
Supervision of PhD's

Stephen Wirth (ongoing) Interactions of plant trait diversity and grazing management in different climates: modelling forage supply by grassland ecosystems. Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Kiel University.
Marie Brunel (ongoing) The role of fire on managed grassland in Amazonia. Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt University Berlin.
Bernhard Schauberger (2018) Improving crop models with respect to yield variability and climate extremes as a precondition for food security assessments. Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt University Berlin.

Supervision of Master theses

Stephen Wirth (2018) Establishment and competition within grassland ecosystems in LPJmL: Can a simple trait-data-based approach improve the representation of the communities? Geoecology, Potsdam University
Hendrik Mahlkow (2018) Influence of storage on agriculture commodity prices under future extreme weather events in the face of climate change. HU Berlin
Anna Schlingmann (2016) Modelling the impact of long-term dietary transitions on the agricultural system. Geoecology, Potsdam University
Jan Kowalewski (2016) Evaluation of a Benchmarking System Implementation for Global Vegetation Model Performance Assessment. Msc of Applied Geoinformatics, University Salzburg
Kathrin Högner (2013) Global agricultural water availability and water infrastructure measures in East Africa. Master of Arts in Sustainability Economics and Management, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Supervision of Diploma theses

Patricia Pätz (2009) Charakterisierung der Phytoplankton-Komponente im komplexen Partikelgemisch in einer oligotrophen Tal­sperre. Diplom-Biologie, J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Anna-Maria Ertel (2008) Hydrodynamic modelling as an approach to assessment of data and monitoring strategies for Lake Wivenhoe. Diplom-Hydrologie, TU Dresden
Katrin Hillert (2008) Charakterisierung biotischer und abiotischer Trübstoffe in einer oligotrophen Talsperre. Diplom-Biologie, TU Dresden
Rene Sachse (2007) Der Fraßdruck einer alterstruktrierten Daphnien­popu­lation auf Phytoplanktongemische: Laborexperimente und Modellsimulationen. Diplom-Biologie, TU Dresden
Stefanie Jachner (2005) Methodik zur qualitativen Beurteilung von Gewässer­güte­modellen anhand von Messdaten. Diplom-Biomathematik, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Anna Pretzschner (2004) Ermittlung der Steuergrößen der Trübstoffdynamik einer flachen, windexponierten Talsperre. Diplom-Hydrologie, TU Dresden

Supervision of Bachelor theses

Tobias Lengle (2013) Einfluß physikalischer Faktoren auf die globalen Kohlenstoffflüsse auf Weideflächen mit unterschiedlichen Management-Optionen. Bachelor of Science in Technischer Physik, TU Ilmenau

Coaching of PhD's

Markus Bonsch (2015) Land and water for agriculture - future prospects and trade-offs, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Technische Universität Berlin
Michael Krause (2015) Economic potential and sectoral impacts of forest-based climate change mitigation – integrated analysis in a global multi-sectoral land use model, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Rene Sachse (2015) Influence of climate change on lake ecosystems - disentangling physical, chemical and biological interactions, Institut für Hydrobiologie, Technische Universität Dresden
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky (2014) Agricultural nitrogen pollution: the human food-print, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Technische Universität Berlin
Katharina Waha (2012) Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa, Institute for Earth and Environmental Science, University of Potsdam
Katja Siemens (2009) Entwicklung eines aggregierten Modells zur Simulation der Gewässergüte in Talsperren als Baustein eines Flussgebietsmodells, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden
Marie König-Rinke (2008) Analyse funktioneller Typgruppen des Phytoplanktons: Integration von Modell-, Freiland- und Laborarbeiten, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden
Karsten Rinke (2006) Species-oriented model approaches to Daphnia spp.: linking the individual level to the population level, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden


Training courses in the programming language R for PIK employees starting in December 2013: details see here
Lecture contributions at the University Potsdam in the Bachelor and Master courses for "Geoecology":
Summer term 2016 Block seminar in the lecture series "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" of Kirsten Thonicke, PIK
Summer terms 2014 to 2020 Lecture "Modellierung von Landnutzung im Erdsystem" in the lecture series "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" of Kirsten Thonicke, PIK
Lectures and seminars at the University Potsdam in the Bachelor and Master courses for "Geoecology" with teaching assignments:
Winter term 2012/13 "Globale Ökologie" ("global ecology") as lecture with Christoph Müller, PIK
Summer term 2012 "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("modeling processes of the earth system") as lecture and "Programmierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("programming processes of the earth system") as block seminar with Christoph Müller, PIK
Winter term 2011/12 "Globale Ökologie" ("global ecology") as lecture with Christoph Müller, PIK
Summer term 2011 "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("modeling processes of the earth system") with lecture, seminar and "Programmierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("programming processes of the earth system") as block seminar with Wolfgang Cramer, Potsdam University, and Christoph Müller, PIK
Co-Teaching of courses in the programming language R on statistical methods: "Modellierung für Limnologen" 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2008, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden.