Archive Informal Meetings on Complex Networks 2014

4.2.2014 Cupola Stephan Spiegel (TU Berlin): Recurrence Plot-based Distance Measures
Building A43
(opposite the cafeteria),
ground floor lecture hall
Jürgen Vollmer (MPI Dynamics & Self-Organization): Droplet Growth and Precipitation
11.2.2014 Pappelallee RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium

Peter Menck (PhD Defense Trial Talk): How Wires Shape Volumes -- On the relation between network topology and nonlocal power grid stability

11:30 am
Dep. of Physics
Newtonstr. 15
Room 2’102

Peter Menck (PhD Defense): How Wires Shape Volumes -- On the relation between network topology and nonlocal power grid stability
Pappelallee RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
1 - 3 pm
Pappelallee Evaluation Presentation Training:
  1. All students of Prof. Kurths & poster presenters (& everyone else who wants) train to give a two-minutes-max oral-only presentation of their work and how it relates to the overall PIK mission. 
  2. Presenters should also prepare a two-A4-page-max poster-like exposition of their work with some additional details, and will get feedback via email.
(6 people each time, see email)
1 - 3 pm
Pappelallee Evaluation Presentation Training
1 - 3 pm
Pappelallee Evaluation Presentation Training
8.4.2014 Pappelallee RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
1 - 3 pm
Pappelallee Evaluation Presentation Training
1 - 3 pm
Pappelallee Evaluation Presentation Training
6.5.2014 Cupola Johannes Blaschke (MPI Dynamics & Self-Organization):
Entropic Motors: Brownian Ratchets far from Equilibrium
PIK Evaluation: all PIK staff must attend!
10 am
Cupola Marc Wiedermann (Master's Thesis Defense): TBA
27.5.2014 Pappel Emma Li Johansson (Lund U, Dep. of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Sciences): Virtual land and water flows from export-oriented food and biofuel production in Africa
10.6.2014 Pappel RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
1 pm
Cupola Sarika Jalan (IIT Indore):
Extreme value statistics of brain networks
Cupola C. R. Hens (IICR Kolkata):
Chimera in globally coupled oscillators
1.7.2014 Cupola Sangeeta Rani Ujjwal (JNU New Delhi):
Designing Chimeras with multiple coherent regions
8.7.2014 RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
  1. Ingo Fischer (IFISC Palma de Mallorca): Neuro-inspired Photonic Information Processing:
 understanding the mechanisms of reservoir computing
  2. Yong Zou (East China Normal U):
    Basin of attraction and explosive synchronization
22.7.2014 Cupola Jakob Runge (PhD Defense Trial talk):
Detecting and Quantifying Causality from Time Series of Complex Systems
29.7.2014 Pappel Jobst Heitzig:
Analysis of Transient Behaviour via Deterministic Symbolic Dynamics
10 am
1 pm!
Dep. of Physics
Newtonstr. 15
Room 1’202
  • 10 am
    Jakob Runge (PhD Defense):
    Detecting and Quantifying Causality from Time Series of Complex Systems
  • 1 pm
    Paul Schultz (Master's Defense):
    Stability Analysis of Power Grid Networks
12.8.2014 Telegrafenberg
Building H
Seminar Room 1
(below cantina)
Jonathan Donges: Regime shifts in Holocene Asian monsoon dynamics inferred from speleothems: Potential impacts on cultural change and migratory patterns
19.8.2014 Pappel Aljoscha Rheinwalt: Event Synchronization Anisotropy in Climate Networks
26.8.2014 Cupola Bedartha Goswami: Different stages of the East Asian Monsoon in the past 10,000 years
1 pm
Building A43
(close to cantina)
Florian Klimm (Master's Thesis Defense):
Characterisation of individual nodes in the mesoscale of complex networks

2.9.2014 Cupola Talks by two members of the new CoSy-CC² project:

  1. Chiranjit Mitra: Dynamical behaviours in time-delay systems with delayed feedback and digitized coupling
  2. Jonatan Siegmund: Seasonal Precipitation Prediction for West Africa, East Africa and India: Evaluation and Dynamical Regionalisation of CFSv2's Global Seasonal Predictions
9.9.2014 Pappel
  1. RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
  2. Wenlian Lu (Fudan U): Towards integrating analysis of genetic data, brain imaging and computational neuronal models
16.9.2014 Pappel Thiago de Lima Prado (U Federal do Paraná):
Synchronization of bursting Hodgkin-Huxley-type neurons in clustered networks


1 pm

Building A19
Jobst Heitzig: Topology of Sustainable Management of Dynamical Systems with Desirable States
30.9.2014 Cupola Mikhail Khotyakov (Master's Defense, LMU München):
Attractor dimensions and clustering in recurrence networks
7.10.2014 Pappel Xiujing Han and Qinsheng Bi (Jiangsu U): Delayed Bifurcations to Repetitive Spiking and Classification of Delay-Induced Bursting
14.10.2014 Pappel RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
21.10.2014 (no seminar)
28.10.2014 Cupola Ulrich Parlitz: Data driven state and parameter estimation for chaotic systems
4.11.2014 Pappel Ken Showalter (West Virginia U): Synchronization in Populations of Chemical Oscillators - Quorum Sensing, Phase Clusters and Chimeras
11.11.2014 Pappel RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
18.11.2014 Telegrafenberg   Telegrafenberg PhD days (see pikall email from 2 Oct.)
25.11.2014 Pappel Julian Maluck: Topological characterisation of the World Trade Network from a network of networks perspective
2.12.2014 Pappel RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium
9.12.2014 (no seminar, but HEEECC workshop in Bad Honnef)
16.12.2014 RD4, Monthly Internal Colloquium