Michael Lindner


Postdoctoral Researcher at PIK and TU Berlin.

Applying Modeling, Simulation and Machine Learning for the Renewable Energy Transition

Google Scholar

  • Social class and ecological impacts
  • Machine learning for power grid stability
  • Efficient simulation of complex networks (NetworkDynamics.jl)

Animation: Learning the coupling function of a complex network using an artificial neural network, DiffEqFlux.jl and NetworkDynamics.jl (developed together with colleagues at PIK) .


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

  • Social class and ecological impacts
  • Machine learning for power grid stability
  • Efficient simulation of complex networks (NetworkDynamics.jl)

Google Scholar

Donner, R. V., Lindner, M., Tupikina, L., & Molkenthin, N. (2019). Characterizing flows by complex
network methods. In A mathematical modeling approach from nonlinear dynamics to complex systems
(pp. 197–226). Springer.

Lindner, M., & Hellmann, F. (2019). Stochastic basins of attraction and generalized committor
functions. Physical Review E, 100(2), 022124.

Lindner, M., & Donner, R. V. (2017). Spatio-temporal organization of dynamics in a two-dimensional
periodically driven vortex flow: A lagrangian flow network perspective. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(3), 035806.

Büttner, A., Würfel, H., Plietzsch, A., Lindner, M., & Hellmann, F. (2022). An open source software
stack for tuning the dynamical behavior of complex power systems. 2022 Open Source Modelling and
Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES), 1–6.

Nauck, C., Lindner, M., Schürholt, K., & Hellmann, F. (2022). Towards dynamical stability analysis of
sustainable power grids using graph neural networks. NeurIPS ClimateChange (accepted).

Nauck, C., Lindner, M., Schürholt, K., Zhang, H., Schultz, P., Kurths, J., Isenhardt, I., & Hellmann, F.
(2022). Predicting basin stability of power grids using graph neural networks. New Journal of Physics,
24(4), 043041.

Lindner, M., Lincoln, L., Drauschke, F., Koulen, J. M., Würfel, H., Plietzsch, A., & Hellmann, F. (2021).
NetworkDynamics. jl—Composing and simulating complex networks in Julia. Chaos: An
Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(6), 063133.

Schuster, A., Lindner, M., & Otto, I. M. (2023). Whose House is on Fire? Identifying
Socio-Demographic and Housing Characteristics Driving Differences in the UK Household Co2
Emissions. Ecological Economics (accepted).

Clisciety - climate science, energy transition and society

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Zehn Fakten zum Klimawandel - ZEIT online, with Antonia Schuster

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