Carlos Antonio Fernandez Palomino

Doctoral Researcher
Fernandez Palomino

I am a hydrology researcher with a focus on understanding the hydrological processes in the Andean and Amazonian watersheds and their sensitivity to potential climate changes, in order to improve water resources management.


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam



PhD student at Institute of Environmental Science and Geography, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

Master in water resources engineering at Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina (UNALM), Lima, Peru.

B.S. degree in agricultural engineering at Universidad Nacional San Cristóbal de Huamanga (UNSCH), Ayacucho, Peru.

Hydrological and hydraulic modeling, sensitivity analysis, multi-objective model calibration, assessment of land use and climate change impact on the hydrologic response in Andean and Amazonian basins, analysis of extreme events (floods and droughts) and remote sensing application on hydrology.

Fernandez-Palomino, C.A., Hattermann, F.F., Krysanova, V., Lobanova, A., Vega-Jácome, F., Lavado, W., Santini, W., Aybar, C., Bronstert, A., 2021. A novel high-resolution gridded precipitation dataset for Peruvian and Ecuadorian watersheds – development and hydrological evaluation. J. Hydrometeorol. 1.

Fernandez-Palomino, C.A., Hattermann, F.F., Krysanova, V., Lobanova, A., Vega-Jácome, F., Lavado, W., Santini, W., Aybar, C., Bronstert, A., 2021. Rain for Peru and Ecuador (RAIN4PE). V. 1.0. GFZ Data Serv.

Bergmann, J., K. Vinke, C.A. Fernández Palomino, C. Gornott, S. Gleixner, R. Laudien, A. Lobanova, J. Ludescher and H.J. Schellnhuber (2021). Assessing the Evidence: Climate Change and Migration in Peru. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, and International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.

Carlos Antonio Fernandez-Palomino, Fred F. Hattermann, Valentina Krysanova, Fiorella Vega-Jácome & Axel Bronstert (2021) Towards a more consistent eco-hydrological modelling through multi-objective calibration: a case study in the Andean Vilcanota River basin, Peru, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:1, 59-74, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1846740

Cesar Aybar, Carlos Fernández, Adrian Huerta, Waldo Lavado, Fiorella Vega & Oscar Felipe-Obando (2020) Construction of a high-resolution gridded rainfall dataset for Peru from 1981 to the present day, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65:5, 770-785, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1649411

Fernández-Palomino, C.A., Lavado-Casimiro, W.S. Regional maximum rainfall analysis using L-moments at the Titicaca Lake drainage, Peru. Theor Appl Climatol 129, 1295–1307 (2017).

Acuña, J., Felipe, O. & Fernández, C. (2015). Regional analysis of annual rainfall frequency for the drought maps in the Chillon, Rimac, Lurin and High Mantaro Basins. Rev. Peruana Geo Atmosferica, 4, 93-108.

B-EPICC - Brazil East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities (2022 – ongoing). As part of B-EPICC, my objectives are: to analyze and assess the impact of changing climate on the water resources of Peru, to develop new precipitation data for the Amazon Basin, and to analyze the water budget of the Amazon River Basin.

EPICC  East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities (2018 – 2021). As part of EPICC hydrology working package group, my objective is to analyze and assess the impact of changing climate on water resources in the upper Amazon river basin (Peru).

Carlos Antonio Fernández-palomino (2018). Towards the consistent hydrological simulation using SWAT model. Case Study: Vilcanota Andean basin in Peru. 2018 International SWAT Conference at Vrije Universiteit Bruseel. September 19-21, 2018 - Brussels, Belgium. See the presentation and video.

Carlos Antonio Fernández-palomino (2018). Evaluation of future climate change impacts on hydrologic processes in the Peruvian Altiplano region using SWAT. 2018 International SWAT Conference at Vrije Universiteit Bruseel. September 19-21, 2018 - Brussels, Belgium. See the presentation and video.

Fernández, C.A. (2017). Realistic hydrological simulation using SWAT model in an Andean basin of Peru. 7th HYBAM scientific meeting. 6-10 November 2017 – Niterói – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Presentation here.

Fernández, C.A. (2015). Regional maximum rainfall analysis using L-moments at the Titicaca Lake drainage, Peru. The 6th scientific meeting of the Observation Service HYBAM. Cusco- October 26 to 30, 2015. Presentation here.

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