Professor, Dr Elena Surovyatkina


2005 Habilitation in theoretical physics (D.Sc.), Russian Academy of Sciences, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia      
Title of the dissertation: Fluctuations and noise-dependent phenomena at quasi-stationary and dynamical bifurcation transitions
1996 Ph. D. in theoretical physics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Moscow, Russia.
Title of the dissertation: Dynamical bifurcations in presence of noise 
1986 M. S. in Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia         


Elena Surovyatkina has her expertise in theoretical physics in the field of theory of critical phenomena. She has contributed to the understanding of critical transitions with the new theory of Nonlinear saturation of pre-bifurcation noise amplification and the rise of the correlation time. Obtained theoretical findings gave rise to a series of new results in different fields such as: 

- Cardiac Dynamics,

- Liquid Crystals Dynamics,

- Climate Dynamics, Monsoon forecasting,

- Thermoacoustic Instability.

In particular, she revealed that the multistability (a coexistence of several types of rhythms) is an intrinsic property of a human cardiac cell. She discovered new phenomena of overcooling and overheating of Critical Temperatures in the Landau-de Gennes theory of Liquid Crystals. Recently, she proposed the method of Nonlinear control of Thermoacoustic Instability based on the rate-depended phenomena. Currently, her research is devoted to the spatially organized critical transitions in Climate. The most significant contribution in climate dynamics is a new methodology of the earliest forecast of the Indian summer monsoon.


 EPICC - East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities

The project can also be found under the name"Climate Capacity Building: Risk Anticipation and Minimization". It is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.

Within the EPICC, Elena Surovyatkina is a Leader of the group of Indian Monsoon forecasting. Her aim is to provide the Indian population with a long-term forecast of the onset and withdrawal of the Indian Summer Monsoon (the Southwest Monsoon) for the central part of India. The long-term forecast means 40 days in advance for the onset date, and 70 days in advance for the withdrawal date. In 2016 -2018 she proved that such early prediction of the monsoon timing is possible. Her earliest forecast is spreading over India for taking appropriate decisions at various levels from farmers' fields to the Government of India.

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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2056[at]
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14412 Potsdam


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