PhD Beatriz Gaitan


Beatriz Gaitan is a senior researcher working in the FutureLab Public Economics and Climate Finance. She received her PhD from the University of Minnesota's Applied Economics Department and by training she is a macroeconomist specialized in international trade.  Her current research focuses on analyzing the distributional and welfare implications of fiscal policy in the housing (real estate) sector. She is also conducting research on the theoretical understanding of climate change mitigation policies, in particular in the area of multilevel climate policy. In the past she has also conducted research in the area of exhaustible resources in the context of the resource curse.

Research interests

Public economics, residential real estate taxation, income and wealth distribution, multilevel climate policy, climate policy.

Papers submitted for peer review

Roolfs, Gaitan, Edenhofer, and Lessmann (under review): Technology Beats Capital - Sharing the Carbon Price Burden in Federal Europe (February 6, 2020). Working paper:

Roolfs, Gaitan, Edenhofer (under review): Make or brake — Rich states in voluntary federal emission pricing. Working paper:

Selected Publications

Edenhofer, O., Roolfs, C., Gaitan, B., Nahmmacher, P., Flachsland, C. (2017): Agreeing on an EU ETS Price Floor to Foster Solidarity, Subsidiarity and Efficiency in the EU. In Parry, I.; Pittel, L.; Vollebergh, H. (Eds.): Energy Tax and Regulatory Policy in Europe: Reform Priorities, MIT press. See MIT press or the pre-print version.

Gaitan, B., Roe, T. (2012)  International trade, exhaustible-resource abundance and economic growth, Review of Economic Dynamics, 15:1, 72–93.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
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