensor, D., et al.
A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0
Geoscientific Model Development (2018), DOI:10.5194/gmd-11-1421-2018


28. Frieler, K., et al.
Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C global warming - simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b)
Geoscientific Model Development (2017), DOI:10.5194/gmd-10-4321-2017

27. Schewe, J., and Levermann, A.
Non-linear intensification of Sahel rainfall as a possible dynamic response to future warming
Earth System Dynamics (2017), DOI:10.5194/esd-8-495-2017
(ESD Highlight article)

26. Zhao, F., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Frieler, K., Schewe, J., et al.
The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
Environmental Research Letters (2017), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aa7250

25. Frieler, K., et al.
Understanding the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Earth's Future (2017), DOI:10.1002/2016EF000525

24. Schewe, J., Otto, Ch., and Frieler, K.
The role of storage dynamics in annual wheat prices
Environmental Research Letters (2017), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aa678e (see Corrigendum for corrected indices in eq. 5)
» Featured in ERL Highlights of 2017

23. Rosenzweig, C., et al.
Assessing inter-sectoral climate change risks: the role of ISIMIP
Environmental Research Letters (2017), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/12/1/010301
» Featured in ERL Highlights of 2017


22. Schleussner, C.-F., et al.
Differential climate impacts for policy-relevant limits to global warming: the case of 1.5 °C and 2 °C
Earth System Dynamics 7 (2016), 327-351, DOI:10.5194/esd-7-327-2016
Corrigendum (minor correction in Figure 15)

21. Levermann, A., Petoukhov, V., Schewe, J., Schellnhuber, H.J.
Abrupt monsoon transitions as seen in paleorecords can be explained by moisture-advection feedback
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences (2016), DOI:10.1073/pnas.1603130113

20. Ricke, K. L., Moreno-Cruz, J. B., Schewe, J., Levermann, A., and Caldeira, K.
Policy thresholds in mitigation
Nature Geoscience (2016), DOI:10.1038/ngeo2607


19. Frieler, K., et al.
A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties
Earth System Dynamics 6 (2015), 447-460, DOI:10.5194/esd-6-447-2015


18. Huber, V., et al.
Climate impacts research: beyond patchwork
Earth System Dynamics 5 (2014), 399-408, DOI:10.5194/esd-5-399-2014

17. Herzschuh, U., Borkowski, J., Schewe, J., Mischke, S., Tian, F
Moisture-advection feedback supports strong early-to-mid Holocene monsoon climate on the eastern Tibetan Plateau as inferred from a pollen-based reconstruction
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 402 (2014), 44-54, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.02.022

16. Lissner, T. K., Reusser, D. E., Schewe, J., Lakes, T., Kropp, J. P.
Climate impacts on human livelihoods: where uncertainty matters in projections of water availability
Earth System Dynamics 5 (2014), 355-373, DOI: 10.5194/esd-5-355-2014

15. Schewe, J., Heinke, J., Gerten, D., Haddeland, I., Arnell, N.W., Clark, D.B., Dankers, R., Eisner, S., Fekete, B., Colón-González, F.J., Gosling, S.,N., Kim, H., Liu, X., Masaki, Y, Portmann, F.T., Satoh, Y., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Wada, Y., Wisser, D., Albrecht, T., Frieler, K., Piontek, F., Warszawski, L., Kabat, P.
Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences 111 (2014), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222460110

14. Warszawski, L., Frieler, K., Huber, V., Piontek, F., Serdeczny, O., Schewe, J.
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP): Project framework
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences 111 (2014), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1312330110

13. Piontek, F. et al.
Multisectoral climate impact hotspots in a warming world
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences 111 (2014), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222471110

12. Haddeland, I. et al.
Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences 111 (2014), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222475110


11. Warszawski, L., Friend, A., Ostberg, S., Frieler, K., Lucht, W., Schaphoff, S., Beerling, D., Cadule, P., Ciais, P., Clark, D. B., Kahana, R., Ito, A., Keribin, R., Kleidon, A., Lomas, M., Nishina, K., Pavlick, R., Rademacher, T.T., Buechner, M., Piontek, F., Schewe, J., Serdeczny, O., Schellnhuber, H.J.
A multi-model analysis of risk of ecosystem shifts under climate
Environmental Research Letters, 8 (2013), 044018, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/044018

10. Wada, Y., D. Wisser, S. Eisner, M. Flörke, D. Gerten, I. Haddeland, N. Hanasaki, Y. Masaki, F. T. Portmann, T. Stacke, Z. Tessler, J. Schewe
Multimodel projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change
Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (2013), DOI: 10.1002/grl.50686.

9. Menon, A., A. Levermann, J. Schewe
Enhanced future variability during India`s rainy season
Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (2013), DOI: 10.1002/grl.50583.

8. Hempel, S., K. Frieler, L. Warszawski, J. Schewe, and F. Piontek
A trend-preserving bias correction - the ISI-MIP approach
Earth System Dynamics 4 (2013), 219-236, DOI:10.5194/esd-4-219-2013.

7. Menon, A., A. Levermann, J. Schewe, J. Lehmann, and K. Frieler
Consistent increase in Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability across CMIP-5 models
Earth System Dynamics 4 (2013), 287-300, DOI:10.5194/esd-4-287-2013.


6. Schewe, J., A. Levermann
A statistically predictive model for future monsoon failure in India
Environmental Research Letters 7 (2012), 044023, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044023.
» Supplementary Information
» Matlab code of "day-to-day-model"

5. Schewe, J., A. Levermann and H. Cheng
A critical humidity threshold for monsoon transitions
Climate of the Past 8 (2012), 535-544, DOI:10.5194/cp-8-535-2012.


4. Schewe, J., A. Levermann and M. Meinshausen
Climate change under a scenario near 1.5°C of global warming: Monsoon intensification, ocean warming and steric sea level rise
Earth System Dynamics 2 (2011), 25-35, DOI:10.5194/esd-2-25-2011.
» Press release


3. Schewe, J., A. Levermann
The role of meridional density differences for a wind-driven overturning circulation
Climate Dynamics 34 (2010), 547-556, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-009-0572-1


2. Levermann, A., J. Schewe, V. Petoukhov and H. Held
Basic mechanism for abrupt monsoon transitions
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences 106 (2009), 20572-20577, DOI 10.1073/pnas.0901414106
» Supporting information
» Press release
» Featured in climate textbook by Universite Catholique de Louvaine, including interactive illustration


1. Levermann, A., J. Schewe, M. Montoya
Lack of bipolar see-saw in response to Southern Ocean wind reduction
Geophysical Research Letters, 34, (2007), L12711.
» Highlighted in EOS, 29th June 2007.

Books and Reports:

Amakrane, Kamal; Rosengaertner, Sarah; Simpson, Nicholas P.; de Sherbinin, Alex; Linekar, Jane; Horwood, Chris; Jones, Bryan; Cottier, Fabien; Adamo, Susana; Mills, Briar; Yetman, Greg; Chai-Onn, Tricia; Squires, John; Schewe, Jacob; Frouws, Bram; Forin, Roberto
African Shifts: The Africa Climate Mobility Report, Addressing Climate-Forced Migration & Displacement
Africa Climate Mobility Initiative and Global Centre for Climate Mobility, New York (2023)

A. Detges, D. Klingenfeld, Ch. König, B. Pohl, L. Rüttinger, J. Schewe, B. Sedova, J. Vivekananda (alphabetical order)
10 insights on climate impacts and peace. A summary of what we know
adelphi and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Berlin (2020)

Ginnetti, J., P. M. Kam, G. Aznar Siguan, J. Schewe, L. Milano
Assessing the impacts of climate change on flood displacement risk
Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, Geneva (2019)

Sterly, H., B. Etzold, L. Wirkus, P. Sakdapolrak, J. Schewe, C.-F. Schleussner, and B. Hennig
Assessing Refugees' Onward Mobility with Mobile Phone Data--A Case Study of (Syrian) Refugees in Turkey
In: Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios. The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study, Springer (2019)

Edenhofer, O., K. Vinke, J. Schewe
Warum Sicherheitspolitik auf eine effektive Klimapolitik angewiesen ist
English: Why Security Policy is Reliant on Effective Climate Policy
In: Deutschland und die Welt 2030, Econ Verlag (2018)

Kumari Rigaud, K., A. Sherbinin, B. Jones, J. Bergmann, V. Clement, K. Ober, J. Schewe, S. Adamo, B. McCusker, S. Heuser, and A. Midgley
Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration
Washington, D.C.: The World Bank (2018)

Vinke, K., et al.
A Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific
Report commissioned by the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines (2017)

Schellnhuber, H. J., et al.
Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate Normal.
Report commissioned by The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2014)

Schellnhuber, H. J., W. Hare, O. Serdeczny, M. Schaeffer, S. Adams, F. Baarsch, S. Schwan, D. Coumou, A. Robinson, M. Vieweg, F. Piontek, R. Donner, J. Runge, K. Rehfeld, J. Rogelj, M. Perrette, A. Menon, C.-F. Schleussner, A. Bondeau, A. Svirejeva-Hopkins, J. Schewe, K. Frieler, L. Warszawski, and M. Rocha
Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience.
Report commissioned by The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2013)

Schellnhuber, H. J., W. Hare, O. Serdeczny, S. Adams, D. Coumou, K. Frieler, M. Martin, I. M. Otto, M. Perrette, A. Robinson, M. Rocha, M. Schaeffer, J. Schewe, X. Wang, and L. Warszawski
Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided.
Report commissioned by The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2012)

Schewe, J.
Klimawandel und Intuition
In: Zugänge zur Klimadebatte in Politikwissenschaften, Soziologie und Psychologie
Metropolis Verlag (2012)


Schewe, J.
Basic physical mechanisms for monsoon failure in past and future climate
PhD Thesis (2011)

Schewe, J.
The role of Southern Ocean winds for the global meridional overturning circulation in the Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity CLIMBER-3α
Diploma Thesis (2007)

CASCADES RD3 - CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies

FUME -Future Migration Scenarios for Europe

GCFRA - Towards a Global Risks and Foresight Assessment on the Security Implications of Climate Change

IMpeTUs -Climate Change Impacts on Migration and Urbanization

ISIMIP - Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project

ISIpedia - The open climate-impacts encyclopedia

HABITABLE - Linking Climate Change, Habitability and Social Tipping Points: Scenarios for Climate Migration

RECEIPT - Remote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade (climatestorylines.eu)

An MSc topic is available on non-linear monsoon dynamics. Requirements: a background in physics or climate-related sciences; preferably good programming skills (e.g. Python).

Please if you are interested in this or other topics.

Current students: 

See the webpage of our working group.

Former students:

Shivani Kawdeti
    Monsoon-ocean interaction
    MSc Environmental and Resource Management, Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus (completed September 2019)

Lisa Berghäuser
    Extreme impacts in the MENA region
    MSc Geoecology, Potsdam University (completed March 2018)
    ResearchGate profile


(presenter listed in bold)

J. Schewe
Climate change, migration, displacement: Some findings from large-scale modeling studies
September 2022, International Metropolis Conference 2022, Berlin

J. Schewe
Modelling the role of water resources for human migration
September 2019, International Workshop on Water and Climate Change in a Coupled Human-Natural System, Shenzhen, China

J. Schewe
Developing predictive numerical models of climate effects on migration
August 2019, Workshop Environmental Crises as Economic, Political and Social Crises, Braunschweig

J. Schewe
Direct and indirect effects of climate change on migration
May 2019, MURI Migration project annual meeting, Gainesville FL, USA

H.Sterly, B. Etzold, L. Wirkus, P. Sakdapolrak, J. Schewe, C. Schleussner and B. Hennig
    AROMA_CoDa: Assessing Refugees' Onward Mobility through the Analysis of Communication Data
    January 2019, Data For Refugees Challenge (D4R) Closing Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey
    Report available in proceedings

S. Lange, et al.
    Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
    December 2018, American Geosciences Union, Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

L. Gudmundsson, H. X. Do, S. Gosling, M. Leonard, J. Liu, H. Mueller Schmied, J. Schewe, S. I. Seneviratne, S. Westra, W. Thiery, X. Zhang, F. Zhao
    Using big data to detect and attribute global hydrological change
    December 2018, American Geosciences Union, Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

F. Zhao, T. Veldkamp, K. Frieler, J. Schewe, et al.
    The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
    December 2017, American Geosciences Union, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

C. Otto, J. Schewe, M. J. Puma, K. Frieler
    Beneficial impacts of an international grain reserve on global food security
    December 2017, American Geosciences Union, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

J. Schewe, et al.
    Simulating the impacts of climate extremes across sectors: the case of the 2003 European heat wave
    December 2017, American Geosciences Union, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

J. Schewe, Ch. Otto, K. Frieler
    The role of storage dynamics in annual wheat prices
    October 2017, Impacts World 2017, Potsdam, Germany

J. Schewe, et al.
    Simulating the impacts of climate extremes: the case of the 2003 European heat wave
    October 2017, Impacts World 2017, Potsdam, Germany

J. Schewe
    Climate change impacts on global water resources: model projections, progress and challenges
    September 2017, 8th Water Research Horizon Conference, Hamburg, Germany

J. Schewe
    Simulating the impacts of climate extremes: the case of the 2003 European heat wave
    and Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP): Modeling climate impacts across sectors
    May 2017, 4th International Conference on Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS4), Tokyo, Japan

J. Schewe
    Quantifying global climate impacts with ISIMIP
    February 2017, Workshop on compensating for climate change impacts, Hong Kong (remote)

J. Schewe
    ISIMIP: Consistent climate impact scenarios across sectors
    December 2016, Workshop on modelling migration under climate change, Paris, France

J. Schewe, Ch. Otto, K. Frieler
    The Role of Production Shocks and Trade Policy in Past Wheat Price Fluctuations
    July 2016, EcoMod conference, Lisbon, Portugal

A list of older events can be found on this webpage (discontinued).

Teaching and Stakeholder dialogue

FernUni Hagen, Interdisziplinäres Fernstudium Umweltwissenschaften (infernum)
May 2023, Seminar Sustainable Finance, Fachvortrag "Klimawandel und gesellschaftliche Folgen"

Sächsische Entwicklungspolitische Bildungstage (SEBIT)
    March 2023, Lecture and discussion "Klimamigration im globalen Süden", Dresden

KfW Entwicklungsbank, Financial Sector Retreat
    June 2022, Keynote lecture "
Climate change & society", Königstein/Ts.

22. Berliner Symposium zum Flüchtlingsschutz
    June 2022, Lecture and discussion "Klimawandel und Vertreibung"

DZ Bank, international Sustainable Finance Day 
    May 2022, Keynote lecture "Climate change & society: The latest evidence – and why we must act on it", Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin
    April 2021, Guest lecture on climate change physics and impacts

FernUni Hagen, Interdisziplinäres Fernstudium Umweltwissenschaften (infernum)
    September 2021, Online Seminar "Klima und Migration"

KfW Entwicklungsbank, Financial Sector Retreat
    September 2019, Keynote lecture "Global warming - Physical
impacts - Societal risks", Königstein/Ts.

Technische Universität Berlin
    April 2019, Guest lecture on climate change physics and impacts

    December 2018, Presenter and panelist at two side events, Katowice, Poland

European Energy Award Brandenburg
    October 2018, Talk on climate change and impacts for regional policy makers, Potsdam

Technische Universität Berlin
    October 2018, Guest lecture on climate change physics and impacts

Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    August 2018, Educational lecture on climate change and impacts, training for international development cooperation

Technische Universität Berlin
    May 2018, Guest lecture on climate change physics and impacts

Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office): Training for young diplomats from small island developing states (SIDS)
    April-May 2018, Workshop, lectures and discussion on climate change, security, and political stability

Panel discussion "Climate Change from different Perspectives"
    November 2017, Panel discussion with Picador guest professor for literature Daniel Pena, Leipzig

Panel discussion "Klima- und umweltbedingte Migration"
    November 2017, Entwicklungspolitisches Forum, Hanns Seidel Stiftung, München

Panel discussion "Von Fidschi nach Bonn: Wie der Klimawandel Menschen in die Migration zwingt"
    November 2017, Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin
    October 2017, Guest lecture on climate change physics and impacts

Summer school on climate change in Vietnam
    September 2017, Lecture and discussion on climate change and impacts, Hue, Vietnam

Climate Impacts in a 1.5°C world
    March 2017, briefing for the delegation of the Republic of Fiji, Potsdam

Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin, Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr
    January 2017, Lecture and discussion on climate change science and impacts, Potsdam

G7 expert workshop on assessing climate change and fragility
    October 2016, Berlin

World Bank technical expert workshop on modeling human mobility under climate change
    October 2016, Washington, D.C.

Climate Migration and Health - Conference organised by Centre Virchow-Villerme
    June 2016, Talk on climate change risks for migration, Berlin

WWF 2°C-Campus
    March 2016, Lecture and discussion on climate change science and impacts, Potsdam

Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin, Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr
    January 2016, Lecture and discussion on climate change science and impacts, Potsdam

A list of older events can be found on this webpage (discontinued).

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