Dietmar Gibietz-Rheinbay


 Dietmar Gibietz-Rheinbay
 IT-Services Team
 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research  (PIK)
 Telegraphenberg A31
 D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
 Phone: ++49-(0)331-288-2545


Fields of Responsibility


For scientific work today, the data access and communication services provided by computer networks are essential. However, computers attached to a network – particularly the worldwide Internet – are exposed to a wide range of security threats. Providing network services is a balancing act between open access and security. With a focus on operating the PIK computer network in a secure manner, and for protecting the user's valuable data, the IT-Services Team provides in-depth security and expert knowledge across all system platforms at PIK. Read more... [PDF, 1.6MB] [Article, text only]



Workstation computer management is the management service of all scientific workstations, office computers, notebook computers and public workplaces provided by the Information Technology services group  to the scientists at PIK. It encompasses the entire life cycle of all workstation computers, from the specification of standards and the provision of appropriate hard- and software, through the replacement by computer systems of the next generation. Workstation computer management also includes configuration management for hard- and software, security management, and a user help desk. Read more... [PDF, 8.2MB] [Article, text only]



As several software programs are restricted in terms of supported system environments, the IT-Service Group aims at extending the range of applications across the various workstation platforms at PIK, with only a minimum of constraints regarding a workstation’s hardware and operating system. This application service is built on the concept of server based computing, which separates the entire application logic from the presentation on the user's desktop. Through remote access to the application server cluster, mobile and remote users have access to applications and services at PIK. Read more... [PDF, 40KB] [Article, text only]


Further Activities and Interests

Computer Life Cycle Management

  • Deployment solutions for operating systems and applications
  • Management of machine images
  • Virtualization
  • Disaster Recovery

Windows Client Management

  • Security policies
  • Configuration management
  • Update/Hotfix management
  • Software deployment

Security Management

Windows Infrastructure Services

  • Active Directorey Domain
  • Application Server
  • Server Virtualization

Bike Riding

Bicycle riding is my favorite sports activity. Every year, I am participating with the Stadtradeln project, see - usually serving the community as the captain of team PIK-Rad