Lecture "Complex Networks" - Summer term 2013


Place:   Humboldt University,  Berlin, Department of Physics

Lectures:   Thursday, 13:15-14:45, NEW 15 2.102   (Dr. Reik Donner / Prof. Jürgen Kurths)

Tutorials:   Thursday, 12:00-13:00, NEW 15 2.101   (Peter Menck)


Note: There will be no lectures/tutorials on 11 April !


Audience:   open for all students of natural sciences and related areas with particular interest in networks (advanced BSc, MSc or PhD student level)

Certificate:   regular participation in lectures and tutorials, 50% of points from exercise sheets; for graded certificate: additional oral examination at the end of the lecture series



Tentative schedule:

11 April: no lecture

18 April: Motivation, examples of complex networks, structural characteristics of networks (J. Kurths)

25 April: Structural characteristics of networks (R. Donner)

2 May: Generic properties of real-world networks, elementary network models (R. Donner)

9 May: no lecture (public holiday)


Further topics (additional topics can be suggested by the students):

  • Statistical mechanics of complex networks, phase transitions/percolation
  • Adaptive/co-evolutionary networks
  • Boolean dynamics on networks (spin models), opinion formation
  • Dynamical systems on networks: Kuramoto model, networks of coupled oscillators, synchronization
  • Control of network dynamics: master stability formalism, pinning control
  • Interdependent networks: structure and dynamics
  • Characteristics of spatially embedded networks, properties and models of transportation and supply networks
  • Network reconstruction from data: functional networks, time series networks
  • Temporal networks



Last update:   27 April 2013

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