Jakob Wedemeyer

Doctoral Researcher

Jakob Wedemeyer (prev. Lochner) is a PhD student in the Research Department 4 - Complexity Science.

He is a member of the working group Societal Transition and Well-being.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


  • Climate impacts on society, i.e. migration behaviour
  • Media attention to climate change
  • Causal inference (fixed effects models)
  • Machine learning (natural language processing, supervised and unsupervised learning...)

Wedemeyer J.H., Kotz M., Stechemesser A., Wenz L. Evidence for climate-induced migration from poor to rich regions globally (under review)

Schirmag T., Wedemeyer J.H., Stechemesser A., Wenz L. Deconstructing climate change television news using neural topic models (under review)

Lochner, J.H., Stechemesser, A. & Wenz, L. Climate summits and protests have a strong impact on climate change media coverage in Germany. Nature's Communications Earth & Environment (2024).
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Lochner*, J. H./Donges*, J. F., Kitzmann, N. H., Heitzig, J., Lehmann, S., Wiedermann, M., and Vollmer, J. (2021). Dose-response functions and surrogate models for exploring social contagion in the Copenhagen Networks Study. European Physical Journal Special Topics (2021).
* shared lead authorship.

I am authoring a weekly (german only) newsletter on climate politics: Klimahochdrei

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