Wiebke Lass


Being an economist by training, Wiebke Lass is working in interdisciplinary contexts since a couple of years. Her current research interests cover urban transition processes with respect to both climate change adaptation and mitigation. A major issue in her work is the connection between urban health and urban systems design, including ecosystem services. The effects of high-end climate change on health and the urban economy have more recently attracted her interest. Finally, she is also working in the area of public (non-) acceptance of the energy transition and implications for its institutional design. Further interests cover local and global public goods, public finances and gender aspects of climate change.

Current research projects include: The research project "High-end scenarios: National adaptation options in the event of severe climate change" commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency (duration 2019-2022; project website: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/output/projects /all/746). The focus of the PIK was on the topic of adapting to the health consequences of high-end climate change in urban contexts in Germany. The project "A democratic conflict culture for the energy transition" (DEMOKON) (duration 2020 - 2022), funded by the Mercator Foundation, deals with conflicts surrounding the energy transition and implications (a) for a better design of the energy transition and (b) policy recommendations for the municipal level (project website: https://demokon.de/ ). The current research project (competence network) LokoNet (duration 2022-2025) is part of the BMBF funding line "Strengthening and further development of peace and conflict research". Specifically, it is about how social spaces and emotions interact in conflict dynamics, with the focus of the PIK being on conflicts surrounding climate change and the energy transition (project website: https://www.lokonet.de/beitraege/ ) .


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2040
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

Wiebke studied economics at the Ruhr University Bochum and the Philipps University Marburg from where she obtained her diploma (Dipl.-Volksw.). Before she joined PIK she was working at the Institute of Public Finance at Marburg University and at the Marburg based Society for Applied Local Municipality Research (GEFAK), Marburg. She was the assistant of Prof. Horst Zimmermann during his time as head rest. member of the German Advisory Council for Global Environmental Change (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat 'Global Umweltveränderungen' der Bundesregierung, WBGU).

- Urban Transformation
- Climate neutral living/ methodology of real lab
- Climate Change and Health
- High End Climate Change
- Acceptance and design of German Energy Transition
- Global Public Goods
- Ecological Economics
- Gender Aspects of Climate Policy

Different typs of heat action plans (in preparation)

Increase climate resilience by implementing heat action plans (in preparation)

Rodríguez-Chávez, Héctor; Julia Epp; Seraja Bock; Fritz Reusswig; Wiebke Lass: Pathways to energy citizenship and their connection with ownership, participation, and conflict. submitted.

Fritz Reusswig, Wiebke Lass, Seraja Bock (2022): Populistische Narrative der Energiewende und die Zukunft der Demokratie, in: Zilles, J.; Janik, J.; Drewing, E. (Hrsg.): Umkämpfte Zukunft. Zum Verhältnis von Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie und Konflikt, transcript, December 2022. DOI: 10.1515/9783839463000-010

Simon Teune, Maike Rump, Beate Küpper, Julia Schatzschneider, Fritz Reusswig und Wiebke Lass (2021): Energiewende: Ja, aber... - Kritik und Konflikte um die Energiewende im Spiegel einer Bevölkerungsbefragung. DEMOKON-Research-Paper 2, August 2021, Potsdam. (URL: https://demokon.de/publikationen/ ). DOI: 10.48485/pik.2021.005.

Fritz Reusswig, Beate Küpper, Wiebke Lass, Seraja Bock, Julia Schatzschneider (2021): Populismus und Energiewende. DEMOKON-Research-Paper 1, Juni 2021, Potsdam. (URL: https://demokon.de/publikationen/ ).

Reusswig, Fritz, Seraja Bock, Christoph Schleer, Wiebke Lass, (2021): The Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Consumption Behaviors, in: Front. Sustain., 02 June 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2021.648433

Reusswig, Fritz, Wiebke Lass, Seraja Bock (2020): Urban low-carbon futures: Results from real-world lab experiment in Berlin, in: Marta Lopes, Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Kathryn B. Janda (eds.): Energy and Behavior. Towards a low Carbon Future, Elsevier. Academic Press, 2020, Pages 419-450, ISBN 9780128185674, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818567-4.00016-8. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128185674000168) Keywords: Climate protection; Private households; Urban real lab; Consumer; Citizen

Wiebke Lass, Fritz Reusswig (2018): Summer in the City. Berlin im Spannungsfeld von Stadtwachstum und Klimawandel, in: RaumPlanung 199 / 06-2018, Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschung des Informationskreis für Raumplanung (IfR), S. 16-21.

Reusswig, Fritz; Wiebke Lass (2018): Klimawandel in der wachsenden Stadt. Die urbane Transformation planerisch gestalten, in: Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung (DAL) (Hrsg.): Stadt Denken, Bd. 2, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-9816204-5-0, S. 45-52.

Wiebke Lass (2018): Der "wahre" Wert der Parzelle. Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen von Kleingärten neu bewerten. Klimaserie Teil VI, in: Gartenfreund, April 2018, S. 8f.

Eichenauer, Eva; Reusswig, Fritz; Meyer-Ohlendorf, Lutz und Wiebke Lass (2018): Bürgerinitiativen gegen Windkraftanlagen und der Aufschwung rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen. In: Kühne O., Weber F. (Hrsg.): Bausteine der Energiewende. RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, S.: 633-651.* DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-19509-0_32

Reusswig, F.; Lüdeke, M. K. B.; Wiebke Lass et al. (2017): Integrierter Klimaschutzplan Hessen 2025/Integrated plan for climate adaptation and mitigation in Hesse 2025, Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
2017, Wiesbaden, 68 pp, Report

Reusswig, Fritz; Wiebke Lass (2017): Urbs Laborans. Klimapolitische Realexperimente am Beispiel
Berlins, in: Böschen, Stefan/ Groß, Matthias/ Krohn, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Experimentelle Gesellschaft. Das Experiment als wissensgesellschaftliches Dispositiv, (Gesellschaft – Technik – Umwelt, Bd. 19), Nomos: Baden Baden: 309-338.

Reusswig, Fritz, Wiebke Lass (2016: Herausforderung Klimawandel. Das Berliner Anpassungskonzept an die Folgen des Klimawandels (AFOK) – Eckpunkte und Herausforderungen für die deutsche Hauptstadt, in: Depesche Aktuell, Fachzeitung der führenden Stadtentwicklungsunternehmen, Dezember 2016, 1-3.

Reusswig, F., Braun, F., Eichenauer, E., Heger, I., Wiebke Lass., Ludewig, T. (2016): 'Against the Wind'. Local Opposition to the German 'Energiewende'; In: "The German Energiewende - What's happening", Special Issue, Utilities Policy, July 2016.* abstract

Reusswig, F.; Becker, C.; Wiebke Lass.; Haag, L.; Hirschfeld, J.; Knorr, A.; Lüdeke, M.K.B.; Neuhaus, A.; Pankoke, C.; Rupp, J., Walther, C.; Walz, S.; Weyer, G.; Wiesemann, E. (2016): Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Berlin (AFOK). Klimaschutz Teilkonzept. Teil I: Hauptbericht, Auftraggeber: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin, Potsdam, Berlin. Juli 2016

Reusswig, F.; Becker, C.; Wiebke Lass; Haag, L.; Hirschfeld, J.; Knorr, A.; Lüdeke, M.K.B.; Neuhaus, A.; Pankoke, C.; Rupp, J., Walther, C.; Walz, S.; Weyer, G.; Wiesemann, E. (2016): Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Berlin (AFOK). Klimaschutz Teilkonzept. Teil II: Materialien. Auftraggeber: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin. Potsdam, Berlin. Juli 2016.

Reusswig, F.; Becker, C.; Wiebke Lass; Haag, L.; Hirschfeld, J.; Knorr, A.; Lüdeke, M.K.B.; Neuhaus, A.; Pankoke, C.; Rupp, J., Walther, C.; Walz, S.; Weyer, G.; Wiesemann, E. (2016): Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Berlin (AFOK). Klimaschutz Teilkonzept. Zusammenfassung. Auftraggeber: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin. Potsdam, Berlin. Juli 2016.

Altenburg, Corinna; Reusswig, Fritz; Wiebke Lass: Going Smart and Climate Neutral in Berlin. Insights From the German Capital: Woodrow W. Clark II and Grant Cooke (Ed.) (2016): Smart Green Cities. Towards a Carbon Neutral World; Routledge Press (London), March 2016: 257ff.*

Hirschl, Bernd; Fritz Reusswig, Julika Weiß, Lars Bölling, Mark Bost, Ursula Flecken, Leilah Haag, Philipp Heiduk, Patrick Klemm, Christoph Lange, Wiebke Lass, Paul-Martin Richter, Johannes Rupp, Steven Salecki, Uwe Schwarz, Gregor Weyer, Rainer Voigt (2015): Entwurf für ein Berliner Energie- und Klimaschutzprogramm (BEK), Endbericht, November 2015; im Auftrag des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin.

Hirschl, Bernd; Fritz Reusswig, Julika Weiß, Lars Bölling, Mark Bost, Ursula Flecken, Leilah Haag, Philipp Heiduk, Patrick Klemm, Christoph Lange, Wiebke Lass, Paul-Martin Richter, Johannes Rupp, Steven Salecki, Uwe Schwarz, Gregor Weyer, Rainer Voigt (2015): Entwurf für ein Berliner Energie- und Klimaschutzprogramm. Technischer Anhang, Dezember 2015; im Auftrag des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin.

Reusswig, Fritz; Weyer, Gregor; Haag, Leilah; Hagenau, Carsten; Knorr, Antje; Wiebke Lass; Lüdeke, Matthias; Pankoke, Christiane; Rohrbacher, Christian; Walther, Carsten (2015): Anpassung an den Klimawandel in der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam. Klimaschutzteilkonzept, Gutachten im Auftrag der Stadtverwaltung der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, Koordinierungsstelle Klimaschutz, Potsdam Juni 2015.

Reusswig, Fritz, Wiebke Lass (2014): Klimawandel und lokale Klimapolitik: Das Beispiel Berlin, in: Stefan Böschen, Bernhard Gill, Cordula Kropp, Katrin Vogel (Hrsg.): Klima von unten. Regionale Governance und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Frankfurt/M.: Campus Verlag.

Reusswig, Fritz; Hirschl, Bernd; Wiebke Lass (2014): Climate-Neutral Berlin 2050. Results of a Feasibility Study. Berlin: Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment.

Reusswig, Fritz; Hirschl, Bernd; Wiebke Lass; Becker, Carlo; Bölling, Lars; Clausen, Wulf; Haag, Leilah; Hahmann, Henrike; Heiduk, Philipp; Hendzlik, Manuel; Henze, Anna; Hollandt, Frank; Hunsicker, Frank; Lange, Christoph; Meyer-Ohlendorf, Lutz; Neumann, Anna; Rupp, Johannes; Schiefelbein, Sebastian; Schwarz, Uwe; Weyer, Gregor; Wieler, Ulrich (2014): Machbarkeitsstudie Klimaneutrales Berlin 2050. Berlin, April 2014.

Reusswig, Fritz; Hirschl, Bernd; Lass, Wiebke; Becker, Carlo; Bölling, Lars; Clausen, Wulf; Haag, Leilah; Hahmann, Henrike; Heiduk, Philipp; Hendzlik, Manuel; Henze, Anna; Hollandt, Frank; Hunsicker, Frank; Lange, Christoph; Meyer-Ohlendorf, Lutz; Neumann, Anna; Rupp, Johannes; Schiefelbein, Sebastian; Schwarz, Uwe; Weyer, Gregor; Wieler, Ulrich unter Mitarbeit von Eichenauer, Eva; Kühne, Verena; Maharens, Sönke; Dusold, Pascal; Prahl, Andreas und Schröder, André (2014): Machbarkeitsstudie Klimaneutrales Berlin 2050. Hauptbericht, Potsdam und Berlin, April 2014.

Reusswig, Fritz; Hirschl, Bernd; Lass, Wiebke; Becker, Carlo; Bölling, Lars; Clausen, Wulf; Haag, Leilah; Hahmann, Henrike; Heiduk, Philipp; Hendzlik, Manuel; Henze, Anna; Hollandt, Frank; Hunsicker, Frank; Lange, Christoph; Meyer-Ohlendorf, Lutz; Neumann, Anna; Rupp, Johannes; Schiefelbein, Sebastian; Schwarz, Uwe; Weyer, Gregor; Wieler, Ulrich unter Mitarbeit von Eichenauer, Eva; Kühne, Verena; Maharens, Sönke; Dusold, Pascal; Prahl, Andreas und Schröder, André (2014): Machbarkeitsstudie Klimaneutrales Berlin 2050. Anhang. Maßnahmenblätter und Hintergrundmaterial, Potsdam und Berlin, April 2014.

Wiebke Lass (2013): Machbarkeitsstudie "Klimaneutrales Berlin 2050". Workshopserie I, Nachlese + Ausblick, Berlin: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt.

Wiebke Lass (zus. m. F. Reusswig) (2013): Klimaschutz als globale Norm und soziale Wirklichkeit, in: Schapper, Andrea/ Fleschenberg, Andrea/ Kneuer, Marianne: Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Baden-Baden: Nomos.*

Wolf, Sarah; Fürst, Stefan; Mandel, Antoine; Lass, Wiebke; Lincke, Daniel; Pablo-Martí, Frederico; Jaeger, Carlo C. (2013): A Multi-Agent Model of Several Economic Regions, in: Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier), available online 13 March 2013, ISSN 1364-8152, 10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.12.012.*

Wiebke Lass (2012): Ökonomische Folgen des Klimawandels, in: T. Christ/ A. Gellrich/ T. Ide (Hrsg.) (2012): Zugänge zur Klimadebatte in Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie (Reihe: Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Band 4, Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, S. 143-168.*

Wiebke Lass, Armin Haas, Jochen Hinkel, and Carlo Jaeger (2012): Avoiding the Avoidable: Towards a European Heat Waves Risk Governance, in: Peijun Shi, Carlo Jaeger and Qian Ye, eds., Integrated Risk Governance, Project Book series I: Integrated Risk Governance—IHDP-IRGP Science Plan and Case Studies on the Integrated Risk Governance of Large Scale Disasters. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group.*

Wolf, S., Fürst, S., Mandel, A., Knell, S., Lass, W., Lincke, D., Teitge, J., and Jaeger, C. (2012): Two modes of scheduling in a simple economic agent-based model. SIMULTECH 2012 – Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Rome, Italy, 28 - 31 July, 2012.

Wiebke Lass, Armin Haas, Jochen Hinkel, and Carlo Jaeger (2011): Avoiding the Avoidable: Towards a European Heat Waves Risk Governance, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (IJDRS) 201/2011, 1-14.*

Carlo C. Jaeger, Leonidas Paroussos, Diana Mangalagiu, Roland Kupers, Antoine Mandel, Joan David Tàbara, Frank Meißner, Wiebke Lass (2011): A New Growth Path for Europe. Generating Prosperity and Jobs in the Low-Carbon Economy. Final Report. A study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Potsdam, June 2011, ISBN: 978-3-941663-10-7.

Sarah Wolf, Steffen Fürst, Antoine Mandel, Wiebke Lass, Daniel Lincke, Federico Pablo-Martì, and Carlo Jaeger. Lagom regiO - a multi-agent model of several economic regions. To appear in: Proceedings of the 100th Dahlem Conference, New Approaches in Economics after the Financial Crisis, 2010 Aug 28-31.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W. (2010): Post-Carbon Ambivalences. The New Climate Change Discourse and the Risks of Climate Policy. In: P. Wehling, S. Böschen (Eds.): Ambivalent Progress. Special Issue STI-Studies.*

Reusswig, F., Lass, W.: The Social Construction of Impacts and Vulnerability. On Reshaping Our Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessments after Hurricane Katrina (2010, submitted to Global Environmental Change)*

C. Jaeger, G. Horn, T. Lux in colaboration with Daniel Fricke, Steffen Fürst, Wiebke Lass, Lin Lin, Antoine Mandel, Frank Meißner, Sven Schreiber, Dieter Vesper, Rudolf Zwiener (2009): From the Financial Crisis to Sustianability, Joint Report to the German Ministry of the Environnement, BMU: Berlin.

W. Lass (2009): Towards the neXt generation of climate policy models. Report of an International Expert Workshop organized by the European Climate Forum on behalf of the German Ministry for the Environment in Berlin, Hilton, Gendarmenmarkt, November 13-14, 2008. March 2009.

W. Lass (2009): Klimafolgen und Anpassungen. Ausgewählte Herausforderungen für den Sektor "Bauen & Wohnen" in Deutschland. (GSF arbeitspapiere 3/2009), Potsdam, 83 S.

Mandel, A., S. Fuerst, W. Lass, F. Meissner and C. Jaeger (2009): Lagom generiC an agent-based model of growing economies, European Climate Forum Working Paper 1/2009.*

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (2008): Klima der Veränderung? Risiken und Chancen der Finanzkrise für die Klimapolitik, in: Umwelt + Bildung, 4/2008: 24f.

Jochem, E., C. Jaeger, A. Battaglini, W. Lass et al. (2008): Investments For a Climate-Friendly Germany. Study Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Synthesis Report, Potsdam 25 July 2008.

Jochem, E., C. Jaeger, A. Battaglini, H. Bradke, C. Cremer, W. Eichhammer, H. Förster, A. Haas, E. Henning, F. Idrissova, B. Kasper, J. Köhler, D. Köwener, J. Krause, W. Lass, J. Lilliestam, W. Mannsbart, M. Müller, F. Meißner, B. Pflüger, P. Radgen, M. Ragwitz, M. Rauschen, F. Reitze, L. Riffeser, K. Saure, W. Schade, F. Sensfuß, F. Toro, R. Walz, M. Wietschel (2008): Investitionen für ein klimafreundliches Deutschland: Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit. Endbericht, Potsdam: Mai 2008.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (Eds.) (2005): A Practical Guide Towards Social Monitoring in Biosphere Reserves. BRIM Report No. 2, UNESCO, Paris.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W. (Eds.) (2002): Meaning and Methods of Socio-economic Monitoring in Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program, Biosphere Reserve Integrated Monitoring, BRIM Report 1, Paris: UNESCO, ca. 220 pages.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (2002): Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltkommunikation. Ein Forschungsprojekt auf der Suche nach sozialwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. in: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.): Perspektiven für die Verankerung des Nachhaltigkeitsleitbildes in der Umweltkommunikation. Chancen, Barrieren und Potenziale der Sozialwissenschaften. Bericht, Bd. 4/01, Berlin: Erich Schmidt-Verlag 13-36.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (eds). 2002. Social Monitoring: Meaning and Methods for an Integrated Management in Biosphere Reserves. Report of an International Workshop. Rome, 2-3 September 2001. Biosphere Reserve Integrated Monitoring (BRIM) Series No. 1. UNESCO, Paris. download

Lass, W. (2001): Von Einzelindikatoren bis zu Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen. Neuere Entwicklungen in der umweltökonomischen Evaluierung, (GSF - arbeitspapiere 3/2001), 138 S.

Lass, W. (2001): Zukunftsfähig konsumieren! Ökologische Kommunikation für Strukturwandel im Konsumbereich, in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 5/ 2001, S. 18f.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (2001): Für eine Politik der differentiellen Kommunikation – Nachhaltigkeit als Problem gesellschaftlicher Kommunikationsprozesse, in: G. Michelsen, A. Fischer, U. Stoltenberg: Vom schwierigen Vergnügen einer Kommunikation über die Idee der Nachhaltigkeit, Frankfurt am Main: 150-174.

Lass, W. (2001) Aktuelle Ansätze der Energie- und Klimapolitik, (GSF - arbeitspapiere 1/2001), 132 S.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W. (Hrsg.) (2000): Strategien der Popularisierung des Leitbildes „Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. 5. UBA-Fachgespräch zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Umweltforschung vom 18.-20.3.1999. Tagungsdokumentation Band 1: Systematische Auswertung. (UNESCO-Verbindungsstelle für Umwelterziehung). Berlin, 147 S.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (Hrsg.) (2000): Strategien der Popularisierung des Leitbildes „Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. 5. UBA-Fachgespräch zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Umweltforschung vom 18.-20.3.1999; Tagungsdokumentation Band 2: Tagungsbeiträge (UNESCO-Verbindungsstelle für Umwelterziehung). Berlin, 381 S.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F. (2000) Worte statt Taten? Nachhaltige Entwicklung als Kommunikationsproblem, in: Politische Ökologie 63/64: 12-15.

Cassel-Gintz, M., Lass, W., Petschel-Held, G., Moldenhauer, O. und Woth, K. (1999): Biosphere-Anthroposphere Linkages: The Overexploitation Syndrome. Externes Expertengutachten für den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesregierung `Globale Umweltveränderungen` (WBGU) zum Hauptgutachten 1999.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W. (1999): Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren zur Thematik Konsummuster - Kapitel 4 „Veränderung der Konsummuster“ der Agenda 21, Publikationen zur Konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren der UN-Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), hrsg. Vom Umweltbundesamt (Texte des Umweltbundesamtes 36), Berlin, S. 1-67.

Lass, W.: (1998): Sind Wirtschaftswachstum, Konsum und nachhaltige Entwicklung vereinbar? Wichtigste Zusammenhänge und Implikationen für die Umweltbildung. Beitrag zur BMBF-Pilotstudie zu einem Förderprogramm „Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit“ - Tagung I: Ökonomische Aspekte der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre Bedeutung für die schulische Bildung in Berlin vom 5.-7. Oktober 1998, Berlin, S. 56-75.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W., Kühn, H.-D. (1998): Katastrophenanfälligkeit und „Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ - Ein Indikatorensystem für Deutschland, Pilotstudie im Auftrag des Deutschen IDNDR (United Nations: International Decade for Desaster Reduction) - Komitee (IDNDR Schriften14), Bonn, 82 S.

Reusswig, F., Lass, W., Kühn, K.-D. (1998): Disaster Vulnerability and „Sustainable Development“. Integrating Disaster Vulnerability in the CSD's List of Indicators: Measuring Sustainable Development in Germany, German IDNDR-Series 14e, Bonn, 70 pages.

Lass, W. (1998): Indikatorensysteme für Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Überblick, Studie im Auftrag des Umweltforschungszentrums Halle Leipzig; (GSF - arbeitspapiere, 3/98), Potsdam, 49 S.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F., Kühn, K.-D (1998): Katastrophenanfälligkeit und nachhaltige Vorsorge in Deutschland. Teil 1, in: Bevölkerungsschutz, 2: 46 f.

Lass, W., Reusswig, F., Kühn, K.-D (1998): Katastrophenanfälligkeit und nachhaltige Vorsorge in Deutschland. Teil 2, in: Bevölkerungsschutz, 3: 45 f.

Schellnhuber, H.J., Block, A., Cassel-Gintz, M., Kropp, J., Lammel, G., Lass, W., Lienenkamp, R., Loose, C., Lüdeke, M.K.B., Moldenhauer, O., Petschel-Held, G., Plöchl, M (1997) Syndromes of Global Change, In: GAIA, 6, 1: 19-34.*

Lass, W., B. Schäfer, R. Wink (1994): Internationaler Handel und Umwelt - Ausgewählte Aspekte, in: Global Change Prisma 4, Vol. 5: 3-8.

Lass, W., N. Schuldt (1994): Die Bedeutung von umweltökonomischen Prinzipien im Bereich der globalen Umweltveränderungen, in: Zimmermann, H./ Hansjürgens, B. (Hrsg.): Prinzipien der Umweltökonomie in ökonomischer Sicht, (Ladenburg Kolleg: Studien zum Umweltstaat): 108–149.

Zimmermann, H., Müller, W., Döring, T., Lass, W., und Lapp, S (1993): Der Zustand der kommunalen Infrastruktur, (Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Beiträge; 122), Hannover, 125 S.

The project “High-end scenarios - national adaptation options in the event of severe climate change” (1/2020 - 11/2022) examines the consequences of extreme climate change for Germany and how well Germany is prepared for it. For this purpose, the project team is developing various scenarios on selected topics on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and concretizing them in concrete case studies and narratives. From the investigation of the possible limits of existing adaptation measures, policy recommendations for improved, perhaps also novel forms of adaptation (transformative adaptation) are to be derived. The project can be viewed as a kind of “stress test” of climate change adaptation in Germany and supplements the periodically recurring vulnerability analysis (VA) for Germany with the “upper end” of the available climate scenarios in selected areas. Only possible (imagined) climate scenarios are excluded. Rather, the project is based on the idea of ​​a "Reasonable Worst Case": The "worst cases" are selected from scientifically proven possible climate impacts and examined how the existing adaptation strategy can deal with them - and where it may be overwhelmed and need to be improved to avoid major damage. The basic assumption of the project is that the best climate adaptation is effective climate protection in line with the Paris goals. But in the spirit of “hope for the best, plan for the worst”, it would be negligent not to prepare for scenarios that assume that these goals are not met. All the more so as climate change would continue for a while due to the inertia of the earth system even if the Paris climate targets were met tomorrow. The project runs until 11/2022 and is managed by adelphi research gGmbH from Berlin. Further partners are the Swiss think tank INFRAS AG (Zurich) and the Berlin-based GreenAdapt Gesellschaft für Klimaanituation mbH. PIK takes the lead in the synthesis of the available knowledge and plays a key role in the development of scenarios and policy recommendations.

Demokon - Eine demokratische Konfliktkultur für die Energiewende
(Stiftung Mercator) - The three-year research project examines the conflicts and the conflict culture of the German energy transition. The aim is to research conflict dynamics, arguments and strategies of the respective actors. One focus of the project is the identification of populist rhetoric and narratives that are currently increasingly present in social and political discourse. In addition to the expansion of wind power and the power grid, the exit from lignite is another exciting “major construction site” of the energy transition. The interdisciplinary research group primarily investigates the causes of the observed intensification of conflict that can be identified. Based on these results, approaches are to be developed for a democratic and constructive culture of debate, which is viewed as the basis for a fair design of the energy transition. The PIK is leading the project. In addition to researching attitudes, interpretation patterns and local conflict dynamics, the aim is to develop and test strategies for resolving conflicts that can be transferred as widely as possible. They are intended to help avoid local polarization, better involve the concerns of the population, strengthen a democratic culture of debate and negotiation, and reduce susceptibility to populist interventions. The project is carried out together with the Institute for Democracy Research at the University of Göttingen, the Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS) Potsdam, the University of Siegen, the Mönchengladbach University of Applied Sciences and the Institute for Space and Energy in Wedel near Hamburg. The project is funded by the Mercator Foundation (Essen).

From mainstreaming to transformative adaptation to climate change: 2018-2020
Adaptation to climate change is increasingly taking place under the paradigm of transformation and is therefore increasingly exceeding the previous paradigm of mainstreaming. The research project funded by the Federal Environment Agency is being carried out together with the Humboldt University Berlin (HUB) (HUB contact: Prof. Klaus Eisenack, Dr. Matteo Roggero).

Real laboratory "Climate-neutral living in Berlin (KLiB)": January 2017 - 2019
Is there a right life in the wrong one? The heart of the project is a real laboratory with 100 households in Berlin. Within a one-year experimental phase, they try to reduce their personal CO2 footprint in practically all areas of life by around 40%. They are supported by Berlin-based companies and organizations as project partners who offer climate-friendly products and services in the fields of building / living / energy supply, mobility and nutrition. Project website: https://klimaneutral.berlin

bread & peace @ climate change (international cooperation) - ongoing
Investigation of conflict dynamics in the field of agriculture / nutrition under the conditions of climate change; Establishment of research collaborations; Comparison Germany Australia (other partner: European University of Human Ecology)

100% master plan municipality Potsdam: July 2016 - 2018
The state capital Potsdam is one of the 22 master plan municipalities that are supported by the Federal Environment Ministry in the supreme discipline of municipal climate protection. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95 percent by 2050 and the need for final energy by 50 percent compared to 1990. - Video clip: Kick-off event master plan "100% Climate Protection Potsdam 2050"

Integrated Climate Protection Plan Hessen 2025 (climate policy and adaptation): 2016 - March 2017
Climate protection sub-concept "Adaptation to the consequences of climate change in Berlin" (AFOK): 2014-2016
One Ton Society (OTS): 2015-2016

Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program (BEK): August 2014 - October 2015
Adaptation to climate change in the state capital Potsdam. Climate protection sub-concept: 2014-2015

Climate-neutral Berlin 2050. Feasibility study: 2012-2014
Lagom (2007-2013)

A Model of the German Economy - Lagom generic is an agent based model for representing economic systems - the economy of Germany, the Mediterranean Region, the world - over a time horizon of one to several decades. - The Lagom version 2.0 can be downloaded now here. Please be aware: This is still a prototype version, reflecting the current status of an ongoing research project. Please report suggestions for improvement and detection of bugs to steffen.fuerst (at) globalclimateforum.org.

Investments for a climate-friendly Germany (2008 - 2010) Research project on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Final report

Methods of Socio-economic Monitoring in Biosphere Reserves (2001-2002) (lead), Research project for UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program, Biosphere Reserve Integrated Monitoring

Strategies for popularizing the “sustainable development” model from a social science perspective (1998 - 2000) (Lead, together with F. Reusswig), Research Project on behalf of the German Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA)

Disaster Vulnerability and "Sustainable Development" (1998) (Lead): Integrating Disaster Vulnerability in the CSD's List of Indicators: Measuring Sustainable Development in Germany on behalf of UN IDNDR

Disaster susceptibility and "sustainable development" - an indicator system for Germany, pilot study on behalf of the German IDNDR (United Nations: International Decade for Disaster Reduction)

QUESTIONS (1994 - 1998) (member) - A transdisciplinary Expert System on Global Change: Qualitative Dynamics of Syndromes and Transition to Sustainability: The project followed a new and transsectoral way to provide a comprehensive overview of Global Change by classifying the vast number of trends , processes, interactions, and feedbacks to pattern of human-environment interaction. The local proneness and sensitivity against serious developments is derived via fuzzy logic decision trees


Lecture Universität Potsdam, winter term 2011/2012, Seminar: Das chinesische Wirtschaftswunder (Chiniese Growth Miracle) (zus. mit Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture Universität Potsdam, summer term 2011:Vorlesung: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Umwelt - eine Ideengeschichte (Economy, Society, Environment - a history of ideas) (zus. mit Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture winter term 2010/2011: Seminar: Klimaschutz und Wirtschaftswachstum in Europa (Climate Policy and Economic Growth in Europe)
(zus m. Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture winter term 2010/2011: Seminar: Kommunaler Klimaschutz im internationalen Kontext, Teil I ) Local Climate Protection from an international Perspective - Part I)
(zus. m. PD Dr. Fritz Reusswig)

Lecture summer term 2010: Vorlesung: Modelle sozio-ökologischer Systeme (Modeling of socio-economic systems) (zus m. Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture Universität Potsdam Winterterm 2009/10: Seminar: Die Wahrheit der Preise (Truth of Prices)
(zus. m. Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture Universität Potsdam Summer term 2009: Vorlesung: Investitionen für ein nachhaltiges Europa (Investments for a sustainable Europe) (zus. m. Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture Universität Potsdam Summer term 2008: Multi-Agenten-Modelle in der Ökonomie
(zus. m. Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger)

Lecture Universität Potsdam, summer term 2007 Seminar: Kampf um Natur: Soziale Konflikte um ökologische Ressourcen und Naturbilder (Struggle for nature: Social conflicts over ecological resources and images of nature) (zus m. PD Dr. Fritz Reusswig)

Carlo C. Jaeger, Leonidas Paroussos, Diana Mangalagiu, Roland Kupers, Antoine Mandel, Joan David Tàbara (2009): Wege aus der Wachstumskrise. Joint Report to the German Ministry of the Environnement, BMU: Berlin.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (2003): Welt im Wandel – Energiewende zur Nachhaltigkeit, Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.

QUESTIONS: Global Change. Qualitative Dynamics of Syndromes and Transition to Sustainability, Status Report 1997, Potsdam.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (1996): Welt im Wandel - Herausforderungen für die deutsche Wissenschaft, Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.

QUESTIONS: Global Change. Qualitative Dynamics of Syndromes and Transition to Sustainability, Status Report 1996, Potsdam.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (1995): Szenario zur Ableitung globaler CO2 - Reduktionsziele und Umsetzungsstrategien. Stellungnahme zur 1. Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der Klimarahmenkonvention in Berlin 1995, Bremerhaven.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (1995): Welt im Wandel - Wege zur Lösung globaler Umweltprobleme, Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.

QUESTIONS: Global Change: Qualitative Dynamics of Syndromes and Transition to Sustainability, Status Report 1995, Potsdam.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (1994): Welt im Wandel - Die Gefährdung der Böden, Economica: Bonn.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (1993): Welt im Wandel. Grundstruktur globaler Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen, Jahresgutachten 1993, Economica: Bonn.

Project Award: The Adaptation Concept for Potsdam, the Capital of Brandenburg, is nominated the "Project of the Month July 2017" by the "National Climate Initiative" (Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative, NKI) of the Federal Ministry of the Environment and Nature protection (Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, BMU): With its "National Climate Protection Initiative" (Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative, NKI) the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Ministerium for Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, BMU) has been initiating and funding numerous projects since 2008 that make a contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The partial climate protection concept - adaptation to climate change in the state capital Potsdam, which was drawn up with the participation of PIK, was nominated as "NKI project of the month" as a successful example of municipal climate protection and adaptation concepts (for the national climate protection initiative of the German Ministry of Environment)

Project Award: The Project "Real lab 'Climate Neutral living in Berlin'" has been nominated the project 2018 of the action week "Berlin saves Energy" (Berlin sport Energy)