Jakob Wedemeyer (prev. Lochner)

Doctoral Researcher
Wedemeyer (prev. Lochner)

Jakob Wedemeyer is a PhD student in the Research Department 4 - Complexity Science.

He is a member of the working group Data based analysis of climate decisions.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Societal attention has a major influence on political decisions, for example on climate protection and adaptation measures. However, attention is not constantly high, but fluctuates between high and low phases, in so-called attention cycles. In addition, growing accustomed to climate impacts, such as very hot and dry summers, can lead to reduced attention and thus potentially to insufficient climate protection measures.

I am investigating attention cycles on climate change and especially on weather extremes by means of a systematic and quantitative analysis of media coverage. My analysis focuses on the medium "newspaper" and I prepare, classify and statistically analyse newspaper archive data. In doing so, I approximate public attention by the number of topic-specific press articles, a well-established procedure in the literature.

Lochner, J.H., Stechemesser, A. & Wenz, L. Climate summits and protests have a strong impact on climate change media coverage in Germany. Communications Earth & Environment (2024).
Blog post

Lochner*, J. H./Donges*, J. F., Kitzmann, N. H., Heitzig, J., Lehmann, S., Wiedermann, M., and Vollmer, J. (2021). Dose-response functions and surrogate models for exploring social contagion in the Copenhagen Networks Study. European Physical Journal Special Topics (2021).
* shared lead authorship.

I am authoring a weekly (german only) newsletter on climate politics: Klimahochdrei