Participation in Conferences
2018 | |
29.08. |
'Simulation von Grasland unter Beweidung und Mahd mit LPJmL' Internationale Weidetagung, Kiel (Talk) |
03.05. |
'Landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Klimawandel – Die Rolle verbesserter Datengrundlagen für die Prognosefähigkeit von globalen Modellen' Jahrestagung des Bundesverbands für Tiergesundheit e.V., Potsdam (Talk) |
2017 | |
11.10. |
'Economic and cultural drivers for national food consumption: the specific case of meat' Impacts World Conference, Potsdam (Poster) |
23.06. |
'Presentation of LPJmL5' Workshop of INMS, Wageningen, NL (Talk) |
13.06. |
'Modelling global grassland systems with LPJmL - changes and expectations including the nitrogen cycle' Seminar of Plant & Soil Science group, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK (Talk) |
24.05. |
'Effects of grassland management on the global carbon cycle' MACSUR Science Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany (Talk) |
2016 | |
28.06. |
'Large scale impacts of grazing management under climate change' 6th AgMIP Global Workshop, Montpellier, France (Talk) |
16.06. |
'Large scale impacts of grazing pressure under climate change' LiveM Conference 'Modelling Grassland-Livestock Systems under Climate Change', Potsdam, Germany (Talk) |
08.-09.03. |
'Introduction to adaptation options in models - Grassland' AgMIP on 'Model inter-comparison on agricultural GHG emissions', Rome, Italy (Talk) |
2015 | |
28.10. |
'Overview of XC7.3 and grassland model scenarios' MACSUR Workshop of XC7 European Impact Assessment, Braunschweig, Germany (Talk) |
27.08. |
'Implementation of grassland management in LPJmL and global impacts on the carbon cycle' LPJmL Seminar, PIK (Talk) |
17. - 19.06. | 'GHG emissions and mitigation potential in the livestock sector' IAMO Forum, Halle, Germany (Session Chair) |
2014 | |
15. - 16.10. | 'Large
and changes
systems' International Livestock Modelling and Research Colloquium, Bilbao, Spain (Talk) |
19. - 20.05. | 'Grazing effects on grassland productivity - Linking livestock production to grass yields' Livestock, Climate Change and Food Security Conference, Madrid, Spain (Poster) |
28.04. - 02.05. | 'Modelling the effects of grassland management on the carbon cycle' (Poster) and 'Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective' (Talk) EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria |
02.04. | 'Environmental impacts of grassland management and livestock production' Mid-term Conference of JPI FACCE Knowledge Hub MACSUR, Sassari, Italy (Talk) |
2013 | |
29.09 - 02.10. | 'Global food intake and household waste scenarios for the 21st century' First International Conference on Global Food Security, Noordwijkerhout, NL (Poster) |
23.08. | 'Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective' 11th International Congress of Ecology, London, UK (Talk) |
12.04. | 'Estimating the vulnerability of European ecosystems to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective' European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria (Poster) |
02.04 - 05.04. | 'European ecosystem vulnerability to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective' Climate Extremes and the Biogeochemical Cycle, Seefeld, Austria (Poster) |
28.01. | 'Population growth and dietary changes: The pressure on agricultural land and water use' Information Event for European Parliament Delegation of the European Greens at PIK, Potsdam (Talk) |
2012 | |
23.10. | 'Carbon fluxes on managed grasslands under different grazing and mowing regimes' GreenCycles II Mini-Conference 4, Potsdam (Talk) |
28.08. | 'Impacts of precipitation variability on agricultural vegetation in sub‐Saharan Africa' IGC, Cologne (Talk) |
2011 | |
05.07. | 'The contribution of agricultural trade for saving blue water in arid regions' IUGG, Melbourne, Australia (Talk) |
2010 | |
13. - 17.12. | 'Improved parameterization of managed grassland in a global process-based vegetation model using Bayesian statistics' AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster) |
20.05. | 'Wann und wieviel? Bestimmung kardinaler Zeitpunkte in saisonalen Zyklen zur Untersuchung von Langzeittrends' KLIWAS-Workshop 'Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Stoffhaushalt und Planktondynamik von Fließgewässern', Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz (Talk) |
02. - 07.05. | 'Assessment of managed grassland for livestock production and water consumption estimates' EGS'2010, Vienna, Austria (Poster) |
2009 | |
21.08. | 'Ecological consequences of turbidity intrusions: Linking water quality to water quantity management of drinking water reservoirs' Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS6), Sinaia, Rumania (Talk) |
2008 | |
22.09. | 'Ablassen oder Aufstauen? - Mit Hilfe von Modellen und Beobachtungen zu einer integrierten Talsperrenbewirtschaftung' Annual Symposium of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie", Konstanz (Talk) |
01.08. | 'Ecological consequences of extreme events: Linking water quality to water quantity management of drinking water reservoirs' Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Cairns, Australien (Talk) |
2007 | |
10. - 14.12. | 'Linking water quality to water quantity: Integration of disturbance variables such as phytoplankton and turbidity into the management strategies of drinking water reservoirs' AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster) |
08.11. | 'Nutrients, Weather, Food Web: What do we need to model trophic Change?' Workshop on 'Perspectives of lake modelling towards predicting reaction to trophic change' des UBA, Berlin (Talk) |
24.09. | 'Die partikulären Stoffflüsse in einer oligotrophen Talsperre: Beobachtung und Modellierung' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Münster (Talk) |
14.08. | 'Reservoir ecosystem dynamics simulated under changing meteorological conditions reveals shifts in plankton community' 30th SIL Congress (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology), Montreal, Kanada (Talk) |
2006 | |
11. - 15.12. | 'Climate Simulations in Lentic Ecosystems: A Note on Indirect Effects' AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster) |
14.11. | 'Influence of climatic conditions on the succession of phytoplankton and zooplankton: Analysis of long-term data from the Saidenbach Reservoir' AQUASHIFT Workshop, Kiel (Talk) |
25.09. | 'Klimatische Einflüsse auf die Sukzession von Phytoplankton und Zooplankton: Analyse der Langzeitdaten der Talsperre Saidenbach (Erzgebirge)' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Dresden (Talk) |
25.08. | 'Wassergütemodellierung mit SALMO - Bewährte und neue Entwicklungen im Rahmen des Projektes GETAS' Colloquium of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Neuglobsow (Talk) |
08.06. | 'Influence of climatic conditions on the succession of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish: Analysis of long-term data from Saidenbach Reservoir (Germany)' ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, Kanada (Talk) |
2005 | |
26.09. | 'Ein gekoppeltes Modell als Entscheidungshilfe bei Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen: Validation für Talsperren verschiedener Trophie' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Karlsruhe (Talk) |
28.09. | 'Methods and criteria for the characterization of phytoplankton spring blooms in the Saidenbach Reservoir' AQUASHIFT Workshop, Kiel (Talk) |
24.08. | 'Ecological dynamics at different trophic levels: coupled modelling of physical and biological processes in freshwater reservoirs' Dynamic Planet 2005 (Joint assembly of IAG, IAPSO and IABO), Cairns, Australien (Talk) |
22. - 26.08. | 'Ecological dynamics on seasonal time scales: field and modelling studies of reservoir food webs' 4th Symposium for European Freshwater Science, Krakau, Polen (Poster) |
2004 | |
19. - 22.10. | 'Modelling the dynamics in reservoirs under varying conditions of inflow' 11th Magdeburg Seminar on Waters in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessment, Protection, Management, Leipzig (Talk) |
20. - 24.09. | 'Gekoppelte Modellierung der physikalischen und biologischen Prozesse in Talsperren und Seen' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Potsdam (Talk) |
09. - 13.08. | 'Short-term ecological dynamics: Field and modelling studies in a deep mesotrophic and a shallow eutrophic reservoir' 29th SIL Congress (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology), Lahti, Finland (Talk) |
28. - 29.06. | 'Coupled modelling of physical and biological processes in reservoirs and lakes' DFG-Workshop on Integrated Water Research and Water Management, Kloster Haydau bei Kassel (Poster) |
26. - 28.04. | 'Modelling short-term dynamics of suspended particulate matter in Venice Lagoon, Italy' Lagoons and Coastal Wetlands in the Global Change Context, UNESCO, Venice, Italy (Talk) |
22. - 23.03. | 'Simulation des Einflusses der thermischen Struktur auf die Dynamik der Früjahrsmassenentwicklung mit dem Gewässergütemodell SALMO' Tag der Hydrologie, Potsdam (Poster) |
2003 | |
29.09. - 03.10. | 'Simulation zur Dynamik der vertikalen Struktur der thermischen Schichtung und deren Einfluss auf die Phytoplanktonentwicklung' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Köln (Talk) |
2002 | |
30.09. - 04.10. | 'Simulation des Einflusses der thermischen Struktur auf die Dynamik der Früjahrsmassenentwicklung mit dem Gewässergütemodell SALMO' Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Braunschweig (Talk) |
17. - 20.09. | 'Transport of particulate matter in the Elbe estuary by means of numerical simulations' Physics of Estuaries and coastal Seas, Hamburg (Talk) |
2000 | |
16.10. | 'Modellsimulationen zur Identifikation relevanter Prozesse beim Stofftransport' Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz (Talk) |
02. - 06.10. | 'Lagrangian residual currents and their impact on suspended particulate matter transport' and 'FEM meets FDM - Conversion of velocities between two grid structures and transport of particles' LAPCOD 2000, Ischia, Italy (Talks) |
09. - 10.06. | 'Modelling strategies in F-ECTS - Feed-back of estuarine circulation and transport of sediments on phytobenthos' EUROCEAN 2000, Hamburg (Poster) |
05. - 08.06. | 'Macroalgae and their feed-backs on sediment stability in Venice Lagoon, Italy, by means of numerical modelling' ASLO 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark (Poster) |
25. - 28.04. | 'Modelling feed-backs of macroalgae growth on SPM and sediments in Venice Lagoon, Italy' EGS'00, Nizza, France (Poster) |
1999 | |
13. - 17.12. | 'Impact of particulate matter transport and macroalgae growth on sedimentation processes in Venice Lagoon, Italy' AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, (Talk) |
01. - 04.12. | 'Modelling SPM transport in the Venice Lagoon' Eloise, 3rd Open Science Meeting, Noordwijkerhout, Netherland (Talk) |
08. - 10.11. | 'Long-Term Propagation of Tailings from Deep-Sea Mining - Numerical Simulations Under Variable Conditions' ISOPE - OMS-99, Goa, India (Talk, withdrawn) |
19. - 23.04. | 'Deformations of the tidal wave in the Elbe estuary and their effect on suspended particulate matter dynamics' EGS'99, Den Hague, Netherland (Talk) |
1998 | |
07. - 11.09. | 'Propagation of tailings from deep-sea mining - Numerical simulations in the Pacific' UK Oceanography'99, Southampton, UK (Talk) |
31. - 03.09. | 'Large scale impact of Manganese nodule mining in the Pacific - Numerical simulations of the transport of tailings' 3rd International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus (Talk) |
19. - 23.04. | 'Particle transport simulations in coastal areas of the German Bight' EGS'98, Nizza, France (Poster) |
1997 | |
01.12. | 'Modellierung der Fernfeld- und Langzeitwirkung von Tiefseebergbau im Pazifik' ATESEPP-Begutachtung, Hamburg (Talk) |
15. - 16.05. | 'Modelling SPM in the Elbe estuary' Workshop on Radionucleides / Sediment Interactions, Bangor, Wales, UK (Talk) |
1996 | |
02. - 06.09. | 'Particle trapping in a tidal estuary: model simulations of the transport of SPM' UK Oceanography'96, Bangor, Wales, UK (Talk) |
15.05. | 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe' Meeresphysikalisches Seminar, Universität Oldenburg (Talk) |
04. - 09.03 | 'How to remain in freshwater: Model simulations of algae populations in a tidal estuary' ProDynamics'96, Hamburg (Talk) |
1995 | |
14. - 17.11. | '3D Model simulation of SPM transport in the Elbe estuary' German-Polish Seminar, Swinoujscie, Poland (Talk) |
1994 | |
09. - 10.06. | 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe' Begutachtung des SFB 327, Hamburg (Talk) |
1993 | |
13. - 15.12. | 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe - erste Ergebnisse mit einem 3-D-Modell' Status-Seminar 'Schwebstoffe in der Unterelbe' des SFB 327, Hamburg (Talk) |
30.08. - 03.09. | Particles in Estuaries and Coastal Waters, ECSA 23 Symposium, Haren, Niederlande |
Presentations for the public
2016 | |
02.02. |
'Climate Change and Global Change - Challenges and Opportunities for the Fruit and Vegetable Sector' Information event FrischeForum at the FruitLogistica 2016 (Talk) |
2015 | |
16.09. |
'Klimawandel und Landnutzung' Information event for chinese journalists in the context of ChinaDialogue (Talk) |
2014 | |
02.12. |
'Landnutzungsszenarien - Entwicklung und Auswirkungen' Information event for FÖJler (Talk) |
30.08. |
'Der Klang des Waldes' Mitwirkung am Benefizkonzert 'Wissenschaft trifft Musik' der Staatsoper zugunsten der Stiftung Naturton im Grossen Refraktor, Potsdam (Talk) |
25.06. | 'Kuh und Klima. Was die Landwirtschaft mit der globalen Erwärmung zu tun hat' Information event for journalists organized by agro-kontakt, Potsdam (Talk) |
18.02. | 'Um die Wurst: Klimawandel, Ernährung und Ressourcennutzung' ScienceSpot at the 'Wissenschaftstag im rbb' StudioCampus (Talk) |
29.01. | 'Vulnerability of European ecosystems: Approaches from the climatic and the ecological perspective' PIK Research Day, Potsdam (Talk) |
2013 | |
25.09. | 'How important is it how much meat we eat and how we produce it? Environmental impacts of grassland management and livestock production' Seminar of PIK Research Domain II, Potsdam (Talk) |
2012 | |
06.07. | 'Immer heisser und trockener? Wie und warum sich das Klima verändert' Information Event for Bavarian Delegation of Linke Party at PIK, Potsdam (Talk) |
2010 | |
11.11. | 'Knappes Gut: Wie die jetzige und zukünftige Verfügbarkeit von Wasser unsere Nahrungsmittelproduktion beeinflussen kann' Colloquium of the Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden, Dresden (Talk) |
2009 | |
10.11. |
'Wassergütesimulationen mit SALMO-HR zur Erstellung eines Regelwerks zur integrativen Talsperrenbewirtschaftung' Final colloquium of the BMBF funded project IntegTa, Dresden (Talk) |
2008 | |
10.10. | 'Reicht ein hoher Füllstand in Trinkwassertalsperren? Mit Hilfe von Modellen und Beobachtungen zu einer integrierten Talsperrenbewirtschaftung' Colloquium of the "Institut für Seenforschung Langenargen", Langenargen (Talk) |
2005 | |
04. - 05.04. | 'Das ökologische Teilmodell', 'Eingangsdatenstruktur für das gekoppelte GETAS-Modell' Colloquium of the project GETAS, Dresden (Talks) |
2004 | |
26.10. | 'Leben unter Wasser - Pflanzen und Tiere in der Talsperre Bautzen' Veranstaltungsreihe der Naturschutzstation Neschwitz, Neschwitz (Talk) |
1999 | |
26. - 27.05. | 'Abschätzung der Ausbreitung von partikulären Substanzen aus Aktivitäten des Tiefseebergbaus mithilfe von Modellierung' BSH Symposium 'Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt', Hamburg (Talk) |