Dr. Kira Vinke


Dr. Kira Vinke is a Guest Scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Until 2022 she was the project lead of EPICC (East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities), an interdisciplinary project on the co-production of knowledge about regional climate and hydrological systems and their interactions with agricultural livelihoods, human migration and security. From 2022-2023 she was working part-time as a senior scientist at the institute. Dr. Vinke is the co-chair of the Advisory Board to the Federal German Government on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding and the Head of Climate and Foreign Policy at the German Council on Foreign relations (DGAP).

Until June 2018 Ms. Vinke was a research analyst to the director of PIK, Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. In this capacity she worked from 2014-2016 as an analyst for the German Advisory Council on Global Change to the Federal Government (WBGU). In 2014 she was a consultant for the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) on the nexus between climate change and migration into vulnerable cities in Southern Bangladesh. 2016 and 2017 Ms. Vinke worked as an external consultant for the Asian Development Bank developing the flagship report "A Region at Risk - The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific." 

Ms. Vinke completed her doctoral dissertation (summa cum laude) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the subject of climate change and migration. Her studies were funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and she completed part of her field research on a voyage with the Okeanos Foundation to outer island communities in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. For her dissertation she received the "Potsdamer Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Preis", a prize for young scientists by the city of Potsdam. Ms. Vinke speaks English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and on a good day some Japanese and French.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20788
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Co-Chair of the Advisory Board to the German Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding

Member, The Explorers Club, Western Europe Chapter

Prior to her work at PIK, Dr. Vinke was affiliated with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi in collaboration with the Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU) of Berlin. In New Delhi, she conducted field research on governance in the energy sector and cross-border river administration. Ms. Vinke received her Master's degree in International Relations with highest distinctions from the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Universität Potsdam. She completed her undergraduate studies at Hawai'i Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawai'i (summa cum laude) where she received a scholarship as a member of the International Vocal Ensemble. Also, Ms. Vinke studied partly in Tokyo/Japan and Madrid/Spain during her university-level course.

Journal Publications

Vinke, K., Rottmann, S., Gornott, C. et al. Is migration an effective adaptation to climate-related agricultural distress in sub-Saharan Africa?. Popul Environ (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-021-00393-7

Hoffmann, R.; Šedová,B.; Vinke, K. (2021)  Improving the evidence base: A methodological review of the quantitative climate migration literature, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 71, 102367, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102367.

Vinke, K.; Bergmann, J.; Blocher, J.; Updadhyay, H.; Hoffmann, R. (2020):  Migration As Adaptation?. Migration Studies, Oxford Academic, DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1093/migration/mnaa029]

Vinke, K., Gabrysch, S., Paoletti, E., Rockström, J., Schellnhuber, H.J. (2020): Corona and the Climate: A Comparison of Two Emergencies. Global Sustainability. DOI: [10.1017/sus.2020.20]

Churkina,G; Organschi, A., Reyer, CPO; Ruff, A; Vinke, K; Liu, Z.;   Reck, B. K.; Graedel, T.E.; Schellnhuber, H.J. (2020): Buildings as a global carbon sink. Nature Sustainability.

Vinke, K. (2020): Klima, Krisen und Konflikte: Prävention in schwierigen Zeiten. Vereinte Nationen.

Schellnhuber, H.J.; Vinke, K. (2020): Corona und Klima - Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit. Internationale Politik.

Vinke, K; Hoffmann, R. (2020): Data for a difficult subject: Climate change and human migration. Migration Policy Practice.

Garcia, T., Otto, I., Hewitt, R., Vinke, K. (2018): M2020 – A Mission for the Planet, a Mission for EuropeGreen European Journal.

Löw Beer, D., Schlüter, T., Vinke, K., Farrell, K.N., Schellnhuber, H.J. (2018): Transformationsfonds für die Nachhaltigkeitswende in Leviathan, Nomos Verlag.

Vinke, K., Martin, M., et al. (2016): Climatic Risks and Impacts in South Asia: Extremes of Water Scarcity and Excess, Regional Environmental Change, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-015-0924-9


Vinke, K. (2019): Unsettling Settlements - Cities, Migrants, Climate Change. Rural-Urban Climate Migration as Effective Adaptation?, LIT Verlag, 342 pages.

Vinke, K.; Vinke, H., (2015): Zivilcourage 2.0, Ravensburger Buchverlag, 192 pages.


Blocher, J.M., K. Vinke, H.J. Schellnhuber, S. Gleixner, C. Gornott, N.B. George, E.O. Kileli
Leyani, R. Laudien, A. Lobanova, J. Ludescher, and H. Weisz (2021). Assessing the Evidence:
Climate Change and Migration in the United Republic of Tanzania
. Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam and International Organization for Migration
(IOM), Geneva

Blocher, J., Bergmann, J., Upadhyay, H., Vinke, K. 2021: Hot, wet and deserted: Climate Change and Internal Displacement in India, Peru, and Tanzania. Insights from the EPICC Project. Background Paper for the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (GRID 2021)

Vinke, Kira; Dröge, Susanne; Gießmann, Hans-Joachim; Hamm, Charlotte; Kroll, Stefan; Rheinbay, Janna; Wesch, Stefanie (2021): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Herausforderungen für die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Herausgegeben vom Beirat Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung. Studie 2. Berlin.

Bergmann, J., Vinke, K, Fernández Palomino, C.A.,  Gornott,C., S. Gleixner, R. Laudien, A. Lobanova, J. Ludescher and H.J. Schellnhuber (2021): Assessing the Evidence: Climate Change and Migration in Peru. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, and International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.

Upadhyay, H., Vinke, K., Bhardwaj, S., Becker, M., Irfan, M., George, N.B., Biella, R., Arumugam, P., Murki, S.K., Paoletti, E. (2021): Locked Houses, Fallow Lands: Climate Change and Migration in Uttarakhand, India. Report, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam and The Energy and Resources Institute (Teri), New Delhi.

Vinke, K., Blocher, J., Becker, M., Fong, T., Kambon, A., Ebay, J. (2020): Home Lands – Archipelagic and Island States‘ Policymaking for Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change. German Development Cooperation Report, GIZ & PIK.

Beirat der Bundesregierung Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung (2020). Stellungnahme. Die COVID-19 Pandemie und ihre Folgen - Herausforderung für Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung. (Co-author).

Vinke, K., Schellnhuber, H.J., Laplante, B., et al. (2017): A Region at Risk - The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific. A Report by the Asian Development Bank and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (2016): Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit durch Transformation: Die vier großen I – Ein Beitrag zur deutschen G20-Präsidentschaft 2017 –. Berlin: WBGU. (co-author)

WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (2016): Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte. Berlin: WBGU. (co-author)

Book Chapters

Vinke, K., Vinke, H. (2020): Klima, Krieg und Frieden. Gastbeitrag in "Zieht euch warm an, es wird heiß" von Sven Plöger. Westend.

Vinke, K. (2017): Ein paar Grad mehr Ungerechtigkeit - Klimafolgen in Asien in Asien zwischen wirtschaftlichem Aufstieg und ökologischem Kollaps, Oekom Verlag.

Vinke, K. (2015): Gradwanderungen, Klimawandel und Migration, in Jahrbuch Ökologie 2016, S.Hirzel.

Schellnhuber, H.J., Vinke, K. (2017): The Green New Deal – ein Ausflug in die reale Utopie in Aus der Zukunft lernen - Unsere Welt in 2030, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. 

Opinion Pieces, Factsheets, Climate Calendar...

Vinke, K. (2021): Heiße Kriege - Klimawandel und Konflikte. Peacelab.

Vinke, H., Vinke K. (2020): Der Klima Kalender 2021- Unser Blauer Planet Schönheit und Gefahren. Edition Momente.

Vinke, K., Édes, B. (2020): A "Triple T Transition" to a sustainable recovery. Expert Speak, Observer Research Foundation.  

Vinke, K., Harper, A. (2020): Climate Change and the Future of Safe Returns, UNHCR & PIK Factsheet.

Vinke, K., Harper, A. (2020): Gender, Displacement and Climate Change, UNHCR & PIK Factsheet.

Vinke, K. Harper, A. (2020): Covid-19, Displacement and Climate Change, UNHCR & PIK Factsheet.

Paoletti, E.; Vinke, K. (2020) Developing a risk framework to address the nexus between climate change, migration and COVID19. Environmental Migration Portal, IOM.

Wesch, S., Murken, L., Vinke, K. (2019): Warum Klimaschutz Krisenprävention ist: Das Beispiel Burkina Faso. PeaceLab.

Vinke, K. (2019): Die zweite Welle der Migration. Klimafolgen auf den Marshallinseln, in Der geteilte Mantel.

Edenhofer, O., Vinke, K., Schewe, J. (2018): Why Security Policy is Reliant on Effective Climate Policy, in Germany and the World 2030, Econ Verlag.

Vinke, K. (2009): FMLN Victory - A Glimmer of Hope for a Heavily Handicapped Future: COHA Monitor Observes Election, Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

Vinke, K. (2009): Revamping U.S.-Cuban Politics: Playing the Guantánamo Card in a Game of Constructive Diplomacy, Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

Vinke, K. (2009): Mixed Results in Salvadoran Elections, Washington Report on the Hemisphere (print).


Presentation, Climate Impacts on Social Cohesion, German Sustainability Science Summit, 07/2021.

Presentation, Climate Change, Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding, German Foreign Office, German Advisory Board to the Federal Government on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding, GPPi PeaceLab, 06/2021.

Lecture, Climate Change and the Future of Habitability, Environmental Migration Week, Autonomous University of Barcelona and University of Barcelona, 06/2021.

Lecture, Grenzenlose Anpassung - Klimawandel und Migration, 32. Heidelberger Symposium, 05/2021.

Panelist, The impacts of climate change on poverty and migrationDiscsussion for the Ecumenical Church Day, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 05/2021.

Presentation, Climate and Security in the 21st Century, Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik, Virtual Discussion, 05/2021.

Panelist, Africa's Water Opportunity: Science, Sustainability, and Solutions, Harvard University, Virtual Conference, 04/2021.

Lecture, Summer in the City - Klimafolgen in Städten, RWTH Aachen, Online Lecture, 04/2021.

Discussant, Klimaschutz=Kinderschutz?, SOS Kinderdorf, Virtual Discussion, 04/2021.

Lecture, Corona and the Climate: Non-traditional Security Threats in the European Union, US Army War College, Virtual Lecture, 03/2021.

Presentation, Wiederaufbau, Klimaschutz und Anpassung, Werkstattgespräch Friedensfördernder Wiederaufbau, virtuelles GIZ & BMZ Event, 03/2021.

Presentation, Vertreibung, Migration und Flucht in Zeiten des Klimawandels, Caritas, 03/2021.

Presentation, Aus der Krise lernen: Coronapandemie und Klimawandel- Ein Vergleich zweier Notfälle, Kommunale Klimapartnerschaften Online Event, Engagement Global 02/2021.

Discussant, Assessing non-economic Losses and Damages of Climate Change. OECD Virtual Workshop 01/2021.

Presentation, Climate Change Impacts and Human Security in South Asia, Virtual Conference on Nepal, Asian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs 01/2021.


Expertenanhörung, Klimabedingte Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung - Eine Frage Globaler Gerechtigkeit, Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin 09/2020.

Panelist, Strategiewandel durch Klimawandel? Wie klimatische Veränderungen unsere Sicherheitspolitik prägen, Zentrum Informationsarbeit Bundeswehr & Youth Atlantic Treaty Organization, Berlin, Deutschland 03/2020

Session Chair, Climate Change and Human Migration: Data for a Difficult Subject, International Forum on Migration Statistics, Cairo, Egypt, 02/2020


Expertenanhörung, Klimawandel und Sicherheit, Unterausschuss zivile Krisenprävention, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, Deutschland 11/2019.

Hauptvortrag, Ohne Klimaschutz kein Frieden EKD Synode, Dresden, Deutschland 11/2019

Presentation, Moving Beyond Conceptualizations: The Reality of Climate Migration in the 21st Century, Humanitärer Kongress, Berlin, Deutschland 10/2019

Panelist, Der Klimawandel und seine sicherheitspolitischen Folgen, Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik, Berlin, Deutschland 09/2019

Speaker, Levers of Change for Effective Climate Action, Cambridge Global Conversations – Ethics in a Time of Climate Change, Intellectual Forum Jesus College, Cambridge, UK (07/2019).

Presentation, Climate Change and Human Security in the South Caucasus, 6th South Caucasus Security Forum, Tbilisi, Georgia (5/2019).

Presentation "Migrate or Stay in the Face of Danger? Climate Migration and Human Security" Global Climate Governance and China’s Role - Between Katowice and New York, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai, China (02/2019).


Lecture "Klimawandel, Migration und Sicherheit" Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany (12/2018).

Presentation "Migration als Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel?" Vernetzungsworkshop Flucht und Entwicklung, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany (11/2018).

Presentation "A Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific" North American Representative Office of the Asian Development Bank, Washington D.C., USA (05/2018).

Lecture "Global Security Implications of Climate Change" US Army War College, Carlisle, USA (05/2018).

Presentation "Climate Change and Migration" Climate Change Agriculture and Health Radcliffe Accelerator Workshop, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Harvard University, Boston, USA (05/2018).

Presentation "Mixed Method Approaches to Climate Conflict Risk Analysis" Data Workshop PreView, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany 01/2018


Presentation "Climate Change and Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa" EU Pavilion Side Event, COP23, Bonn,Germany, 11/2017

Presentation "Protecting our Climate through the Courts" German Development Institute Side Event, COP 23, Bonn, Germany, 11/2017

Lecture "Humanity on the Move: The Urbanization Challenge" Technical University Berlin, Berlin; Germany 10/2017

Presentation "Klimawandel, Migration und Sicherheit" Fachgespräch Klima: Handeln und Verhandeln, GIZ, Bonn, 05/2017

Presentation "Migration as Adaptation to Climate Change?"  Harvard Climate Week, Harvard University, Boston, USA, 04/2017


Plenary Presentation "The Paris Pathway for Asia and the Pacific" Asia-Pacific Adaptation Forum (APAN - Forum), Colombo,Sri Lanka, 10/2016

Lecture “Climate Change, Migration and Health” Climate Change and Health Short Summer Course, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany, 07/2016


Lecture “Climate Protection as a World Citizen Movement” Climate Change in Kosovo Conference, German Embassy, Pristina, Kosovo, 11/2015

Presentation “Climate Impacts: Migration and Justice” Yale Global Justice Conference, Yale University, New Haven, USA, 10/2015

Lecture “Population Displacement under Climate Change” Barcelona Global Health Summer School, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2015

Lecture “Human Progress Within Planetary Guardrails”, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, 04/2015


Presentation Salzburg Global Seminar “Addressing the Challenges of Climate Migration – Case Study Bangladesh”, Session 555 Expert Group Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, 12/2014

Speaker American Renewable Energy Day (AREDAY), Aspen, USA, 08/2014

Panelist “Moving Beyond Universalism – Reframing the Climate Debate” conference, hosted by the Stanley Foundation and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, India, 2/2014


Panelist at the India-Berlin Business Conference, Panel: “Water – German Expertise for a sustainable Water Supply,” German Chamber of Commerce, Berlin, Germany, 09/2013


Klimawandel und bewaffnete Konflikte, detektorfm Podcast, 09.03.2021.

"Wir sind sehr verwundbar" - Die Forscherin Kira Vinke sieht Covid-19 als Test für die Bewältigung der Klimakrise, Berliner Zeitung, 06.02.2021, online hier.

Porträt Kira Vinke, Tagesspiegel Background, 20.01.2021

15 Ideen für eine bessere Welt nach Corona, GEO Magazin Titelthema, 01/2021


Unser blauer Planet – Hermann und Kira Vinke über Schönheit und Gefahre‪n, SWR2 Tandem, 17.11.2020.

"Wir entfremden uns von der Natur", BremenZwei Gesprächszeit, 09.11.2020.

Ein symbolischer Klima-Corona-Vertrag kann den Generationen helfen, rbb, 20.11.2020

Wie sich Corona auf die Klimakrise auswirkt, Deutschlandfunk, 01.11.2020

Interview zu den Gemeinsamkeiten der Klima und Coronakrise, Chrismon, 1.10.2020.

"Der einzige Weg zu überleben", deutschland.de, 18.02.2020. Available in English, Français, Español, Português, Polski, Türkçe, Русский, 中文, العربية


Wo der Klimawandel längst Realität ist, tagesschau.de, 13.12.2019.


Klimawandel kann Fortschritte zunichte machen, Deutsche Welle, 21.07.2017.

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