Alexander Robinson

alex_profile Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Telegrafenberg A62 - s10
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14473 Potsdam

+49 331 288 2436

Complutense University of Madrid
Dept. of Earth Science and Astrophysics
Faculty of Physics
28040 Madrid, Spain

+34 91 394 4457

Research interests

My main interest lies with studying the role of the continental ice sheets (Greenland, Antarctica, Northern Hemisphere) in the Earth system.

Current status

I am an Assistant Professor in the Paleo Modeling and Analysis (PalMA) group at the Complutense University of Madrid in the Department of Earth Science and Astrophysics.

I am also a guest scientist at PIK, collaborating with Andrey Ganopolski, Reinhard Calov, Stefan Rahmstorf, Dim Coumou and Anders Levermann, among others.

PhD work

Working with Andrey Ganopolski and Reinhard Calov, I developed a simple regional energy-moisture balance model (REMBO) to produce realistic climate forcing and feedbacks over Greenland, given that warming in the future could drastically change the regional distribution of temperature and precipitation.

My work was funded by the Marie Curie 6th Framework Programme and was a part of the Network for Ice sheet and Climate Interactions (NICE).

Supervisors: Andrey Ganopolski, Stefan Rahmstorf, Reinhard Calov

Dissertation citation and download: Universität Potsdam Bibliothek


For more information about me, please see my academic profiles:

Google Scholar

Research Gate






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