Martin Hänsel holds a PhD in Quantitative Economics from Kiel University and is currently member of the FutureLab Public Economics and Climate Finance. His research, that is for example published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and Nature Climate Change, is directed at the economic transformation towards sustainability. In particular Martin's research focuses on studying determinants of the economics of climate change, distributional effects of environmental policies within and across generations and the sustainable management of natural resources. His research is featured in various media outlets, has attracted attention by policy makers and and is cited multiple times in the latest IPCC AR6 report.
14412 Potsdam
Work in progress
Putin's War, Distributional Justice and Climate Policy Options: Lessons from an optimal taxation model for Germany (with Franks, M., Kalkuhl, M. and O. Edenhofer).
Climate change is a policy choice: Today’s carbon prices path determines long-term temperatures (with Drupp, M.A., Bauer, M., Rudebusch, G., and G. Wagner).
Combining expert advice on social discounting (with Drupp, M.A., Freeman, M.C., Groom, B. and F. Nesje).
Climate economics support for the UN climate targets (with Drupp, M.A., Johansson, D.J.A., Nesje, F., Azar, C., Freeman, M.C., Groom, B.and T. Sterner). Nature Climate Change 10: 781–789, 2020.
Ocean warming and acidification may drag down the commercial Arctic cod fishery by 2100 (with Schmidt, J.O., Stiasny, M.H., Stoeven, M.T., Voss, R. and M.F. Quaas). PLOS ONE 15(4): e0231589, 2020.
Ecological-economic sustainability of the Baltic cod fisheries under ocean warming and acidification (with Voss, Rudi; Quaas, Martin F.; Stiasny, Martina H.; Stecher Justiniano Pinto, Guil-herme A.; Lehmann, Andreas et al.). Journal of Environmental Management 238: 110–118, 2019.
Intertemporal Distribution, Sufficiency, and the Social Cost of Carbon (with M.F. Quaas). Ecological Economics 146: 520–535, 2018.
2020 - Invitation to the 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences
Bog Post on "Sind effektive CO2-Preise politisch umsetzbar?"
PIK press release on "Climate economics support for the UN climate targets"
Tagesspiegel article "UN-Klimaschutzziel liegt nahe am Kosten-Nutzen-Optimum"
SRF radio interview "Neue Berechnung der Klimakosten: Nobelpreisträger in der Kritik"
MDR article and interview "Was darf und muss Klimaschutz kosten?"
Here is my Twitter account.