I hold a Master's degree in environmental engineering and I am currently pursuing a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Levermann, Prof. Korup and Dr. Jacob Schewe at Research Department 3 - Transformation Pathways. My research focuses on disaster-induced displacement risk in the context of climate and socio-economic change using Machine Learning methods.
My key research themes are:
- The effects of climate change and anthropogenic stress on our fluvial systems using ML
- Hydrodynamic and morphological modelling (little brooks to large river systems)
- Early flash flood warning by low-cost and open-access devices (IoT)
- Experimental fluid dynamics (interstitial turbulence in sediments and digital image analysis)
- Stationary surfing waves (YouTube-Link for the Neckarwelle case study in Stuttgart, Germany)
Working Group
FutureLab / Science Unit
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20731
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam
14412 Potsdam
Peer-reviewed publications:
- Imagiire L.O.K.M., Mester B., Haun S., Seidel J. (2022) Open-Access Precipitation Networks and Machine Learning Algorithms as Tools for Flood Severity Prediction. In: Kolathayar S., Mondal A., Chian S.C. (eds) Climate Change and Water Security. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 178. Springer, Singapore. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5501-2_11
- Mester, B., Willner, S. N., Frieler, K. & Schewe, J. (2021). Evaluation of river flood extent simulated with multiple global hydrological models and climate forcings. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), 094010. doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac188d
- Mester, B., Noack, M. & Wieprecht, S. (2020). Der Weg zur perfekten Surfwelle - helfen experimentelle Untersuchungen der Praxis? WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, 110(7–8), 27–31. doi.org/10.1007/s35147-020-0412-0
Other publications:
- Puckert, D., Mester, B., Noack, M., Wieprecht, S. (2018). Neckarwelle: A River
Surfing Wave Facility in the Heart of the City of Stuttgart. IAHR hydrolink, number 2/2018, ISSN
- Mester, B., Willner, S., Frieler, K., and Schewe, J.: Sensitivity of global river flood simulations to the choice of climate forcing and hydrological model. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2297. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2297
- Mester, B., Noack, M., Wieprecht, S. (2019). Digitale Bilderkennung von experimentellen Surfwellen. BAW Kolloquium - 21. Treffen junger WissenschaftlerInnen.
Deutschlandfunk interview on the 2022 floods in Australia