Dr Nocke Thomas




Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2626
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Thomas Nocke is a computer scientist / computer graphics researcher by training (phd in computer science at University of Rostock), investigating the topic of climate data visualization and visual communication of climate science knowledge. He is interested in interdisciplinary approaches, including digital humanities and digital climate services. Since 2019 he is speaker of the Computational Methods and Visualization activity of PIK's research department Complexity Science.

Research interests

  • Visualization of multi-variate climate data in space and time
  • Visual exploration and evaluation of climate models
  • Information visualization of geo-referenced climate networks
  • Visualization design and user support at the visualization process
  • Visualization and visual analytics systems for climate research
  • Visualization and statistical methods (cluster analysis, PCA, ...)
  • Climate images (historical & skeptical, photographs & arts, ...)
  • Visualization of uncertainties within climate data

Please find the full publication list here: Publications

Current projects

  • Interactive visualization of ensemble climate data in developing countries (within the EPICC project)
  • Networked climate images on the web (ANCI project)
  • Climate services for the financial sector (RECAM project, together with CarbonDelta / MSCI)

Scalar and flow data visualization:

  • Visualization of temperature changes during a asteroid impact: see video (developed together / based on data with/by PIK RD1's Paleo Climate group)
  • Jet stream visualization (summer 2010) with the LIC technique: see video (data provided by PIK's RD1)
  • Antarctica ice sheet visualization with LIC and particle animation: see video (data provided by PIK RD1's Ice Sheet group)

Climate network visualization:

  • Visualization of climate networks with the gtx tool: see video (courtesy of Stefan Buschmann, HPI)
  • Interactive visualization session exploring climate networks with the CVG tool: see video (courtesy of Christian Tominski, Univ. of Rostock)

Multi-view illustration of climate drivers and climate impacts:

  • Visualization of vegetation changes under climate change: see video (delevoped together with PIK RD1's LPJmL group)