Dr Nora Molkenthin


Understanding mechanisms behind emergent phenomena in networked systems from infrastructure networks to social networks and climate networks.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Nora Molkenthin studied Physics and Mathematics at Berlin, Manchester and Cambridge before obtaining a PhD on Climate Networks at PIK and HU Berlin within the interdisciplinary graduate school "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung" in 2014. She then worked on PostDoctoral projects at MPIDS in Göttingen as well as TU Darmstadt and TU Dresden covering topics from Protein Folding to Social Networks and On-demand Ride-sharing. From 2020 to 2024 she co-lead the working group "Dynamics, stability and resilience of complex, hybrid infrastructure networks" at PIK. Since 2025 she works in the "Cities" group.

- Mobility and on-demand Ride-sharing

- Formation and structure of complex networks
- Collective variables and Master-Equation formalism for networked phenomena
- Mean-Field theory on and of networks
- Social networks
- Protein folding

Recent Highlights:

Transdisciplinary review of Shared pooled mobility bringing together expertise from different areas:

Ride pooling:

Understanding the emergent properties of shared pooled mobility to explore its potential role in a low-carbon society.

Network MCMC:

Using Markow-Chain Monte-Carlo to understand the network ensembles arising from complex functional network measures.

Collective variables:

For complete up-to-date list of my publications go to my Publications on Google Scholar.