Cezar Ionescu



This page is no longer being updated!  Since August 2013, I hold a postdoc position at the Computer Science & Engineering Department of the Chalmers University of Technology.  For further developments, please check my home page there.


Research interests

Functional programming, dependently-typed programming, scientific computing.


  • C. Ionescu, P. Jansson.  Dependently-typed Programming in Scientific Computing.  Accepted for publication of IFL 2012 post-proceedings.  Preprint.
  • C. Ionescu, P. Jansson. Testing versus Proving in Climate Impact Research. Proceedings of the 18th Workshop Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES’11), 19 pp. 41-54.
  • N. Botta, A. Mandel, C. Ionescu, M. Hofmann, D. Lincke, S. Schupp, C. Jaeger. A functional framework for agent-based models of exchange. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218(8):4025-4040 (2011).
  • C. Ionescu. Vulnerability Modelling with Functional Programming and Dependent Types. Accepted for publication by Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. Preprint.
  • Relation-based computations in a monadic BSP model. N. Botta, C. Ionescu. Parallel Computing, Elsevier, Sept. 2006. Abstract, full paper.
  • Ionescu, C., R.J.T. Klein, J. Hinkel, K.S. Kavi Kumar and R. Klein. Towards a formal framework of vulnerability to climate change. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, February 2009, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 1-16.



PhD Thesis




Ionescu, Cezar
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Mail: P.O. Box 60 12 03, 14412 Postdam
Courier: Telegrafenberg A51, 14473 Potsdam
D-14412 Potsdam, Germany


Phone: +49-331-288-2558
Email: ionescu AT pik-potsdam DOT de