M.A. Eva Rahner

Science Coordinator

Eva Rahner started working at PIK for Founding Director John Schellnhuber in 2011. From 2012 onward she was, i. e., responsible for projects at the interface of climate science and art. In September 2017 Eva changed to the Science Management & Transfer team as central project manager of the BMBF funded project "BePerfekt".

After taking on tasks in the framework of the 2021 PIK evaluation by the Leibniz Association, for Director Johan Rockström and the Potsdam Summer School, Eva became the Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity's scientific coordinator in October 2021. In March 2022 Eva and 44 co-authors from the Leibniz network as well as partner institutions (e. g. iDiv, UFZ, Future Earth) published "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2022" for the first time. In December 2022 Eva, Leibniz Biodiversity speaker Kirsten Thonicke and colleagues published "10 Must Dos from Biodiversity Science 2022" in the run-up to the UN World Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15) in Montreal. In March 2024 Eva and 63 scientific colleagues published the "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024" which will be presented to a broader audience in an expert forum and an exhibition stand at the Woche der Umwelt (Week of Nature; in German only) at the German Federal President's garden of Bellevue Castle in Berlin.

Eva completed her studies at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz with an M. A. in 2004 and worked on- and offstage in various positions in theatre, film, television and for online media (i. e. as author and coordinator) before she settled at PIK.

At PIK Eva designed and carried out two theatre workshops in the course of the Global Sustainability Summer School (GSSS, 2012 and 2013) - a cooperation between PIK, IASS and the Santa Fe Institute - entitled "Commedia dell'arte Meets Extreme Events" (2012) and "ComplexCity: The (Almost) Silent Theatre Show" (2013). Together with Margret Boysen she was responsible for two climate concerts in cooperation with the Staatskapelle Berlin/Stiftung NaturTon in the Great Refractor (2013 and 2014).

In 2012 she founded the association Kunst schafft Wissen e. V. (Art Creates Knowledge; in German only) with two PIK colleagues. In 2014 Kunst schafft Wissen presented their first "climate science meets performing arts" project "KlimaKultur macht Schule" (ClimateCulture meets schools) for which the initiative was nominiated for the ZEIT WISSEN "Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit" (Encouraging Sustainability) award 2015. In September and October 2015 Eva's play "Die kleine Klimaprinzessin" (The little climate princess) was staged in front of over 450 viewers at the premises of the Potsdam Telegraph Hill. PIK was a main partner in both projects.

Eva co-hosted the ARD and ZDF children channel KiKA's climate series "Die Klimaretter - Wer spart, gewinnt" (The Climate Savers - Who saves, wins; in German only) in September 2016. Due to high viewer ratings, the TV series was rebroadcasted by ZDF (2016, 2020) and by KiKA (2017). Eva was furthermore part of the "Checkpoint XXL - Der große CO2-Battle" (Checkpoint XXL - The big CO2 battle) on-screen team. "Checkpoint XXL" was a dynamic 90-minute game and quiz show. It received the German youngster award Goldener Spatz 2017 in its entertainment category.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2631
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity (2024): 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024. Thonicke, K., Rahner, E., Arneth, A., Bonn, A., Borchard, N., Chaudhary, A., Darbi, M., Dutta, T., Eberle, U., Eisenhauer, N., Farwig, N., Flocco, C. G., Freitag, J., Grobe, P., Grosch, R., Grossart, H. P., Grosse, A., Grützmacher, K., Hagemann, N., Hansjürgens, B., Hartman Scholz, A., Hassenrück, C., Häuser, C., Hickler, T., Hölker, F., Jacob, U., Jähnig, S., Jürgens, K., Kramer-Schadt, S., Kretsch, C., Krug, C., Lindner, J. P., Loft, L., Mann, C., Matzdorf, B., Mehring, M., Meier, R., Meusemann, K., Müller, D., Nieberg, M., Overmann, J., Peters, R. S., Pörtner, L., Pradhan, P., Prochnow, A., Rduch, V., Reyer, C., Roos, C., Scherber, C.,  Scheunemann, N., Schroer, S., Schuck, A., Sioen, G. B., Sommer, S., Sommerwerk, N., Tanneberger, F., Tockner, K., van der Voort, H., Veenstra, T., Verburg, P., Voss, M., Warner, B., Wende, W., Wesche, K. Potsdam, Germany, 72 pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10837769


Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity (2022): 10 Must Dos from Biodiversity Science 2022.                                 Rahner, E., Grosse, A., Thonicke, K. (Eds.). Potsdam, Germany. 4 pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7361181

Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity (2022): 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2022.                                         Thonicke, K., Rahner, E., Arneth, A., Bartkowski, B., Bonn, A., Döhler, C., Finger, R., Freitag, J., Grosch, R.,  Grossart, H.-P., Grützmacher, K., Hartman Scholz, A., Häuser, C., Hickler, T., Hölker, F., Jähnig, S. C., Jeschke, J.,  Kassen, R., Kastner, T., Kramer-Schadt, S., Krug, C., Lakner, S., Loft, L., Matzdorf, B., Meakins, F., De Meester, L.,  Monaghan, M. T., Müller, D., Overmann, J., Quaas, M., Radchuk, V., Reyer, C., Roos, C., Scholz, I., Schroer, S.,  Sioen, G. B., Sommer, S., Sommerwerk, N., Tockner, K., Turk, Z., Warner, B., Wätzold, F., Wende, W., Veenstra, T.  and van der Voort, H. Potsdam, Germany. 60 pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6257527


Rahner, S., Rahner, E. (2020). Zuversicht in Zeiten der Krise. der Freitag, 25/2020.


Sylla, U., Rahner, E., Werp, R., Henn, A. (2017). Analyse des Weiterbildungsbedarfs im Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Wissenschaftsmanagement – Zeitschrift für Innovation, 23, 5, Lemmens, Bonn.


Rahner, E. (2017). Die kleine Klimaprinzessin. BildungsCent, Berlin. 2. Auflage.