PhD Stephanie Gleixner

Senior Scientist

Stephanie Gleixner is a Postdoctoral Researcher at PIK since May 2018. Her main research focus is on the quality of climate data and projected climate change in East Africa. As part of the working group Adaptation in Agricultural Systems, she evaluates, processes and provides climate data for PIK's crop modellers and investigates observed and projected climate change to support impact studies. Stephanie is an integral part of the EPICC (East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities) project, where she provides information on long-term climate change in the project countries Tanzania, Peru and India.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20818
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

After completing a bachelor degree in Meteorology at the FU Berlin, Stephanie pursued her interest in large-scale climate dynamics and studied Climate Physics at Geomar Kiel. Despite her private and professional affinity towards the tropics, Stephanie wrote her PhD thesis at the University of Bergen, Norway, about the the impact of the Pacific Ocean on Ethiopian summer rainfall. Stephanie joined In May 2018.

Stephanie's research interests are the predictability of tropical climate on seasonal and longer time-scales. She worked mainly with climate model data and investigated the quality of dynamical predictions. In particular, she is interested in how the reproducibility and predictability of the the tropical-large scale circulation affects such dynamical climate predictions. In EPICC, Stephanie holds the position of regional climate data researcher and will be in charge of collecting, processing and analyzing climate data.

  • Gleixner, S., Demissie, T. and Diro G.T. (2020): Did ERA5 Improve Temperature and Precipitation Reanalysis over East Africa? Atmosphere, 11 (9), 996.

  • Wang, Y., Counillon, F., Keenlyside, N.  Svendsen, L.; Gleixner, S., Kimmritz,M., Dai, P., Gao, Y. (2019): Seasonal predictions initialised by assimilating sea surface temperature observations with the EnKF. Clim Dyn 53, 5777–5797.

  • Gleixner, S.; Keenlyside, N.; Dimissie,T.; Counillon, F.; Wang,Y. and Viste E. (2017): Seasonal predictability of Kiremt rainfall in CGCMs. Environ. Res. Lett. 12, 114016

  • Gleixner, S., Keenlyside, N., Viste, E. and Korecha, D. (2016): The El Niño effect on Ethiopian summer rainfall. Clim Dyn 49, 1865–1883.

  • Gleixner, S., Keenlyside, N., Hodges, K.I., Tseng, W.L. and Bengtsson, L. (2014): An inter-hemispheric comparison of the tropical storm response to global warming. Climate dynamics42(7-8), pp.2147-2157.

  • Renggli, D., Leckebusch, G.C., Ulbrich, U., Gleixner, S.N. and Faust, E. (2011): The skill of seasonal ensemble prediction systems to forecast wintertime windstorm frequency over the North Atlantic and Europe. Monthly Weather Review139(9), pp.3052-3068.

EPICC (East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities)