Dr. Frank Hellmann

Research Domain IV, Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methods

Renewable power grids, dynamical system on networks, networks of networks, probabilistic methods for dynamical systems

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Frank Hellmann

Telegraphenberg A56 / 333

P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)331 288 2052
Email: Frank.Hellmann[at]pik-potsdam.de










Current projects:

  • CoCo-Hype: "Consistent modeling, design and analysis of multi-layered hybrid power systems with distributed control" - Part of the DFG Priority Programme 1984 "Hybrid and Multimodal Energy Systems"
  • CoNDyNet 2 - Emergent non-linear dynamics of power grids
  • DFG-NSFC - Generalized Synchronization for Renewable Powergrids
  • Elena - Software for Powergrid dynamics. Leibniz Transfer project
  • open_plan - Designing cellular grids.

Finished Projects:

  • CoNDyNet: Collective Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks - BmBF project

  • Model order reduction for power plant models: Climate KIC project

Software workshops:



Papers on the arxiv. (incomplete)

Outstanding Reviewer Small

Previous life:

Before joining PIK to work on renewable energies I worked in Loop Quantum Gravity. I did my PhD at the University of Nottingham and a Postdoc at the Albert Einstein Institute (MPI for Gravitational Physics) in Golm. A science slam where I presented this research can be found here.