Prof. Dr. Jürgen P. Kropp

Working Group Leader, Deputy Head of Research Department

Juergen Kropp acts as deputy chair on the Department of Climate Resilience at PIK and heads the Urban Transformation Research group. He is also affiliated to the University of Potsdam where he holds and extraordinary professorship for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University.

As a chemist and physicist by training his research is devoted to the systematic analysis and description of complex man-environment interactions. In particular, his focus lies on urban transformation challenges, damage and structural assessments of cities, urban climate modelling and heat burden, emission profiles of cities, and solution development.

He is also the founder of the award-winning Climate Media Factory an innovative media lab which has produced more than 100 "edutaining" movies, games, and online services for communication purposes at the citizen/science interface

Extended Website


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2526
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


University of Potsdam

Dept. Environmental Sciences & Geography
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm

ResearcherID: D-8220-2012
Google Scholar Profile
Researchgate Profile



Research Coordination

Christiane Walter, Phone: 0331-288-2550

A comprehensive overview of publications can be found here!

University of Potsdam

photo: Fritze/University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam: Module (GEE-M-V05) "Earth System Science and Management" (Module responsible: J. Kropp)

The module consists of three lectures/seminars. After completion of all three courses a module examination is feasible, which takes place twice a year after finishing all three module elements

  • Lecture: Earth as a System: Assessment and Modelling of Man-Environment Interactions (Jürgen Kropp) - each winter term
  • Lecture: Introduction to Concepts and Methods in Complex Sustainability Science (Jürgen Kropp) - each summer term
  • Excursion/Seminar: Facing a changing world - chances and consequences (tbd) - any summer term


  • email:
  • Phone 0331-288-2526 o. 2550
  • Consultation hours: any Friday 10-12hr
  • For visits: Telegraphenberg Campus, Building A56, Room 227

Target groups
Geo-ecology, Geography, Environmental Sciences
advanced bachelor studies, master studies

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