Publikationen (KLIF Projekt)

Projekt »KLIF: Integrierte Finanz- und Klimapolitik: Handlungsspielräume für Nationalstaaten unter Wettbewerbsdruck« (Projektnummer 326144982, DFG LE 782/2)


Diese Publikationsliste ergänzt den Abschlussbericht des Projektes und wird über den Abschluss des Projektes hinaus aktuell gehalten. Mitglieder des Projektteams erscheinen gefettet.

a) Peer reviewed

  1. Kellner, M. and Runkel, M. (2023). Climate Policy and Optimal Public Debt, International Tax and Public Finance. doi:10.1007/s10797-023-09814-9.
  2. Franks, M., D. Klenert, A. Schultes, K. Lessmann, O. Edenhofer (2018). Is Capital Back? The Role of Land Ownership and Savings Behavior. International Tax and Public Finance, 25(5), 1252-1276.
  3. Roolfs, C., B. Gaitan and O. Edenhofer (2021). Make or brake – Rich states in voluntary federal emission pricing. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 109 (2021): 102463. 
  4. Hänsel, M. C. and Franks, M. and Kalkuhl, M. and Edenhofer, O. (2022). Optimal Carbon Taxation and Horizontal Equity: A Welfare-Theoretic Approach with Application to German Household Data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, available online 9 September 2022, 102730, doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2022.102730.
  5. Kellner, M.Strategic Effects of Stock Pollution: The Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits Revisited. Public Choice. Kellner, M. Strategic effects of stock pollution: the positive theory of fiscal deficits revisited. Public Choice (2022).
  6. Franks, M. and Lessmann, K., Tax Competition With Asymmetric Endowments in Fossil Resources (October 29, 2019). Available at SSRN: Accepted for publication in Resources Policy.

b) Other

  • Roolfs, C. and Gaitan, B. and Edenhofer, O. and Lessmann, K., Technology Beats Capital – Sharing the Carbon Price Burden in Federal Europe (February 6, 2020). Available at SSRN:
  • Kellner M., Public or Private Abatement? The Impact of Fiscal Policy Constraints (May 5, 2021). Available at SSRN: