Research and project coordination on a sustainable and circular construction sector and built environment (at Bauhaus Earth):
- Systematically study the global supply and demand of bio-based building materials to meet future housing needs under different scenarios.
- Gain insights on the global potential of transforming the built environment from a carbon source to a sink
- Identify levers and barriers of the transformation process
As a Post-Doc at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact research, I conducted research in the field of climate change impacts and mitigation options: Emission reduction potential of local transition initiatives, impacts and vulnerabilities of regions and cities towards climate change, including a range of sectors, such as the built environment, forestry, nature conservation and health.
14412 Potsdam
Since May 2023: Senior Researcher at Bauhaus Earth ( Guest Researcher at PIK.
November 2013 - July 2023: Post-Doc within the working group Urban Transformations (UT). Research and Project Coordination.
July 2013: PhD degree in Geoecology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Germany with the title "Climate change vulnerability assessments in the regional context"
Since 2008: Scientific assistant at PIK, coordination of and participation in various projects on regional impacts of climate change within the research group Climate Change and Development (CCD).
2007: Diploma degree (Master's equivalent) in Geoecology with studies at the University of Tübingen, Germany and the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Diploma Thesis carried out at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) with the title: "Ökologische Vulnerabilität von Schutzgebieten gegenüber Klimawandel – exemplarisch untersucht für Brandenburg“
For a full list of publications see: Research Gate Profile Anne Holsten
Finalised Projects at PIK (selection):
• CURE - Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe (
• TESS: Towards European Societal Sustainability (FP7)
• RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development in Cities (FP7)
• ESPON Climate - Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies
• RIVAS - Regional Integrated Vulnerability Assessment for Austria
• Saxony-Anhalt Climate Change Study: Climate Change in Saxony-Anhalt - Vulnerabilities to consequences of climate change ("Klimawandel in Sachsen-Anhalt - Verletzlichkeiten gegenüber den Folgen des Klimawandels")
• North Rhine-Westfalia Climate Change Study (NRWII) - Climate Change in North Rhine-Westfalia - Regional Impact Assessment of Sectors ("Klimawandel in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Regionale Abschätzung der Anfälligkeit ausgewählter Sektoren")
• Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in the European Alps: Focus Water Resources