Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Kurths

Senior Scientist

Jürgen Kurths is Senior Advisor at  Research Department 4 “Complexity Science” at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) as well as Professor and Senior Advisor at Humboldt University Berlin. He is an expert in the fields of theoretical physics, complex systems science as well as applications to the Earth system, infrastructure (e.g. power grids), the human brain, and other systems which are characterized by a high degree of complexity and nonlinearity.


Curriculum Vitae

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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2647
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Till Hollmann
phone +49-331-288-2470

Academic Training & Professional Experience



Diploma in Mathematics, University of Rostock

1975 – 1983


Scientist, Central Institute for solar-terrestrial Physics, Academy of Sciences, Berlin (East Germany)



Dr.rer.nat. (PhD) at the Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Germany

1984 – 1990


Scientist, Central Institute for Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences, Potsdam (East Germany)

1990 – 1991


Project leader at the Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam (Germany)



Habilitation: Theoretical Physics, University Rostock, Germany

1992 – 1996


Director of the working group „Nonlinear Dynamics“ of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

1994 – 2008


Founding Director of the  Interdisciplinary Centre “Dynamics of Complex Systems” at the University Potsdam

1994 – 2008


Full Professor (C4) for Theoretical Physics/Nonlinear Dynamics at the University Potsdam

2009 - 2017


6th Century Chair for Complex Systems Biology (part time), King´s College, University of Aberdeen (UK)

 2008 - 06/2021


Head of Research Department 4: Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

 2008 - 03/2021


Full Professor for Nonlinear Dynamics, Institute of Physics, Humboldt
Universität zu Berlin

Since 07/2021

Senior Advisor Research Department 4: Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Since 04/2021

Professor and Senior Advisor, Department of Physics, Humboldt UniversityBerlin (HU)


Other Professional Service Activities

2000 – 2001


Vice-President for Research and International Relations, at the University


1998 – 2010


Vice-Speaker of Sonderforschungsbereich 555 „Komplexe Nichtlineare Prozesse“ (DFG)

1999 – 2009


President of the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam

2000 – 2005


President of the European Geophysical Union for the Division Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics

2000 – 2008


Coordinator of the Profilbereich “Komplexe Systeme” at the University Potsdam

2001 – 2007


Co-Coordinator of Schwerpunktprogramm 1114 “Time Series Analysis and Image Processing” (DFG)

Since 2001


Organizational Board “Experimental Chaos Conference”

2003 – 2006


Speaker of the Research Group “Conflicting Rules in Cognitive Science” (DFG)

2004 – 2009


Member of the steering committee of the Network of Excellence BIOSIM (EU)

2007 – 2011


Member of the steering committee of GoFORSYS, Centre for Systems Biology, University Potsdam

2010 - 2014


Member of the Advisory Board of Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology – FIRST (Japan)

2010 - 2016


PI at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin

2011 – 2020


Speaker of the International Research and Training Group (IRTG 1740): Dynamical and Transport Phenomena on Complex Networks (Germany and Brazil, DFG&FAPESP)

Since 2013


Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (Germany)

Since 2016


Elected Member of the Review Board, German Science Foundation

2016 - 2017


Chairman Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin(PGzB)

2016 - 2019

Member of the Advisory Board of the Helmholtz Center Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research (Germany)

2016 - 2023

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Baltic Kant University, Kaliningrad (Russia)

Since 2016


Chapman Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Since 2016


Honorary Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an (China)

Since 2018


Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the MPI for Molecular Physiology, Dortmund (Germany)



Awards and Nominations



Fellow of the American Physical Society



Award Computers in Cardiology Challenge



Alexander von Humboldt Research Award from CSIR (India)



Honory Doctorate from Lobatschevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia



 Member of the Academia Europaea



Honorary Professor, University Potsdam



Guest Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing



Honorary Doctorate from State University, Saratov



Lewis Fry Richardson Medal of the European Geosciences Union



Burgers Visiting Professor and Burgers Lecture, University of Maryland

2017, 2018


Highly Cited Researcher (WoS)



Honorary Professor, King´s College, University of Aberdeen



Honorary Professor, Tianjin University (China)



Honorary Professor, Huaqiao University, Xiamen (China)


Fellow of the Royal Society Edinburgh



Member of Board of Journals and Book Series



Int. Journal Bifurcation & Chaos

Since 2003 


Springer Series of Complexity

Since 2003

Int. Journal of Complex Systems Research


CHAOS, Advisory Board


Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Executive Editor

Since 2006

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society


CHAOS, Editorial Board



Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A:   Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Since 2009


European Journal Physics, Special Topics



Since 2011




Journal of Nonlinear Science

Since 2012

Honorary board member of Int. J. Bif.&Chaos

Since 2012


European Journal Physics, Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

Since 2015


Europhysics Letters

Since 2016


CHAOS, Editor-in-Chief

Since 2017


AIMS Geosciences

Since 2017


Advanced Theory and Simulations

Since 2017

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Editorial Board

Since 2018

Frontiers in Physics: Social Physics - Associate Editor

Since 2020

Nonlinear Dynamics - Topical Associate Editor

Since 2020

Journal of Physics: Complexity - Member Senior Advisory Panel

Since 2020

Journal Electronics - Editorial Board



The complete list of publication please find here

recent selected publications

today - 2017
Fan, J., Meng, J., Liu, Y., Ali Saberi, A., Kurths, J., Nagler, J.
Universal gap scaling in percolation
Nature Physics, 16, 455–461 (2020)
Meng, J., Fan, J., Ludescher, J., Agarwal, A., Chen, X., Bunde, A., Kurths, J., Schellnhuber, H. J. Complexity-based approach for El Niño magnitude forecasting before the spring predictability barrier
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 117, 1, 177-183 (2020)
Hellmann, F., Schultz, P., Jaros, P., Levchenko, R., Kapitaniak, T., Kurths, J., Maistrenko, Y.
Network-induced multistability through lossy coupling and exotic solitary states
Nature Communications, 11, 592 (2020)
Agarwal, A.; Caesar, L.; Marwan, N.; Maheswaran, R.; Merz, B.; Kurths, J.
Network-based identification and characterization of teleconnections on different scales
Nature Scientific Reports, 9, Art. 8808 (2019)
Ciemer, C.; Boers, N.; Hirota, M.; Kurths, J.; Müller-Hansen, F.; Oliveira, R. S.; Winkelmann, R.
Higher resilience to climatic disturbances in tropical vegetation exposed to more variable rainfall
Nature Geoscience, 12 , 3 (2019)
Boers, N.; Goswami, B.; Rheinwalt, A.; Bookhagen, B.; Hoskins, B.; Kurths, J.
Complex networks reveal global pattern of extreme-rainfall teleconnections
Nature, 566 , 7744 (2019)
Zou, Y.; Donner, R. V.; Marwan, N.; Donges, J. F.; Kurths, J.
Complex network approaches to nonlinear time series analysis
Physics Reports, 787, pp. 1-97 (2019)
Mukhin, D.; Gavrilov, A.; Loskutov, E.; Kurths, J.; Feigin, A.
Bayesian data analysis for revealing causes of the middle Pleistocene transition
Nature Scientific Reports, 9, Art. 7328 (2019)
Barfuss, W.; Donges, J. F.; Lade, S. J.; Kurths, J.
When optimization for governing human-environment tipping elements is neither sustainable nor safe
Nature Communications, 9 , Art. 2354 (2018)
Gelbrecht, M.; Boers, N.; Kurths, J.
Phase coherence between precipitation in South America and Rossby waves
Science Advances, 4 , Art. eaau3191 (2018)
Goswami, B.; Boers, N.; Rheinwalt, A.; Marwan, N.; Heitzig, J.; Breitenbach, S. F. M.; Kurths, J.
Abrupt transitions in time series with uncertainties
Nature Communications, 9 , Art. 48 (2018)
Wang, Z.; Jusup, M.; Wang, R.-W.; Shi, L.; Iwasa, Y.; Moreno, Y.; Kurths, J.
Onymity promotes cooperation in social dilemma experiments
Science Advances, 3 , e1601444 (2017)
He, W.; Zhang, B.; Han, Q.-L.; Qian, F.; Kurths, J.; Cao, J.
Leader-following consensus of nonlinear multiagent systems with stochastic sampling
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47 , 2, 327-338 p.(2017)
Boers, N; Marwan, N.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Kurths, J.
A deforestation-induced tipping point for the South American monsoon system
Nature Scientific Reports, 7 , Art. 41489 (2017)

2016 - 2013
Rodrigues, F. A.; Peron, T. K. DM.; Ji, P.; Kurths, J.
The Kuramoto model in complex networks
Physics Reports, 610 (2016)
Eroglu, D.; McRobie, F. H.; Ozken, I.; Stemler, T.; Wyrwoll, K.-H.; Breitenbach, S. F. M.; Marwan, N.; Kurths, J.
See-saw relationship of the Holocene East Asian-Australian summer monsoon
Nature Communications, 7 , 12929 (2016)
Stolbova, V.; Surovyatkina, E.; Bookhagen, B.; Kurths, J.
Tipping elements of the Indian monsoon: Prediction of onset and withdrawal
Geophysical Research Letters, 43 ,8 (2016)
Yi Yu, Gaoxi Xiao, Jie Zhou, Yubo Wang, Zhen Wang, Jürgen Kurths, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
System crash as dynamics of complex networks
PNAS, Vol. 113, No. 42 (2016)
J. Runge, V. Petoukhov, J. Donges, J. Hlinka, N. Jajcay, M. Vejmelka, D. Hartman, N. Marwan, M. Palus, J. Kurths
Identifying causal gateways and mediators in complex spatio-temporal systems
Nature Communications, 6, 8502 (2015)
N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, H. M. J. Barbosa, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, J.A. Marengo
Prediction of extreme floods in the eastern Central Andes based on a complex networks approach
Nature Communications, 5, 5199 (2014)
N. Boers, A. Rheinwalt, B. Bookhagen, H. M. J. Barbosa, N. Marwan, J. Marengo, J. Kurths
The South American rainfall dipole: A complex network analysis of extreme events
Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 20, 7397-7405 p. (2014)
P. J. Menck, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths, H.J. Schellnhuber
How dead ends undermine power grid stability
Nature Communications, 5, 3969 (2014)
L. Li, H. Peng, J. Kurths, Y. Yang, H.J. Schellnhuber
Chaos-order transition in foraging behavior of ants
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Early Edition (2014)
Y. Zou, T. Pereira, M. Small, Z. Liu, J. Kurths
Basin of Attraction Determines Hysteresis in Explosive Synchronization
Physical Review Letters 112, 114102 (2014)
A. Koseska, E. Volkov, J. Kurths
Oscillation quenching mechanisms: Amplitude vs. oscillation death
Physics Reports, 531, 4, 173–199 p. (2013)
P. Menck, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, J. Kurths
How basin stability complements the linear-stability paradigm
Nature Physics, 9, 89–92 p. (2013)

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Millán, A. P., Sun, H., Giambagli, L., Muolo, R., Carletti, T., Torres, J. J., Radicchi, F., Kurths, J., Bianconi, G. (2025):Topology shapes dynamics of higher-order networks. - Nature Physics, 21, 353-361.

 Cai, F., Liu, C., Gerten, D., Yang, S., Zhang, T., Li, K., Kurths, J. (2024): Sketching the spatial disparities in heatwave trends by changing atmospheric teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere. - Nature Communications, 15, 8012.

 Wu, T., Gao, X., An, F., Sun, X., An, H., Su, Z., Gupta, S., Gao, J., Kurths, J. (2024): Predicting multiple observations in complex systems through low-dimensional embeddings. - Nature Communications, 15, 2242.

 Stürmer, J., Plietzsch, A., Vogt, T., Hellmann, F., Kurths, J., Otto, C., Frieler, K., Anvari, M. (2024): Increasing the resilience of the Texas power grid against extreme storms by hardening critical lines. - Nature Energy, 9, 526-535.

 Balzer, J., Berner, R., Lüdge, K., Wieczorek, S., Kurths, J., Yanchuk, S. (2024): Canard Cascading in Networks with Adaptive Mean-Field Coupling. - Physical Review Letters, 133, 237401.

 Cai, Z., Liu, Z., Guan, S., Kurths, J., Zou, Y. (2024): High-Mode Coupling Yields Multicoherent-Phase Phenomena in Nonlocally Coupled Oscillators. - Physical Review Letters, 133, 227201.

 Wang, X., Guang, W., Huang, T., Kurths, J. (2024): Optimized Adaptive Finite-Time Consensus Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Non-Affine Nonlinear Faults. - IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21, 4, 5012-5023.

 Meng, J., Fan, J., Bhatt, U. S., Kurths, J. (2023): Arctic weather variability and connectivity. - Nature Communications, 14, 6574.

 Sun, H., Radicchi, F., Kurths, J., Bianconi, G. (2023): The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interactions. - Nature Communications, 14, 1308.

 Liu, T., Chen, D., Yang, L., Meng, J., Wang, Z., Ludescher, J., Fan, J., Yang, S., Chen, D., Kurths, J., Chen, X., Havlin, S., Schellnhuber, H. J. (2023): Teleconnections among tipping elements in the Earth system. - Nature Climate Change, 13, 1, 67-74.

Berner, R., Gross, T., Kuehn, C., Kurths, J., Yanchuk, S. (2023): Adaptive dynamical networks. - Physics Reports, 1031, 1-59.

 Ji, P., Ye, J., Mu, Y., Lin, W., Tian, Y., Hens, C., Perc, M., Tang, Y., Sun, J., Kurths, J. (2023): Signal propagation in complex networks. - Physics Reports, 1017, 1-96.


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